This post is continued from "Breaking Dawn Quotes I" and "Breaking Dawn Quotes II." All quotes are listed in the order they appeared in the book. Please contact me about any mistakes.

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272. For a tiny space, I was disappointed. What? No magic visions, no formidable offensive abilities like, oh, shooting lightning bolts from my eyes or something? Nothing helpful or cool at all? (Bella)

273. I know – I’ll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors. (Alice)

274. She has never been set down in her entire life. She’s going to be the most spoiled half-vampire in existence. (Alice)

275. I wasn’t afraid of hitting a tree; the tree would be the only one getting hurt in that scenario. (Bella)

276. You’re giving me a house for my birthday? (Bella)

277. Edward had always thought that he belonged to the world of horror stories. Of course, I’d known that he was dead wrong. It was obvious that he belonged here. In a fairy tale. And now I was in the story with him. (Bella)

278. I sighed. My baby, the sea serpent. Maybe there was no help for it. Well, I wasn’t giving in. (Bella)

279. We’re going to tell Alice that I ran right to the clothes. We’re going to tell her I spent hours in there playing dress-up. We’re going to lie. (Bella)

280. He had the most beautiful, perfect body in the world and I had him all to myself, and it didn’t feel like I was every going to find a point where I would think, Now I’ve had enough for one day. I was always going to want more. And the day was never going to end. So, in such a situation, how did we ever stop? It didn’t bother me at all that I had no answer. (Bella)

281. So it’s still standing? I would’ve thought you two had knocked it to rubble by now. What were you doing last night? Discussing the national debt? (Emmett)

282. The more time he spends here, the less chance there is that we’ll ever get the smell out. (Rosalie)

283. I’m sure you’ll ace your classes… apparently there’s nothing interesting for you to do at night besides study. (Emmett)

284. Look at you! You need me to show you how to use your closet. (Alice)

285. That’s just a theory, mongrel. You think we should test it out on Charlie? Did you consider the physical pain you’re putting Bella through, even if she can resist? Or the emotional pain if she doesn’t? I suppose what happens to Bella no longer concerns you! (Edward)

286. He’s brave. Brave as you are. Didn’t pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should’ve seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless. (Jacob)

287. You have thirty seconds to tell me every single word before I give Renesmee to Rosalie and rip your miserable head off. Seth won’t be able to stop me this time. (Bella)

288. Jeez, Bells. You didn’t used to be so melodramatic. Is that a vampire thing? (Jacob)

289. After a few minutes, he asked, real quietly, if you turned into an animal, too. And I said, ‘She wishes she was that cool!’ (Jacob)

290. Bella, things are different with us now, but you’ll always be my best friend, and I’ll always love you. But I’ll love you the right way now. There’s finally a balance. We both have people we can’t live without. (Jacob)

291. If I don’t kill Charlie tonight, I’ll consider forgiving you for this. (Bella)

292. I’m actually holding her so that my hands aren’t free to kill you, Jacob. (Bella)

293. No, I don’t care if you bite Jacob. That’s fine. (Edward)

294. As far as Charlie knows, you’re the most repulsive monster of us all. (Edward)

295. You gonna make me a grandpa so young? (Charlie)

296. ‘Bout time somebody scored around here. (Emmett)

297. Sturdy if good. She’ll need to be tough, surrounded by all this craziness. Prettiest baby I ever saw, including you, kid. Sorry, but it’s true. (Charlie)

298. I’m not even sure she’s really a vampire, let alone a newborn. She’s too tame. (Emmett)

299. It’s a little dense, don’t you think, to antagonize the strongest vampire in the house? (Edward)

300. Emmett, how do you feel about a little bet? (Bella)

301. You. Me. Arm-wrestling. Dining room table. Now. (Bella)

302. You gonna back down so easy, little sister? Not much wild about you, is there? I bet that cottage doesn’t have a scratch. Did Edward tell you how many houses Rose and I smashed? (Emmett)

303. Tell me you didn’t let go a bit on your first run, dog. (Edward)

304. Freaky Bella. (Jacob)

305. What an amazing creature she is. (Edward)

306. He was both dazzling and dazzled. (Bella)

307. I’m not my pack’s nanny. (Jacob)

308. Jacob was more a child than Renesmee sometimes. (Bella)

309. When I returned, I would take Jacob’s side. He should come with us. He had as big a stake in this as any of us – his entire life was at stake, just like mine. (Bella)

310. The Amazon offered a change from our normal quarry. Jaguars and panthers, for example. Emmett had a whim to wrestle with an anaconda. (Bella)

311. My first illogical thought was that Alice was playing some joke on us. Because there was no way that Alice could have dropped the vase by accident. I could have darted across the room to catch the vase in plenty of time myself, if I hadn’t assumed she would get it. And how would it fall through her fingers in the first place? Her perfectly sure fingers… I had never seen a vampire drop anything by accident.
Ever. (Bella)
312. I felt not like stone but ice. For the first time since I’d been reborn a vampire, I felt cold. (Bella)

313. After all, the Cullens were in league with werewolves. From Irina’s point of view, maybe this meant nothing was beyond us… (Bella)

314. Was this the limit, then? I’d had more happiness than most people ever experienced. Was there some natural law that demanded equal shares of happiness and misery in the world? Was my joy overthrowing the balance? (Bella)

315. It’s over. We’ve all been sentenced to die. (Bella)

316. Emmett cussed loud enough that Jacob lurched to his feet with a growl. In the yard, his growl was echoed by his pack. My family was already a blur of action. (Bella)

317. Don’t get your family slaughtered for pride. (Carlisle)

318. I’m not going down without a fight. (Emmett)

319. We would fight, they would fight, and we would all die. (Bella)

320. I was the only person in the world who could lie to Edward. Was that what Alice wanted from me? Her last request? (Bella)

321. The whole imprinted-werewolf-gives-the-object-of-his-imprinting-whatever-she-wants thing was getting old pretty fast. (Bella)

322. Did vampires ever do anything absentmindedly? (Bella)

323. Edward, will you teach me how to fight? (Bella)

324. He froze, and then his eyes swept over me with a deep significance, like he was looking at me for the first or last time. (Bella)

325. Would you leave me unable to defend myself? (Bella)

326. I will try to teach you what I can, but please don’t make me think about you sacrificing yourself as a diversion… (Edward)

327. I have to learn everything. As much as you can possibly cram into my head in the next month. (Bella)

328. For Alice. It’s the only thanks I can give her now for the last fifty years. (Edward)

329. Edward, no matter how many friends you gather, we can’t help you win. We can only die with you. (Tanya)

330. A very talented family. A mind reader for a father, a shield for a mother, and then whatever magic this extraordinary child has bewitched us with. (Eleazar)

331. Ironic. Aro sent me all over the world searching for such anomalies, and you simply stumble across it by accident and don’t even realize what you have. (Eleazar)

332. Anyone who tries to touch me drops like a human that’s been Tasered. It only downs him for a second, but that’s long enough. (Kate)

334. Abstaining from human blood makes us more civilized – lets us form true bonds of love. (Eleazar)

335. From what I saw of his thoughts last spring, Aro’s never wanted anything more than he wants Alice. (Edward)

336. If Aro wanted me to do something – anything – all he had to do was threaten Edward and I would comply. And vice versa. (Bella)

337. Of course, Jacob got more surly with each new addition. He kept his distance when he could, and when he couldn’t he grumbled to Renesmee that someone was going to have to provide an index if anyone expected him to keep all the new bloodsuckers’ names straight. (Bella)

338. Looking at you that way, analyzing you as a target. Seeing all the ways I can kill you… It just makes it too real for me. (Edward)

339. Emmett was more than willing to help, though his teaching felt to me a lot like revenge for all the lost arm-wrestling matches. If I could still bruise, I would have been purple from head to toe. (Bella)

340. Now my hands were free, and if Kate wanted to keep her hands attached to her wrists, she’d better keep her distance. (Bella)

341. They say you can put a vampire flat on his back. (Garrett)

342. Well, well, Carlisle. You have been naughty, haven’t you? (Stefan)

343. There was no way Jacob would voluntarily miss an afternoon with Renesmee sans bloodsuckers. (Bella)

344. Edward had gotten around to revealing my after car; as he’d suspected, I had not been capable of showing the appropriate enthusiasm. Sure, it was pretty and fast, but I liked to run. (Bella)

345. Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular. (Jacob)

346. She looks like… Well, she looks like a freaking supermodel, that’s what she looks like. Rocking body, pale as a sheet, dark brown hair almost to her waist, needs a good night’s sleep – any of this sound familiar? (Max)

347. I’m not really a fan of drugs, and neither is my husband. Just say no and all that. (Bella)

348. So this man knew Jasper, not Alice. Knew him, and seemed afraid of him, too. (Bella)

349. The only reason Renesmee would need a forger was if she was running. And the only reason Renesmee would be running was if we had lost. (Bella)

350. I heard the music before I was out of the car. Edward hadn’t touched his piano since the night Alice left. Now, as I shut the car door, I heard the song morph through a bridge and change into my lullaby. Edward was welcoming me home. (Bella)

351. You could always count on werewolves to be buzzed about a coming fight, no matter how suicidal. (Bella)

352. I gave you life. You’re wasting it. (Amun)

353. No matter the outcome, word will spread. It’s time our world saw the Volturi for what they’ve become. They’ll never fall if everyone believes this nonsense about them protecting our way of life. (Stefan)

354. Apparently, I’m a hot commodity. It appears I have to win the right to be free. (Benjamin)

355. We stand with Carlisle. And we fight with him. (Tanya)

356. The packs will fight with the Cullens. We’re not afraid of vampires. (Jacob)

357. Stupid leeches. Think they’re so superior. (Jacob)

358. They’ll be shocked when the infants save their superior lives, won’t they? (Edward)

359. What if your trust in me is the reason that we fail? (Bella)

360. For one half second, I wondered what it would feel like to put my hand in the fire. What it would feel like when I burned… (Bella)

370. Edward and I had not had a last grand scene of farewell, nor did I plan one. To speak the word was to make it final. It would be the same as typing the words The End on the last page of a manuscript. So we did not say our goodbyes, and we stayed very close to each other, always touching. Whatever end found us, it would not find us separated. (Bella)

371. If any of the wolves stood with us, the Volturi would be sure to search out the rest. They had gambled their entire species on this stand. And we were going to lose. (Bella)

372. Truly, Carlisle, nothing would please me more than to preserve your life today. (Aro)

373. The shield blew out from me in a bubble of sheer energy, a mushroom cloud of liquid steel. It pulsed like a living thing – I could feel it, from the apex to the edges. (Bella)

374. I never dreamed of the existence of such a thing in all my centuries. What an addition to our histories. (Aro)

375. Interesting company you keep. (Demitri)

376. You look good. Immortality suits you. (Felix)

377. They’re committed to protecting human life, Aro. That makes them able to coexist with us, but hardly with you. Unless you’re rethinking your lifestyle. (Edward)

378. So much to discuss. So much to decide. If you and your furry protector will excuse me, my dear Cullens, I must confer with my brothers. (Aro)

379. The Children of the Moon have been our bitter enemies from the dawn of time. We have hunted them to near extinction in Europe and Asia. Yet Carlisle encourages a familiar relationship with this enormous infestation – no doubt in an attempt to overthrow us. The better to protect his warped lifestyle. (Caius)

380. You breed mutants here. (Caius)

381. So the Cullens sided with the shape-shifters against our own kind – against the friend of a friend, even. (Casius)

382. It was one thing to know that death was coming with fierce, unstoppable speed; it was another thing to watch it happen. (Bella)

383. I have witnessed the bonds within this family – I say family and not coven. These strange golden-eyed ones deny their very natures. But in return have they found something worth even more, perhaps, than mere gratification of desire? (Garrett)

384. I came to witness. I stay to fight. (Garrett)

385. Edward’s and Jacob’s faces were almost identical masks of horror, despite the fact that one of them was an animal. (Bella)

386. I love you, too, Jake. You’ll always be my best man. (Bella)

387. Goodbye, Jacob, my brother… my son. (Edward)

388. Edward took my hand. He knew that he was included. When I said my fate, there was no question that I meant the two of us. We were just halves of the whole. (Bella)

389. If we live through this, I’ll follow you anywhere, woman. (Garrett)

390. His face glowed with an expression of triumph that I didn’t understand – it was the expression an angel of destruction might wear while the world burned. Beautiful and terrifying. (Bella)

391. Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife? (Edward)

392. I get to stay with you? (Renesmee)

393. Happiness expanded like an explosion inside me – so extreme, so violent that I wasn’t sure I’d survive it. (Bella)

394. I couldn’t speak anymore. I lifted my head and kissed him with a passion that might possibly set the forest on fire. I wouldn’t have noticed. (Bella)

395. They’ve been seriously shaken; their confidence is shattered. But, yet, I’m sure they’ll recover from the blow someday. And then… I imagine they’ll try to pick us off separately. (Edward)

396. Try to find Alistair and tell him what happened. I’d hate to think of him hiding under a rock for the next decade. (Carlisle)

397. Hard to feel confident when you’re surrounded by horse-sized wolves. (Emmett)

398. So there are real werewolves? With the full moon and silver bullets and all that? (Bella)

399. Real. Does that make me imaginary? (Jacob)

400. This was about my acting skills? (Bella)

401. I missed you, too, Bella. So forgive me, and try to be satisfied with being the superhero of the day. (Alice)

402. I guess things are going to be kind of boring now, aren’t they? (Jacob)

403. You are fairly ideal in every way. (Bella)

404. But most significant in this tidal wave of happiness was the surest fact of all: I was with Edward. Forever. (Bella)

405. A night for celebrations. (Edward)

406. Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you. (Bella)

What are your favorite quotes, and why do you love them?