Name: Dieter Heydrich

Physical Description:

Age: September 19, 1907

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Goshujin-sama
A person clothed in a red, its face eternally hidden in shadow.


Shikai Release: Dance in the graveyards..

Shikai: The blade turns to several strands of floating wire. These wires can twist and curl as Dieter wills it. They are razor sharp, and can cut through most surfaces.

Bankai: You exist to serve me..
The strands of wire plunge into the ground, before pulling up many rotting corpses. These things are individually weak, but their sheer numbers can overwhelm even the strongest of foes.

Special Accessories: (if any)




Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule: Varies