Hi people.
Name: Nicole Anne
Ethnicality: White (Irish, Indian, German)
Age: 16
Birthday: April 14
Likes/wants: I like a guy who can make me laugh and doesn't care about looks, only personality. I want him to like me for me, not just because I have a somewhat nice avi. He has to be cool, have a great personality and has to be at least 16 or 17.
I was with my ex-boyfriend for 9 months when he just suddenly stoped getting on. I have donated over 1 million to him and he promised to pay me back but never did so I am going to stop the whole donating thing.
Dislikes: Someone mean, only cares about looks, has a very bad personality, beggers/bummers, and older guys. I want someone around my age so we could have at least something in common.

I also wish to rule the world for if I did I would bring peace to it my way. Inorder to end war you have to create one and to do so means the death of many but if it brings peace in the long run so be it. I will obtain peace.