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Name: Selena Shyin

Nickname: Wolf

Appearance Age: 19


Real Age: 1,569

Gender: Female


Weight: 102 lbs

Hair Color: jet black

Eye Color: crystal blue

Race: Demon Shinigami

Element: Shadow Flames

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kinma
A 20ft male hollow wolf demon.Kimla is the most used of the two of Wolf's zanpaktous.This single creature can get her ticked off more then any one ever has.He is normally always arguing with her.The only time these two ever get along is when they're fighting another being.Kinma was serving under Hades as the top hellhound before he turned tratior.

The more peaceful of Wolf's zanpaku-tos,is Timla.A large female hollow dragon.She is constantly getting on to Kinma for fighting with Wolf.Though,most don't know about her,she is more powerful then Kinma.This single dragon had wiped out over half the Soul Society when she was still roaming around freely.She cunning and evil.

Zanpaktou: achieved
Kinma Rp/katana-1.jpg


Shikai Release: "Kinma,reak the dead!Timla,soar through the shadows."

Shikai: In a release of Wolf's full shikai,the tattoo on her left arm,Timla, separates on to both arms.Her katana fades and reforms on her fingers as deadly talon(Both hands). The tattoos become sharp metal and hook on to the talons.The metal keeps the talons in place while she attacks her opponent. The way Wolf fights with her shikai and the power behind them,they can stand up to any zanpaku-to.Wolf's physical abilities are the same expect for her speed.Her speed is increased by 45%.

When Wolf releases her bankai,some one will die.Her shikai fades away.The sky is blacked out,there is no light at all.Shadows are everywhere.The person caught in bankai can't see anything,not even there hand in front of their face.The density of Wolf reaitsu and demon aura also cause her victim to lose sound.The only thing one could feel is the pain of her attacks.During bankai she can form swords and other weapons out of the shadows.

Biography/History: Born in late 500's Wolf was raised in the Medieval Times.As a young girl growing up in Sparta,she learned many different battle skills.She learned how to fight with swords,bow and arrows,spears,daggers,and many more things.At the age of 15 she learned of what she really was,a wolf demon.She ran away in fear that she would be killed because she was different.A year later,at the age of 16,she stopped aging.

She lived until the 2003, when she had been involed in a gang.After losing her sister Lavola, she stoped eating and became so ill that she died

Then she was approached by shinigami who had noticed her unnormaly high and different reaistu.She only went to the academy for a day,just long enough to get a zanpaku-to,then transferred straight to Squad 13.In Squad 13,she trained under Kon for shikai.In less then a month she had been asked to join Squad 11,under Sannin,as the vice.She left Squad 13 for 10.Sannin disappeared about a month later.She was once again asked to join another squad as vice.This time it was Squad 10 and under Aros,who had been one of her squad mates from Squad 13.

She changed squad once again.Squad 10 was the squad she ever stayed the longest in.She brought two of her students along with her this time.One was her adopted sister,and the other was her sister's best friend.Those who were around her at the time knew that her captain and her liked each other more then friends.Wolf had already obtained and mastered her bankai by the time she came to Aros's squad.She was easily his equal.He disappeared and this time she became Captain of Squad 10.

She stayed in charge of the squad for month or before she,herself,disappeared.She spent months working with Sage and Shera in place unknown to shinigami.
She came back,someone else had taken over the squad.

She was asked to be vice of Squad 9 this time.She took,without any care.She knew most would demand to be captain again,but she didn't care.She hadn't come back to the Soul Society if all she cared about was rank.She seen how average,ignorant,shinigami would attack and kill her kind if they stood out and were weak.

After all of this drama, once again, her captain disappeared and she became captain.

Guild Status: Crew

Online Schedule:

Clan: Shyin

Reaitsu Color: black

Personality: Joking,playful,teasing,------Serious,evil,prankster-----Dark,won't give up until has gotten her way