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Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

Asalam Alaykum! xD

Pathan here, with a short message, still a very important message smile

As many of You already know we have released our first Member Of The Month contest, and the 5 nominated guys are:

1. Four Mile Sprint
2. Busra96
3. Gun and Rose
4. Max-less
5. Aneesha Lantis

Congratz to all of these smile But it only just began wink Everyone should go to
>> THIS << topic and vote for one of those. The winner will get a total amount of 15k smile

If You wish to be nomniated, try to post a lot in the guild, and do a good job, and You will insha'allah be placed at the list =)

Well that was a short message, please enjoy =) And take care.

Allah Hafiz

The Muslim Guild Of Gaia