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The Savage Bastards

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Jungle Boots

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:55 pm
Snowball Earth

A great ice age fell upon the earth due to an all forgotten series of catastrophes. The year is uncertain, history is forgotten, useless to the livelihood of humans, and to... those that are not entirely human anymore.

All that is known is it has been an inconceivably long time since civilization breathed its breath on this planet, since the sun shined as warm as it once had. The world breaths now a breath of the rabid animal, not longer that of hearty humans. Nature has taken back nearly everything. Ruins are buried, buildings have not even the echo of their fallen structures. Frost wedging, and desperate scavengers took even that dignity from the long gone civilized world. Plastics, bottles, and garbage overgrown in plants, ice, and soil is all that remains of the great humanity.

Evolution has had its time to let human beings adapt, grow fur, become something less human and more animal. Some how these new creatures have the likes of animals. the likes and the abilities. But what once separated man from animal has been blurred with them.

As Cro magnon man was to the Neanderthal man, this newly adapted human, this Animal man is to the human. Killing better, hunting better, living better, surviving better. Apparently the rabid Animal man is what is needed to survive the ruthles creature that Earth now is.

However extinction is a barren future no creature desires, and the Humans fight back. Still strong in their own circles, despise the anthro-man, and genocide is to them the only solution, who will come out on top?

Welcome to Snowball Earth.

The cultures of creatures and man still struggle to exist, reflecting the nature of societies long destroyed, long covered in ice.

The small town of Novostok is tucked in the snow held together with the remnants of lost greatness. Humans, animals both still relying on their social bonds to survive. Goods, services, and information fuel the society that rests here. The markets sell just about everything in this world; sex, drugs, alcohol, food, meat, slaves, weapons, tools and materials. There are no taboos, there are no evils, just the suffering cold, and the desire to be happier.

Ruins of dead cities still hold useful tools. Novostok sits quietly in the center of one of these expansive ruins, the anchient ruins of Vladivostok. Outside its walls of Novostok are the abodes of salvagers and scavangers dotting this landscape that looks more like a garbage dump than a metropolis.

The open wilds; tundra and snowy forests beyond the bounds of the dead cities and settlements are filled with herds of dangerous creatures reminiscent of prehistoric monsters. But even worse are the raiders, and thieves, Humans and Anthros, who hold no allegiances to any species and do as they please with no regard.

Nomads, herders, traders and travelers meander through the wastes from settlement to settlement. Something like the Bedouin, the Gypsie, the Lakota Sioux looking for growing plants, looking for herds to hunt, looking for good trades, looking for the essential things to survive, to maintain their way of life.

There is no money, there is no empirical value. Books and written words are rare to find and there are only a handful of beings keen enough to decyfer the long forgotten symbols. Things are worth what they can be used for. Creativity, and construction is the currency of these times.

But Novostok is a special settlement. Not because of its location, not because of its resources, but because of its people. Its people are heterogeneous, the anthros tolerate the humans here, the humans tolerate the anthros. But tolerance is no solution for prejudice. Conflict and tension shakes the city within its insulated walls.

But as you live in this world, you must ask yourself:
Who will have what they need to survive? who will fall to extinction? or is there the possibility of peace and harmony between these fighting creatures?

What are you in this world?

Which side are the Savage Bastards?  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:57 pm
same as any rp

1 : Follow the Gaia ToS and the guild rules at all times.

2 : Swearing, sexual content and excessive gore are to be kept to a minimum, i say minimum because you know... TOS and what not. The only thing i entirely say no to is sexual acts. i dont care if you maybe get naked and kiss, but no goddamn explicit sexual acts. keep it to pm or soemthing. we will all get the picture if you RP around it here in the thread.

3 : Please proof read, watch your spelling and grammar. This is a literate rp.

I dont want any of that *(insert your name) walks up to his friends* hi guys whats up?

if you use an Astrix you will get your a**-kicked! hah! yes its corny but not an idle threat.

i prefer:

(insert your name here) walks up to his/her friends with a big smile“Hi guys, whats up?”

I dont particularly care if you dont use color to differentiate your dialogue from your narration, the cool thing about using color is you can idenity different characters in your own posts with different colors. so your friends (whom might have just been invented by you: would respond: Not much man whats up with you? and you would carry on your narration/dialogue it also helps when replying to other peoples posts.)

but if you dont use color, make sure you at least use quotation marks and proper dialogue structure and punctuation.

also I love it when characters have a distinct dialects, if you can hear your character's dialect or accent in your head please write it out in their dialogue.

4 : I like to read, i think i learned my best writing skills in literate rp here on gaia, and now im publishing several stories. So i encourage you to write to your hearts content in every post. but don't bore us with several paragraphs worth of writing with nothing but how the room looks.

5 : Im lenient but if you noob it up too much i will nullify your rp.

6 :: Any profiles posted in the thread by anyone but me will be ignored.

7 : If you use OOC chat (out of character) please put it in parenthesis above the post. id like that to a minimum but im not a nazi about it, im not going to send you to furnace for welcoming back a buddy or what ever.

8 : Title your profile Pm "Bastards" so i know you read the rules. helps me with the bust'n of foo's.

Character Profiles:

PM me your profile and i will, if i accept it, post your profile in the first page, this saves people from scrolling through endless pages looking for your profile. and also helps keep bs characters out of the rp.^_^

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (be realistic, beware; child characters might not be kosher, pm me if you have an issue with that.)
[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Anthro, Wasteland beast?)
[b]Occupation:[/b] (raider, theif, slave, slaver, nomad, traveler, scavenger, trader, hunter, crafts man etc.) (be specific too what do you exactly do?)
[b]Residence:[/b](where do you live? Novostok, a different city, a salvage outpost, a tundra outpost, random cave, are you on the run? are you a nomad? etc.)
[b]Weapons/Abilities:[/b] (abilities are espeically for anthros, more along the lines of physical abilities, no magical powers, this is post apoc rp not magical fantasy/sci fi)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b](be fair, but more important the more weaknesses the better you understand your character.)

when creating a character, we are still dealing with human hybrids, so unless you are a crazy wasteland beast dragon thing, i dont want any majical powers. and even in the event you are a dragon please keep the majic to one or two powers, fire breath i can deal with.... no telekinesis. This is a Post-Apoc. rp not a fantasy/sci-fi. projectiles and hand tools only otherwise.

be creative with your history please

Be as descriptive as you can with the profile. if you want to have an image of your character you are more than welcome, but please still describe them in text as well. I want to know what they look like, what the dress like, how they move. I want to know everything from the color of their hair, to the way they jump, to the accent they have when they say "boot". I dont care if you spend three hours writing this kind of stuff out here in the profile. if you do obviously you are passionate about your character you know alot about him/her/it. which gives you a good thumbs up in my book.

Example sad under construction)

Username: Jungle Boots

Character Name: Cola Junkers

Age: 24

Race: Anthro

Breed: Wild mountain ram (sheep)

Occupation: Nomad and Raider

Residence: He is a Nomad, so he has no real residence, but he is setting up his camp amidst the ruins outside of Novostok

Weapons/Abilities: abilities: He has excellent hearing, and very good peripheral vision. He isnt the fastest runner, but he can run faster than the average human. He is an excellent climber his foot hooves have the suction cups like those of modern mountain goats and rams. He has a very thick fleece to keep him warm, he can survive for an almost indefinite time in the cold without shelter provided he can find food to fuel his body heat. His horns are fairly large, spanning about six feet from tip to tip, so a head but from him is pretty intense. He is omnivorous being still human, but he is able to eat plants like grass, something normal humans cannot do efficiently enough to be nourished.

weapons: Cola has a make shift shovel that tipples as a hatchet and a knife. it is essentially a building tool but also a deadly weapon. He has an old Vz. 61 Skorpion sub-machine gun as well. It is aged, but in decent condition due to his careful maintenance of it. He has very little ammunition for it, about one clip and some odd rounds so he rarely uses it.

Weaknesses:He is on his own, thus he has that as a weakness, he is violent and deeply disturbed. His solitude has given him a very unstable psychology. He craves comradeship but rarely finds people he can stand, or people that don't look too tasty to resist eating. He can thus be too trusting perhaps. He isn't the strongest by any sort, by his sheep like body he is stocky but not essentially strong. most of his physique is designed to climb, jump, run, and insulate heat.

Personality: He is lonely, period. Lonely to the point of imagining his own friends perhaps. Schizophrenia, insanity, call it what you will hes pretty ******** up. He has little sense of a value of life. He has killed and will kill without second thought. He is a cannibal, he doesn't care who his victim is, Anthro, Human, they are all animals to him, all meat.

But he thinks he has it all figured out, he doesn't so much realize he is so lonely, he likes to believe he revels in his solitude. whether that is naivete or not he considers himself a wild wise man, a rabid Buddha, and he wont hold back from preaching if he wants. He has a firm distaste of settlements, any form of society, mostly his denial system grown from trying to appreciate his solitude.

He takes what he wants with no regret, and it can get him into trouble. He is callous, rash and wields a wicked tongue. He prides himself in never holding back no matter the consequences.

History:His parents abandoned him when he was a young teen, about twelve or thirteen but no one really keeps tabs on age anymore. as he remembers it, they abandoned him was because they didn't want to deal with his Skitzo episodes. Whether that is really true is unclear. He hasn't seen them since, and if he did he would probably think of them just as food, kill them and eat them.

His parents were settlement dwellers in a town far to the south of Novostok. They left him in the tundra to fend for himself, and he did fend for himself... very well.

He made his livelihood raiding nomads, pirating convoys, killing, stealing and trading his stolen goods. He feels as if the convoys are meant to be pillaged and thinks little of the concept of property. Its all just for the taking. Its more or less collecting to him.

He has settled himself down a little bit, and decided to go into Novostok to trade some of his recent collections.

Appearance: Cola is about 5'6" He has a stocky build, with heavily toned runner's legs. He isnt ussually the strongest when compared to most people but he has a good amount muscle. Most of his strength lies in his legs for running and jumping. His neck is pretty strong too, whitch he uses for his knock out head-butt when he gets the chance in a fight.

Kaufka has thick grey fleece and a white underbelly with thick chest fur and long heavy weaves of fleece from his back. his foot hooves resemble much of what a ram's hoof would look like with the two toed nail. Heavy weaves of fleece grow down over his ankles and writs to keep his hands and hooves warm. His hand hooves have three fingers and one thumb. Two larger fingers about the size of two fingers in one and one smaller pinky sized finger. all three fingers and thumb have large hoof nail growths at the tips of the fingers imbedded from just before the last knuckle of each digit.

Kaufka's head has a stocky snout with a small brown beard under his chin with a white tip. He has large kanine teeth, and pointed incisors, the rest of his teeth resemble molars. the bridge of his nose has seven bar pericings spanning across it with pollished balls on the end. He also has a septim ring, and a peircing on his nostril. His left ear has seven rings on his lower lobe, while his right ear has large ring on its upper cartalidge.

Kaufka's hair is a dredlock mohawk, brown like his beard with white tips.

His horns corkscrew outward from the sides of his head to nearly three feet, having a combined span of six feet.

Kaufka stands with a slight hunch. He ussually keeps his hands in the pockets of his makeshift down coat. He carries a large back pack on his back with a rolled blanket tied to the bottom, and stuffed with all of his stolen goods and survival gear. He wears beat up old denim jeans with a rope for a belt holding a pack of ammo on his right hip and his holstered Vz. 61.

He has a large grey and black Scarf that almost never leaves his neck.

He is an oppertunistic smoker, depending on how easy it is to get a few cancer sticks he will either probably be smoking or soon to getting the shakes.  

Jungle Boots

Jungle Boots

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:01 pm

Username: stickfanatic
Character Name: Katherine (goes by Kat)
Age: looks to be from 20 to 30, real age unknown since she does not know herself.
Race: Anthro
Breed: Feline, (used to be) domestic housecat, evolved into something more feral
Occupation: Assassin, I survive by doing the dirty work for both humans and others behind the scenes, as I don't take sides. A girl's gotta survive.
Residence: Novostok
Weapons/Abilities: weapons: 3 throwing knifes and 2 daggers. I have a laser-guided pistol that I rarely use locked up in my room. Abilities: high speed, extremely limber, fast healing.
Weaknesses: While I can be understanding, my personality always makes me the loner (no friends). Physical weaknesses: not too powerful and easily exhausted, even after years of honing endurance. A long fight will always end with me as the loser which is why I prefer short and succinct assassinations.
Personality: Mood swings, usually cold and distant from most everyone else. Secretly wishes for someone she can confide in but has yet to find that someone. Shows rare flashes of congeniality and happiness, usually while drunk.
History: Woke up at a young age (perhaps 7 or not knowing who she was, where she was, or why she was there in a mangy run down ruin on the outskirts of the city. Scraps of clothing and a knife were found in the room, along with torn pieces of paper that once could have been a letter. Christened herself Katherine and lived for nearly ten years as a scavenger, living off survival instincts and scraps, moving from place to place. When she was about 13, (she had started developing breasts) she made her way into the city and was immediately immersed in its rough environment. She learned to fight and began to use her talents to fight and steal. Eventually, her natural abilities attracted the attention of a certain human who offered her food in exchange for killing another man. Since then she has accepted offers from men, from the animal-men, and from anyone or any organization offering goods in exchange. For 8 years she worked in the business, calmly scoring kill after kill and marking them by notching her knifes. She currently has 137 notches.
Appearance: Twilight black, with red eyes and silver hair, kept short. Prefers minimal clothing, as it aggravates her. Has a piercing in her left ear next to a notch from an old fight and sports scars down the length of her body from an incident several years back which she tries to cover up. Digitigrade, with a blend of hands and paws sporting fully functional fingers and claws. Long, black tail which raises nearly above her head when full extended.

Character Name:
Irigo, the tame monster,the daughter of the mountain terror, abomination, Blue tongued beast, iron clawed daemon

19 with a stunted mentality of a eight year old.

The b*****d child of her anthro snow fox mother and The Mountain terror the wasteland beast of the southern mountains.


Irigo Is a nomadic herdsmen she has easily 500 head of sell able stock. Her heard include one musk ox, two of plains dears, one of caribou, two woolly cow, three of sheep/ sheer lings/yearlings/ and mutton, One mountain goat. She hires local farmers in the respective regions whee these animals are common to feed and keep them for a year taking a 5% of the new births for that year while she takes the seal able heads to market in Novostok. In the summer months she spends her time traveling and collecting horses to use for her long cross country journeys.

She is nomadic but when she gets her time to her self between visits she hides in a small hearing village of Egrock on the Mongolian planes. She is tolerated by the villagers for her strength and ability to help with bailing come the harvest time . she is also their life line to the big markets of Russia china and the Asian peninsula. She relights on them for shelter from the mountains and the larger cites where she would be shunned, And they have the benefit of the tame monster.

She has the strength of 10x the strength of an anthro with it comes a insatiable hunger that can only be quenched by eating 1/4th her weight in meat a day She has iron clad claws and a blue forked tongue, long razor sharp teeth and an over articulated mouth (2x longer than what it should be on a normal creature.) enhanced senses and a very high tolerance for cold. She dosent as much wear clothes to ward off the cold as she does to conceal herself.

She dosent fair well in warm places and is easy to tire from it. She has a fear of persecution as a child she was collared by a tribe to be their beast to terrorize neighboring tribes and extort their scavenges from them as they crossed their lands her father slaughtered the entire tribe in their sleep. Her father the mountain terror that once only roamed the southern mountains of the Asian peninsula. Now it follows her only in the winter it leaves it's cave in the mountains to follow it's offspring across the countryside stalking her she can always smell him she never knows where he's at or who he'll strike next. She has a fear of friends she fears endangering them to her father the beast with the iron claws and rendering teeth said to be able to kill an ox with one blow just for fun . It has he has and she has always been a witness to the carnage.

She is very efficient and only said what needs to be said. She dosent dare speak her mind lest she be persecuted she has learned to keep to herself and to not get hurt. She has grown weary of her existence she is 19 and still has the stunted mentality of a child she has had her self evaluated in the southern city on the border of the great ocean city of Onan. the educated learners of this city think that she has not yet fully developed to adolescences as opposed to her anthro and human counter parts. She is very patient and understands quite a few languages and trader sign that is used as an improvised sign language in order to barter for goods.

Irigo's mother was the daughter to the local priest who made just enough to get by spreading the word of the higher power and converting those that he could across the countryside. soon after her mothers birth her grandmother succumbed to complications of pregnancy leaving her mother to be raise by a single parent and drilled with the notion of chastity. As her mother was traveling thrue the southern mountains with her father spreading the word of the higher power she was kidnapped and beaten by a tribe of local humans and offered up as a sacrifice to the mountain terror. Beaten and bloodied she had no choice when the beast raped her barely able to move from her injuries she had no way to defend herself from the monster. It left her in a cave not to far from a herding colony on the move. They took her in despite her situation and looked in the neighboring villages for her father only to find him murdered.
Irigo was born nine months later and accepted as a child of the hearing traders until tragedy stuck at age ten. A rouge raiding party came to take the women and children off to the slave trade and to pillage the available heard beasts in the dead of winter on their way to market. Her father came cresting over the hill . she never could forget the smell of the blood and iron mixed in the snow the beast was impervious to their feeble attacks. Sh felt to her knees and wept as both the raiders and the herds men attacked and were all killed sparing her and her mother. Her mother turned to flee from the attack and the wounded as she was struck down mockingly like a cat playing with a mouse as he picked her up in his mouth and ran into the hills. This was the last she ever saw of her mother she can only assume the worst.
She then took the heard to the cites and sold of the available heads and started up her lease let program unable to find any form of traveling companion to travel with her and tend to the heads. along her ways thinking that she was a dumb creature she would get books in foreign tongues witch she trades constantly at the port city of Onan For luxury items and summer vacations to spend in idol slumber in the sin of the coastal village here she is accepted as an intellectual and trader of knowledge but she doesn't dare stay long enough to make friends other than the doctors and people of science. She has continued this pattern for years she is slowly collecting non feris metals she stumbled across designs for a tank and she is using her profits from the herding to make her self a mobile protected home.

She is easily over ten feet tall but keeps her head down from years of trying to fit in and be unnoticed. She covers almost all of her body with tight leather clothes over it looser more airy clothing to obscure her amalgam form she wears a long traveling cape a neck roust and a tunic belted around the waist. Her foot wear looks like boots made from a gray yak they obscure her feet that have wicked claws and abnormal size. Her hands are tightly wrapped as to not reveal her iron claws that she inadvertently sharpens trying to keep them to a manageable size. She also wears a pair of goggles that never leave her face when she's in a major city and a broad and long face mask that covers her elongated mouth and nose from showing her blue forked tongue and her nose . Her tail and her long ears are black and the only thing visible other than her long flowing hair tied into long cord like braids.

Character Name biggrin rak
Age:19 or 20, he doesnt count.
Race: Anthro
Breed:Lizard, sort of a chameleon.
Occupation:Once a slave, now a traveling Thief, preffers to pickpocket.

Residence:Anywere he can sleep.

Weapons/Abilities:Drak has an atlethic build, not of a brute, but of an delicate acrobat, he can jump high and crawl on walls, he also has the ability to change the colors of his body and his eyes(he likes to choose his colors like clothing for the day) making complicated paterns and even able to blend in with chess tile, he also has little claws and sharp teeth.

Weaknesses:Drak is Fragile, hates to fight(being most times an coward) and also his feminine behavior is not very intimidating, another weakness is his love for vodka,whiskey and other boozes, and the fact hes easily seducted by any girl or some muscular guy.

Personality:Drak lives to enjoy life, enjoy woman, enjoy vodka...Drak is sensible and lazy, homever the first impression you get from him is an drunk punk

History:Drak was an Slave for most of his life, but he was always in the right place in the right time, and never ended up abused or traumatized, eventually escaping, now he wanders around never having an true idea of the risks he takes everyday

Appearance:Drak is an Anthro lizard with an acrobatic build, his raptor head has large white dreads made of dry scalles, he preffers to stay on his favorite color:Whole body in white, with black tribal marks on his whole body, and yellow eyes with an honey tone, he rarelly wears clothes, so he can use his blending abillity, his colors change with his emotions and instincts, he has an long and strong tail that he uses like an third arm or to help on his acrobatic jumps.

Drak atitude is quite full of good energy since he has very reccently got free.
"I feel fantastic!
And i Never felt as good as i do right now.
Except for maybe when i think of how i felt that day when felt the way as i do right now!"

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:19 pm

Jungle Boots

Mr Drak

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:50 pm
So...lets get this going?  
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