Where was Airi?

Despite a lack of sight, Laini was certain that the fluffy, cuddly God of Patience she'd previously met wasn't here. She couldn't hear anyone, no footsteps. In an unfortunate incident she'd since learnt to listen for the quiet yet distinct sound of wings, yet she couldn't hear that either. Just silence. Well, except for Jicho. But she knew the sound of his chatter, his wings, so well she could distinguish them clearly. The bat chirped softly, stretching his wings open before folding them back in again, settling down in his spot on Laini's hind. Having tried out several spots on her body for comfort and ease, he'd eventually settled on her rump - he was least likely to get knocked off when Laini moved, and could still halt her with a quick n**. Perfect.

"Airi?" the cub finally called a little shakily, sitting herself down with a frown. This had definitely been where she'd met him last time, she hadn't smelt anything like this before. It wasn't pleasant, but it was bearable. Especially since it meant she'd be meeting Airi again! She'd really...really liked him. He'd been nice to her, and his mane was so close to what she remembered of her mother... All warm and fluffy and cuddly. She'd fallen asleep in it in no time!

Jicho gave a chatter. No-one was here. Laini whined, a long, low sound. She didn't like him not being here.