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Full Name: Conner Cintere
Nicknames: Conner
Notable Title: Senpai
Gender: Male
Age: 14 (Starting years)
Birth date: 9/20
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: Air
Rank: Novice

Elemental Affinity: Air
Specialized Bending: None yet.

Weapon Class: Stave
Weapon Name: Coup De Grace
Weapon Description: The weapon is made to help Conner with his bending. You could say that its his short "glider". It's brown and has a metal spike at the end of the right hand side.
Weapon Location: Usually in his hands or on his back.

Secondary Weapon Class: N/A
Secondary Weapon Name: N/A
Secondary Weapon Description: N/A
Secondary Weapon Location: N/A

Extra Items-
Name: Elixir of Healing
Description: Can not be used in battle. It is an oil made by Conner to aid injured people back to health. Yo can rub it on their skin or have them drink it if they have a lot of wounds.




Fighting Style [Not learned yet.]

Weight: 95 Ibs
Build: Medium
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Slightly tanned but still sort of pale.
Outfits: Typical Air bending out fit.

Personality: Conners entire personality is based upon the section of the day. In the morning he is grumpy, in the after noon he is upbeat, in the evening he is secretive, and at night he is Random. He has been called weird a lot of times and he does not care anymore.
Take on battle:
Theme song: Redemption- Gackt

Food: Dango
Drink: Jasmine Tea
Color: Dark Sea Green
Animal: Sky Bison
Food: Pizza
Drink: soda
Color: Purple
Animal: Ostrich-horse


Early years:
Conner grew up in the perfect world of peace and love that the monks shared but he did not want peace and love all of the time. He knew that detaching himself from the world would make him like the others but he wanted to be original.

Teen Years:


whatever you wish

((Just for fun lol , User Image ))