-General Rules-

1. Follow Gaia's TOS

2. Respect everybody in this guild.

3. Before posting in the art/comic gallery, read the rules in there first.

5. I move threads when you least expect it.

6. Please check the announcements and rules regularly! Not required, but you might miss out on what's happening in the guild.

7. Post! Also not exactly required, but if we want to keep this guild alive, then we need people talking. Add a thread, tell us what's going on in your life...ask a question about something, anything! Don't be shy!

8. No spamming.

-Rules for the Comic!-

1. You'll have to reserve a page and follow the deadline when the story starts. It would also be very sad if there are two comic pages for the exact same page number, and we can only use one. Let's keep this simple! Please check the reservation list everytime you plan on drawing a new page.

2. Mild content only please (violence is more tolerable than the the other stuff) Anything over pg-13 will not be tolerated.

3. You don't have to necessarily know how to draw well to be a part of the comic. We just need effort. As long as the readers can tell what's going on in your particular addition to the comic, then it is also fine.

4. If you want to introduce any new character, PLEASE don't draw them in right away. We don't want to add too many characters when the story is just developing for the characters already in there. Use your judgement, if it seems like a good spot, but you are not sure what to do, ask first!

6. No long-term reservations! don't say you will draw something to the next page of the comic and then wait months to do it. Other artists may have been able to draw right away. Only reserve the page number when you really plan on drawing it. I'll generally only hold the reservation for at least 1 week. Tell me if you need more time and I'll allow more time. I'll check up on you once in a while if you haven't drawn yet and you have reserved a page.

7. Don't whine if something doesn't go your way! If something happens that you don't like (someone drew the next page before you, you don't like how the story is going, etc.). Those sorts of matters are out of my hand.

8. Remember, "every page is golden". Critiques are ok, insults are not.

9. Don't worry if you are not the best at drawing! Any level of skill is always accepted.

10. Please make sure you read and understand the guideline, If anything isn't clear then please ask the guild captain daydreamer_girl about it. The thought most likely didn't reach my mind and I do my best to correct it when brought to attention.

This is all I have for now. If you have any suggestion for rules, please suggest them!

last updated: August 3, 2010