Kilunzi yawned and stretched, gazing around in quiet boredom. She was by herself again. Well, that wasn't quite true. She smiled over at the sleeping form of her companion Irc. The bird had his beak tucked under his wing and was resting peacefully. Kilu shifted quietly so as not to disturb him. She'd met the bird only a short time ago, almost completely by chance and he had stayed with her since then. It almost seemed as though they were were made for each other. Perhaps they were.

Kilu sent a thoughtful thanks towards Hestia, the Goddess of Birds, for sending Irc to her. His personality matched hers and he was more than happy to share the burden of so many secrets with her.

Still, even with Irc's companionship, Kilunzi felt a bit lonely. Others came to her to tell her their secrets, but after that, many didn't want to spend more time with her. Having someone know your secrets is an uncomfortable thing and Kilu had seen it happen more than once.

She was getting to know a few of the other deities and she hoped to make a few friends. There was no reason she couldn't make friends with a few of them, since the effect she had on mortals did not apply to the other gods. It would be nice to find another deity who understood and perhaps shared similar interests.

Who knows, she thought to herself, Maybe someone will come along.