User Image__________[basics]>>>
Full Name: Balder Frigg
Nicknames: -
Notable Title: -
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birth date: May 1
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: Earth Kingdom

Elemental Affinity: Earth
Specialized Bending:

Weapon Class: Cat Claws
Weapon Name: Quiet Riot
Weapon Description: The claws don't have a defining characteristic about them but, they are Balder's favorite toy. There are three blades about a foot and a half in length that come out from the front of the claws. They are designed to be like a gauntlet, part of the weapon is strapped onto his arm while he holds the very front of the claws.
Weapon Location:

Secondary Weapon Class:
Secondary Weapon Name:
Secondary Weapon Description:
Secondary Weapon Location:

Extra Items-



➢Earth & Stone Levitation: The most common attack, involves levitating nearby earth and stone of numerous sizes (more powerful benders can move larger masses), and propelling them at foes by punching or kicking motions.
➢Earthquakes/Fissures: Striking the ground with feet, fists, or hammers creates localized earthquakes or fissures to throw opponents off-balance. This same process can be used to sculpture a landmass or to slice large chunks of rock clean off a surface to create avalanches or rockfalls. More advanced Earthbenders can make very narrow fissures for precise attacks.
➢Rock Shield: A levitated slab of rock can also double as a shield when positioned in front of a Bender. This can also be performed as a slab or sheet of bedrock thrust out of the earth's surface. The shield can be hurled at the opponent for a quick retaliation.

Fighting Style [Tame Za Kyokudo]

Height: 6'0
Weight: 175
Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Red
Complexion: Tanned
Outfits: Formal Attire

Personality: Balder is one of those people who is misunderstood. He walks down the streets and the people who don't know him turn the other way or back away in fear while the people who do know him consider him to be a big teddy bear. He is a fierce warrior and very loyal to his companions and country.
Relations: -
Take on battle: You keep fighting until the opponent cannot stand anymore.
Theme song: Peace Sells

Drink: Whiskey


Balder was abandoned as a child. His parents were taken from him due to war breaking out and people invading and being called out to battle. His father was killed in battle and his mother was taken prisoner and never heard from again, which lead to Balder growing up a child of the streets. As a child with no direction or anyone to guild him, he was a trouble maker, causing as much mischief as he possibly could at such a young age. His acts of rebelliousness took notice from the kingdoms army who sent a recruiter to talk him into learning the ways of bending the earth. He trained for a few years and joined their ranks as an earth bender in the army, not really trying to take much notice or gain prestige from anyone. He wanted to keep a low profile for a bit before he decided whether or not this was the life he had wanted.
