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[PRP] I've come such a long way. (Safi & Sewti) [FIN]

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Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:12 pm
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It'd been a long journey, from the time that Safi first figured out that she was pregnant to this border of a pride she had only heard about. The normally fun and flirty lioness was now weathered and exhausted, her expression fearful and resigned... and hopeful at the same time. Not that anyone could see it at the moment, but those emotions had been running circles in her head for a while now.

This had to work... she need a place for the cubs that made her belly stick so far out and slowed her travel. And ruined her hunting too, as evidence by the pinching in her stomach she felt far to often for her taste. A pride seemed the only way... and if the stories were true, this one might just be what the bright yellow lioness needed.

Safety... acceptance... assistance. That's what she needed, and hoped to find here. That's is, of course, she even found someone to lead her to the pride.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:31 pm
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Sewti was definitely no stranger to finding random creatures wandering about on the pride's lands. They were drawn by all sorts of things - the ocean, the fruitfulness of the jungle, and sometimes even by the promise of the pride's protection and acceptance. What she wasn't quite accustomed to, however, was the sight of a sunny and very pregnant lioness looking lost and forlorn on the borders.

"Uh.." Sewti actually stopped, stilled and silenced for one of the first times in her life. She was rarely lost for words, but she was surprised! She furrowed her brows a bit as she propelled herself forward, deciding now wasn't the time to ask questions. She would do what she always did - offer the pride as sanctuary. It was apparent this lioness needed it.

"Excuse me," she said finally, drawing up nearer to the pregnant lioness, "are you looking for something?" That seemed to be a good icebreaker, right?


Eloquent Lunatic

Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:49 pm
The appearance of the first lion she'd seen in days came as a bit of a surprise for Safi and she started before breaking out in a sheepish smile. With her head lowered and her ears back, she probably looked pretty pathetic... but for once, how she looked wasn't a high priority for her.

"Oh! Oh my, you rather scared me there. I was starting to think I was all alone out here! And, um, yes... I am looking for something. I don't suppose you'd happen to know where the Kizingo'zaa live? I heard they were open to outsiders joining, and well... I need a place to stay for a while... maybe for a long, long while." Probably wasn't the best idea to just lay herself bare like this to a lioness she didn't even know, but... Safi was just too tired to care right now. If someone killed her for being unwary, she'd almost be revealed, just to not have to struggle so hard any more... with cubs, with her lack of home, and the way her body didn't seem to fit right, getting more and more bloated with the cubs she hadn't wanted...

But then again, this lioness -could- be the answer to the prayers she had fervently been casting into the wind, hoping some god up there would hear them. She'd never met a god, only heard stories, but it had been worth the try, hadn't it?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:15 pm
Sewti's worried expression faded away and was replaced with a pleasant smile, an answering chuckle accompanying it as she realized that the lioness was looking for one of the very few things that Sewti could provide to her.

"Actually, I happen to be the Protector of the Kizingo'Zaa," she dipped her head as she said that, eyes shutting briefly with the introduction, "my name is Sewti." Her head rose back up and her bright eyes settled on the even brighter lioness. "I can take you to the pride, since it seems you are very much in need of our help." She nodded her head in the direction she'd been walking from, then turned half that way as an indication that she should follow her.

"I have a few rules the pride lives by, though, and I'll have to discuss those with you before we get to the main pride caves." Of course Sewti didn't really think that was going to be a problem with the lioness' condition - she didn't seem particularly capable of trouble-making.


Eloquent Lunatic

Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:11 am
Relief was like a tangible thing, washing away worry and exhaustion like rain washes mud from the back of a hippo. For the first time in a long while, Safi's smile was uninhibited and wide, far closer to her old, carefree and ditzy smile. She fell into step beside the stranger gratefully, happy to finally find a guide and even happier to have a sort of companion.

It had been a heavy weight on Safi to be so very alone with her little 'problems', a weight that she wasn't used to and seemingly not equipped to handle. She wasn't a serious lioness by any means, and all this struggle and worry was having a very real effect on her sense of self. Still, she'd found what she was looking for and things finally seemed to be looking up.

"Oh, I can follow rules like you wouldn't believe!" She said chattily, her whole posture and attitude easing now. "My name is Safi'kidege, by the way... And I'd like to say that I'm very, very grateful you found me, or I found you, whichever. You're heaven sent."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:28 am
Sewti couldn't help but smile in the presence of the other female, even with her in such a condition as she was. She seemed to simply radiate a bubbly personality - she'd fit right into the pride as far as Sewti could tell. Once she fell into step at her side, Sewti began to walk forward. She was glad for once that they were rather close to the pride heart. She wasn't sure she would want this girl to walk too far.

"I'm not heaven sent, maybe just muse sent." She smirked at this, thinking about Kisi's lecture over this idea, but shook it away and tried to bring a more serious look to her face. "Which brings me to my first warning. This prides is a bit.. special." She paused and glanced around them as if to make sure no one was near, even though she knew they weren't. She wasn't crazy, not like the rest of the pride, and she felt she owed it to others to warn them before they decided to stay. Not everyone enjoyed going insane, after all.

"This pride believes in muses, and they can hear them. Right now you can't, but the longer you stay here the more they will begin to speak to you, do you understand?" She wouldn't try to drive her away, but she would make her understand.


Eloquent Lunatic

Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:45 am
Safi blinked a bit as she thought about the muses. See, she'd heard something about that, but hadn't really credited it. It was just one of those quaint pride traditions that never really sank in on her, as a carefree rogue. She wasn't sure she believed in it (after all, she'd never heard a rock talk and she thought she remembered someone mentioning that), but hey... to each their own, right?

"I don't know, I guess. Its rather hard to believe, you know? Things like rocks and trees talking to you... just seems like something someone would make up to be more important, sort of. Not that there is anything wrong with it!" She hastened to add, not wanting to upset her new 'friend'. She was part of the pride, after all. "I kinda reserve my opinions till after I've seen something, you know? I keep an open mind, long as no one is standing around telling me what to do or what to think... I'll give them the same." She smiled brightly, her pawsteps seeming lighter now, despite the heavy bulk she carried on them. In another time and place, she might have been a dancer, but here it just meant a sort of careless grace.

"If something odd starts talking to me, well, I guess I'll just talk back and be polite and see how it goes, right?"
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:01 am
"Oh, you can certainly believe whatever you'd like to!" But that smile was there, that knowing smile, the one that said she didn't really have a choice in the end. Sewti knew they heard the muses but didn't know why - just like she didn't know why she didn't. She'd given her fair warning though and that was enough to clear her conscience.

She let them fall to silence for a moment as she studied the beach around them (to others the long stretch could look unchanging, but small things like the treeline and random bushes or rocks told her where she was) to judge where they were. They were getting closer now, for sure. "Our most important rule, as well, is that you must never be violent within our borders. We are a sanctuary, but I think you knew that?" She turned a raised brow on the sunny girl. "We shelter anyone that has need of it, no question of their past, so long as they perform no violence while they are with us."


Eloquent Lunatic

Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:38 am
The silence wasn't really a comfortable one for the bright little bird, who prefered to fill silences with her own chatter, but... she hardly knew this new friend and she was still aware enough of others not to want to bother her with insesant talk. Some people didn't care for that, though she had no idea why. After all, the exchange of ideas was so stimulating, and sharing things formed bonds of friendship and understanding! Even her internal monologe was filled with chatter.

It was a relief, then, when the other spoke again. Safi gave her a playful look, letting her steps swagger to emphasise her heavy state. "I don't suppose I look violent to you, do I? I have a hard time harming my food, let along another lion." She giggled, swishing her tail. "I don't see a problem with me picking fights, I'd much rather be friends and have fun. Though, I do appreciate the rule since that means no one will hurt me in return, which is a very good thing as far as I'm concerned. I also heard you don't... judge by color? I heard some prides put stock in the color of your coat, and I... I don't really know how the cubs are going to come out. I... wouldn't want them judged like that." Her voice turned sober at the end, serious as she rarely was. Unexpected and initially unwanted her cubs might be, but she would still try to be a mother to them. It wasn't their fault they were born to an air brained lioness.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:56 am
Sewti laughed at the small swagger the lioness put on, finding that if she had to keep running into rogues to bring back to the pride, it wouldn't be so bad if even some of them were half as entertaining as this one. At least she had a story to tell Nili later!

"No, no, you don't look violent or dangerous to me at all - no offense. It's just a requirement to tell everyone before we let them enter." She she shrugged her shoulders and let her head waver a little from side to side. "You know, formalities and all." Only, if the lioness had known the pride, she probably would have laughed at the idea of any formalities.

Sewti's eyes were drawn away as up ahead the cliff face of the pride presented itself. The main den of the pride royals was there, and other smaller ones where the day's hunting spoils were kept. Sewti only paused long enough to look at her unfortunate companion with a reassuring smile. "We accept everyone here. Color, species, past - it makes no difference to us. Our only rule is that they must be peaceful in our borders."

She then nodded her head towards a den where a black and red lioness stood just outside, raising a paw to point just in case she didn't get the idea. "That is the head huntress of our pride, if you go to her and tell her I sent you, she'll see that you get a proper meal." She turned to face the lioness again, nodding her head.


Eloquent Lunatic

Whimsical Blue

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:09 pm
The view of the pridal dens as they can around the bend widened Safi's coral eyes and she paused for a moment to take it all in. Sewti's words just seemed to emphasize the feeling of peace that she got from the place, the feeling of uplifting and hope that settled where worry and anxiety had been. Yes, this would certainly do for Safi and her cubs.

No past, no species, no color would bar her cubs, or her, from having a full life here. Even if Safi had never wished to be tied down, even to a place, if she had to be now, this was the place to do it as far as she was concerned.

When Sewti pointed out where Safi should go, the bright lioness turned an even brighter smile on her before reaching to bump her head affectionally against her shoulder. "Thank you. You've helped me more than you can know! I'm so very grateful for... everything!" She said, her voice thick with feeling. Looking back herself, an expression of horror crossed her face before she suppressed it into a weak grin.

"Oh, my... I look like a wreak! Not the best face to show to a new pride!" She chuckled weakly, shaking herself all over to try and ride herself of at least some of the dust. "Well, nothing for it I guess. I'll have to go splashing in some water later to clean up." She straightened herself up and turned to face the dens, her pose confident but respectful. "Well... thank you again! And I hope to see you again soon." She said brightly over her shoulder before setting off.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:15 pm
"You're welcome!" Sewti called after the pleasant lioness, smiling to herself from the sheer joy that radiated from her even despite all the misfortune that seemed to be following her. "I'll see you soon, after you get settled!"

Then, once she was sure the female was going where she needed to and well on her way to getting what she needed, Sewti turned away and headed for what she needed - some well earned time with her mate after a long day of work.

At least it had been an enjoyable bit of work today.


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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