Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:02 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:34 am
Okay, I'll get right on that! Would you like me to start, and if so, where would he most likely be?
*too many questions*
Would you be interested in a long-term plot, perchance?
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:35 pm
Thank you! Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind? Umm. Necro goes just about anywhere. xD
And yes~ I love long-term plots!
Also I'm just warning you guys right now, My firefox is having issues with gaia right now. I'm trying my hardest to fix it, but till I do get it fixed I can't tag any roleplays. Sorry! D: Ilu guys though. emo Stupid gaia just is messing up. Edit: Fix'd it! <3 Will get on the tags now.
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:03 pm
Yesss~ Finally. 8D I have tagged all my roleplays! (Cept the ones with eyota, since ily eyota but I just have no muse for you.) Sorry for the wait guys~
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:35 pm
Are you still looking for friends for Necro? If so I have Quenthel. ^_^ Or if you would prefer any other soq she could be friends with that would be cool too. ^_^
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:12 am
Yes I am still looking for friends for necro. <3 I'd love for him to meet Quenthel!
But I would like to say something. I'm moving on monday, to my friend's house which WILL NOT have internet for a while. So I won't be able to get online! The earliest I'm gonna be able to get online on my computer is the 20th. And even that date is up in the air. I'll see if I can get down to the library and check gaia, but I will not have the time to be tagging ANYTHING. I'm sorry guys! :C I wish it was different. But I'll be back soon! And when I get back I'll tag all my owned roleplays~ See ya soon!
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:06 am
Good luck moving. It will be exciting to get an rp started when you get back. Have fun ^_^
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:35 pm
Hey its me again~ ive been really MIA recently and i was trying to catch up on everything gaia wise and i was reminded of our planned RPs. I don't think we ever did them [don't fail me now memory D;] and i hope you are still up for them <3
I would also love if Neri met your new voodoo boyo! As well as ceros and Neri's mother Selena. xD;; Nerissa would probably provide the most comedic meet-and-greet though. I think it would be cute if she ran into him as an older foal and then they became friends. She is very accepting, but her trust is hard to earn, but she gives out respect when she sees the other deserves it. ^^
Good luck with the move and sorry for bugging you again x3
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:10 pm
Oh hi pale! I'm so sorry for not replying but I didn't even see your post till just now.
I would love for Necro to met Neri! :'D
Also I would just like to say, With our roleplays planned out with Seamus and cult they will be a no. Sadly, I had to break off their lifemating because Beth has not been on.
I would like to say that I am back from my break! I'll be trying to get back into the fray.
I also have to say that...NECRO IS NOW A PAPA! :'D Me and masa have won a slot in riri's breeding with virus and necro! Yaayy.
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:45 pm
Poll, did you still want that match between the goatman and Vladimir? xD
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:42 pm
Sorry I did not reply to this sooner. But would you mind doing it over aim? And then we can log it and post in in the guilds? I've stopped taking on guild roleplays because I have so many backed up that I need to tag.