Name: Harley Knight
Aliases/ Nicknames: Kane Bell, Mysterious Dr X, OC

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 17 death:29th September

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Izanagi User Image

Zanpaktou: User Image

Shikai Release: Awaken, Izanagi!

Shikai: Achieved, It is the same weapon as the spirit holds

Bankai: Not achieved

Special Accessories: none

Skills: intelligence gathering

Abilities: manipulation of time and space

Personality: Carefree, lazy, flirtatious, gets bored easily.

Biography/History: Grew up without ever knowing who his father is, he managed to be friends with most people he met. His life was uneventful for the most part, he just lived life as a normal person, just without a father, until he died...

Signature/Patented Technique: none as of yet

Guild Status: been around for a while, but hasn't been on much, so lets just say new.

Online Schedule: I come from Englad, so my time zone is different, but i normally get on at a good enough time for people in america, my time is most usually from 8PM-11PM, sometimes later when I can't sleep, on weekdays, weekends is whenever I feel like. Remember, that is my time, not americas.