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The day been long and boring for the young male lion. He had been carrying around his usual leather pouch around his neck, collecting rocks and things he found along his travels. Tarakazi wasn't a social butterfly, and hardly knew anyone outside his family, although there were so many members that he hardly got bored.

Today was different, though. He had decided to explore the place he calls home, even though wanderlust didn't envelope him often, and surely not enough to take him outside the pride's lands. He had just had an urge to explore, perhaps visit the other houses, which he had never done before.

Two-toned eyes spotted a rock ahead that glinted in the bright afternoon sun, and Kazi grinned with childish delight as he approached the stone. It was brightly colored, with every color the young lion could think of, and gave off a light green aura.

As he neared, the rock spoke to him, and begged for him to take her home. It told him it had come from far away, carried in the mouth a bird, and dropped here when said bird had tired of it. Kazi felt bad for the rock. "You poor dear," He said as he lightly pushed the rock over, examining it from all sides. "I'll take care of you, don't worry! I know momma said I gotta keep my collection to a minimum, but even she'll appreciate how pretty you are! And what a fascinating tale!"

With a gentle grip he picked the rock up in his teeth and slid it inside the pouch around his neck, smiling brightly at the newest friend he had made.