User Image__________[basics]>>>
Full Name: Gale Ugurashi
Nicknames: None
Notable Title: The Hidden Wind
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthdate: Dec. 16
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: Northern Air Temple
Rank: Head Monk

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Specialized Bending: N/A

Weapon Class: Swords
Weapon Name: Hane Kaze (Feathered Wind Blade)
Weapon Description:
User Image
Weapon Location: Back

Secondary Weapon Class: Combat Knife
Secondary Weapon Name: Magmoto
Secondary Weapon Description:
User Image
Secondary Weapon Location: Right Thigh

Extra Items-
Name: Hover board
Description: A skate board without the wheels. Gale channels his airbending under the board and makes it hover.

Name: Moto
Species: Winged Lemur





➢ Air Manipulation
➢ Air Shields
➢ Air Barrier
➢ Air Blast
➢ Air Punch/Kick
➢ Air Swipe
➢ Air Funnel
➢ Air Suction
➢ Breath of Wind
➢ Enhanced Agility
➢ Multiple Target Attacks
➢ Air Blades
➢ Mini-Tornado

Fighting Style Pi Qua Quan

Height: 6"2
Weight: 180
Build: Athletic
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Eye Color: Forest Green
Complextion: Pinkish-tanned
Outfits: Anime/redhead.jpg

Personality: Gale is a caring and kind person. Once you get to know him better, he's a really great guy. He fights for his friends and refuses to give up. Ever. He gets serious when the time comes, but he's usually laid back and loves to have fun.
Relations: None. His parents are dead and his sister is M.I.A. (Missing in Action).
Take on battle: He never gives up. He fights until his last, dying breath.
Theme song: Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold

Food: Cookies
Drink: Rootbeer and Beer
Color: Crimson
Animal: Flying Lemur and Hawks
Food: Asparagus
Drink: Prune Juice
Color: Pink
Animal: Slugs


When Gale was born, his parents were very happy. But then, when Gale turned 1, his mother was killed by someone in the fire nation. Gale and his older brother, Zane, who was 2 years older than Gale, were left with their dad. After a couple years, their dad couldn't take it anymore. He began to abuse the two of them, but Zane would stand up for Gale so he wouldn't get hurt. Later, when Gale turned 6, he discovered he could bend air. The dad got scared and ended up giving Gale up for adoption. Later, when Gale was 10, he ran away from the adoption center because he couldn't take it anymore. He ended up staying like this for five years until he was found and taken in by an old friend of his mother's, who was also a master with Air. Over the years, Gale became great at bending air. When Gale was 17, he found out his brother, Zane, had ran away from their dad when he was 13 and got hit by a car. He had ended up dying. Gale cried about it for days, but then moved on. Gale never heard from his dad again and didn't want to. Now, Gale is an Excellent Air bender at the age of 19 and helps teach new benders how to bend.
