Rama: 10:14 am (10:14:12 AM):     Stupid mortal female... what did she know? Mortals were deluded, idiotic, and completely oblivious to reality. How dare she insult him! Did she know who he was? What he was? Obviously not.
    Huffing under his breath, the young adult stormed over the soft, plush grass towards the still, clear waters of a watering hole. Everything was better in the god's haven. The water was clearer, and there weren't any witless prey beasts to stirr up the water and distort his reflection. There weren't fish mixing their filth with the drinking water.
    His paws came within a claw's length from the water's edge. Peering down into the water, he turned his head to one side and flashed a grin to himself. A practiced, easy expression that, in his mind, was guarenteed to win the heart of any lady who was fortunate enough to gain his attention.
    What was she talking about? He was beautiful! The most charming thing to walk the earth or draw breath! His mane, thick and black as ebony, fell over his shoulders with just the right amount of curl. His chest was thick and broad, well-muscled but not overly so, his wings were the largest of his littermates and the best kept!
    "Ooh don't let her upset you~", He spoke to himself in a soft, lightly accented voice, "You are, as your mother said, perfect! Look at those eyes! A woman could get lost in those for years!"

Dili: 10:43 am (10:43:49 AM):     This was.... interesting. To say the least.
    Dili could actually in fact, remember her many rebirths, but it always came as a surprise to her when it actually happened. Passing from being an adult to being a cub in what she concidered as the blink of an eye was always unexpectedly refreshing. She had many things to get used to; the length of her step, her powers, her looks, her features... they were all different, at least from last time, and she'd spent quite a long while as her old self.
    She was lingering the god haven till she was sure she could control bother her growing powers and her steps (it was hard to walk with her long tail and her long, flowing hair without tripping). She'd gotten the walking down, but was still working on getting her powers under control. As it was...  they falred often without her wanting to, shattering illusions and denial, which some of the other gods were not taking kindly to, though were enduring regardless because... well, she was a cub, and a polite one, at that.
    He paws took her past Rama without sparing him a second glance as she peered over the edge of the river and into the water; she felt newly born (which was true, really) and she hadn't had time to take a good look at herself, for she'd been rather busy trying to rein in her powers.
    Her reflection started back at her from the water, and she admired one side of her face and then the other; her only regret was that her horn was VERY small. She hoped it would in time grow. It made for white the weapon when it was long and she was in trouble. As it was right now though... it wasn't of very much use.
    Poor Rama was being ignored, but not on purpose.

Rama: 11:01 am (11:01:38 AM):     His gentle coaxing did little to soothe his nerves. How could anyone, anyone say such horrible, untrue things about someone as obviously unflawed as he was? He walked with the grace of a king and carried a godly air about him. His voice was sweeter- well hello.
    The male lifted his head up from the water, chin tipping just so, and ears falling to a comfortable position that not only took the strain and wrinkles out of his face, but allowed his ears just the right amount of exposure through his mane. A young female wandered, seemingly dazed, to the side of the pool. This was his chance! He'd prove, once and for all, that he was simply irresistible. It was destiny! Why else would such a cute little thing happen his way at just the right moment. She was a little young, far too young, but a little harmless admiration never hurt anyone.
    He threw his chest out and tipped his head just slightly. He flashed a thin, charming smile her way and rolled his shoulders back. A beautiful display he'd rehearsed for hours by the pool side. His movements came naturally now, the stiff hesitation had all but faded from his demeanor.
    He paused, waiting for the impending sighs of appreciation and the adoring coos of the female...that never came.
    His brow wrinkled. She was looking at herself!? How could she!? He was standing right there, was she blind!? That's it, she was blind! She had to be! No one could miss him!
    He cleared his throat and took an easy step forward, tossing the mane from his eyes. "The morning sighs out a soft breeze that dances through the silvery waves that frame your delicate face, and a stranger, intimidating as he is charming, offers you his greeting."
    Hah. No woman could resist such poetry, and adorned with his voice and his accent? Impossible.

Dili: 11:21 am (11:21:50 AM):     She had been so busy tilting her head tils way and that, looking at her horns and watching the way her hair pooled one way or another depending on her movement that she hadn't been aware she'd captured someone's attention. Most gods left her to her doings, as she did them - not all of them got along, but they had some sort of... unspoken truce while in the haven. Her domain rarely got along with others'. After all... very few people liked the trth. The real, honest to go truth, and she couldn't help but be a personification of said domain. Hers weren't opinions when she spoke; they were Truth and there was very little she could do about it.
    His words took her by surprise (as did his presence, though this was hardly done on purpose, for she'd SEEN him, she'd just sort of... tuned him out in favor of more important things - like the river she'd been aiming for, he was hardly the only god around after all!) . Her golden eyes raised from the waters to look up at him, her hair obscuring one from sight as she regarded him.
    For a long moment, she remain silent, trying to figure out exactly what he wanted her to answer to... to... what had that even been? Was he trying pick up lines? This was awkward, "Hello," she offered finally, politely, refined as she turned towards him, ignoring the river in favor of offering him her full attention; after all, it was only proper to do so. Dili was trying to figure out WHOM he might be.
    With such an opening phrase, the only thing that came to mind was poetry. Or bad pick up lines, or perhaps seduction or lust. Good lord, "And whom might this ...." she couldn't bring herself to say 'intimidating', because honestly, he looked like the type that would cry over a broken claw, "Stranger be? My name is Audilifu, but they call me Dili. I am Truth."

Rama: 11:50 am (11:50:55 AM):     She was awestruck, he knew it! Stuttering already, she was so taken with him. He puffed his chest out and brought a paw  against his collarbone. "I am Rama~! Mkodi's gift to the gods, the strong shoulder that the ladies cry on, and the male that all others strive to become!"
    He reached a paw out and caught hers lightly. Bringing it up to his mouth he planted a single, soft lick then brought his eyes up to smile into hers. "I am the god of egotism- but don't let the domain fool you. I really am quite humble."

Dili: 11:57 am (11:57:14 AM):     Oh, dear gods.
    It might've been clear to an onlooker than Dili had absolutely no idea how to tackle the situation or how to even take it in. It wasn't often that the goddess found herself uncertain of things, but she was clearly considering praying that the earth split beneath her feet and swallow her whole.
    She was trying for all she was worth to keep her mouth shut. After all, the poor guy was sweet, and it was clear he was HARDLY a threat, but nothing of what he said was TRUE! The longer she stayed beside him, the harder it was going to get for him to even THINK that way, much less say such things.
    "Uhm," she finally murmured, blinking as he took a paw in his and kissed it, "Oh god," she said, and then, as if she couldn't quite help it, continued, "Actually, you're not humble at all. You're extremely overbearing, and quite over the top, I must say. Also, I'm afraid to inform that you are hardly a gift to the gods and I would be very surprised if other male strived to become egotistical like you," no sooner had she spoken that she let out a small sigh, "Truth," she said again, "My domain is truth - I can not lie. I can say nothing but the truth," she said it almost as a form of apology.

Rama: 12:12 pm (12:12:54 PM):     Rama's jaw fell. Here he was showing her a royal welcome into his presence, bestowing her with the honor of knowing his name, and his fond attentions and she insults him!? The male leaned back and slowly withdrew his paw.
    Blue eyes darted between hers, searching for any thread of humor or sarcasm in her features that her voice and tone had otherwise neglected. Finding none, the feathers along the ridge of his shoulders bristled. She meant that?! She couldn't possibly mean that! That wasn't truth! That was -delusion-. After all, he could convince himself that his head was a gourd if he thought about it long enough. Maybe it was a truth to her, in which case...
    She thought he was flawed!?
    He shook his head sharply. If he thought about this too much he'd make a mountain out of what might have been a molehill. He saved face with a pleasant, light bout of laughter.
    "Ooh poor cub. So young and blind to the ways of the world! I pity you, really." Me ran his claws through his mane, just in case something had fallen out of place in the last few minutes. "I think egotism is so misunderstood, a pity really. You and I aren't so different, you see I simply acknowledge my own greatness rather than delude myself with false modesty. See? That would be a lie. I'm simply being honest."

Dili: 12:45 pm (12:45:24 PM):     She saw the way the feathers on his shoulders bristled and the cub prepared herself for the long rant she doubtlessly thought she was going go get, given the expression he was wearing; he looked horribly insulted. In her defense, Dili really couldn't help herself. She couldn't lie, not even to pamper someone's ego. There were no white lies. There was no grey in her world; there were just things that were true, and things that were not true.
    Needless to say, when the male suddenly relaxed and let out a bout of pleasent laughter... Dili was mildly perplexed and just a bit unsure of what to say or how to answer him.
    "I am hardly blind," she told him politely, "And while I might look young... it's hard to really be 'young' when you remember all your past lives with almost irritating, microscopic detail," again she regarded him, her gold eyes evaluating his form before she frowned, "No," she told him, and then shook her head, "No, no, I'm afraid you're wrong. I've seen many gods with greater wings, greater horns... more beautiful markings, though the dragon marking around your leg is rather charming, but I disgress. There's nothing particularly great about you, that I can see? You are you, but hardly perfect, and hardly a gift to us all," another pause as she took a step forward, her brows furrowing again, "Hmmm.... that' strange. My powers must not be very strong yet, or maybe they're off at the moment - you see, I can't control them very well just yet, being just reborn and all... but that is horribly strange. My mere presence should be enough to help uncloud your mind of your delusion."
    She didn't mean to be turning his words back on him, and it was clear from the polite, sweet way she was looking at him that she actually didn't mean to insult him - children could be horribly cruel though, specially when they were being so bluntly honest as Dili was.

Rama: 12:56 pm (12:56:29 PM):     DELUSION!? HIM!? NEVER!
    He took a step back as she leaned in closer to him, his eyes blazing with a silent fury. No one had greater horns! No one had greater wings or markings! No one was greater than he was! They had -different- horns, true, larger horns, true, larger wings, larger... everything but that just meant they were unessicarily large! His were of perfect size! He could fly without effort, his horns were sharp as spears and beautifully curved. Two proud pillars of silver! How dare she say such things. Charming? His marking wasn't -charming- it was amazing! -He- was charming but she didn't have the good sense to say that.
    He huffed, highly indignant to her words and practicly trembled with rage. "I... Am... not... listen to you! You sound like you know everything! There's nothing wrong with me. It's the burden of my domain, so heavy! You should feel sorry for me."