Kimura(last) Kazuki(first) (Kee-mur-ah Ka-zoo-kee)

Aliases/ Nicknames:
Captain K, Mr.Creepy, he goes by many names.

Physical Description:
Hmm, I've already read this book...
At first glance, one would never look at him twice. He looks gentle and weak and soft, a character one would expect from the fourth squad, not the twelfth. He doesn't look very old; he still has features that make him look a lot younger than he should look visually. His face and skin is pale and soft, paired with his pale blue eyes and his silky smooth white hair he is the perfect picture of innocence.

Kazuki has hair that is always perfectly in place. Even when it is obvious he has gone without sleep for days (his record is 2 weeks and 12 hours), it is never out of place or in any way tangled. It parts to his left eye, effectively covering it with his white hair. The reason for this can only be known for those who might have parted his hair at one point out of curiosity.Beneath his hair is not another beautiful and crystal blue eye... in fact, it is far from it. His left eye is made out of pure glass; the glass is tinted white so that one cannot see the tissues that makes up his eye socket. He claims that he removed his left eye himself to find out what it was like to live with a compromised depth perception.

What appears to be glasses that rest on the bridge of his nose and over his visible eye is actually a cleverly made monocle. At first glance it would look like he was actually wearing glasses that were gold colored and frameless, but the bridge of the glasses is rounded off and does not connect to the second lens.The monocle is held firmly to his face by the fact it is custom made and is made out of material that is strongly attracted to his reiatsu- a personal invention of his to keep his monocle from falling off and being an annoyance. The monocle itself is not made to help his eyesight any.

In fact, despite the fact that he only has one eye, he is able to see perfectly fine with it. The lens of his little invention is special; it works like a magnifying glass when he is working on experiments, darkens/lightens depending on the time of day, and allows him to closely focus on whatever he is focusing on(think of a camera lens). This is so that when he performs experiments that require a dexterous touch and a close attention to detail, the magnifying glass aspect of his monocle can make sure that he doesn't miss anything. When he decides to read in bright sunlight, his monocle adjusts so that minimal damage comes to his one eye due to the brightness of the sun. Also, on the rare occasion that he has to focus on many things at once, his monocle helps his eye focus on specific things individually so that he never misses beat no matter how chaotic things become. It is a clever little invention made to prevent eye strain no matter what happens and make sure he shall never have his eyesight compromised in any way ever again.

As for his build and his figure, he doesn't have much going for him. He looks like a child most of the time for one thing. Another thing to mention is his lack of a muscular figure. His muscles were never meant to be the type that can be shown off. Instead, they were meant for quick and precise movements rather than brute strength. Of course, if he needed it he could provide the brute strength that defies how his body looks.

Kazuki's clothing is usually the typical shinigami clothing... but only when he is meeting other shinigami. Spending his days normally locked inside his own dorms in order to conduct research and experiments, he wears otherwise casual clothing that reflects of a more western style of fashion. For example, in this particular picture he wears a rather scholarly blue outfit that allows him to look more mature despite his baby face and his weak appearance.

Age: 182 years old (including time alive) and looks 16-18

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
Here I am.
The spirit looks like a cross between an anteater and a rat. Its head is disproportionately small from the rest of its body. While the head is clearly of a rat's head, the rest of the body is much more similar to an anteater excepting that the tail is not exceptionally furred like an anteater's and follows the body's contours. The creature has feathering chest as well as feathering legs, tipped in the yellow tribal markings against its dark fur. Its body seems half-starved, but at the same time its limbs give no trace of loss of strength, but instead the complete opposite. It is about the height of a large horse, but the length of two horses because of he elongated neck and tail.

The being calls itself 'Nezumi' most of the time, however that is not its real name. Truly, it should be called 'toshokan nezumi', otherwise known as 'Librarian Mouse'. It is very quiet, although not because its afraid but because it seems to always be thinking of some hidden purpose in the world. It seems to always be looking for a new place to go and stay, always wandering and being found in different parts of Kazuki's inner world. However, no matter where it goes it always seems perfectly relaxed and all knowing. It never shows anger, not does it show dislike or bitterness. It always seems to be peacefully gathering knowledge while at the same time knowing when best to do things. It is very softspoken, choosing speak only when it has to and never before.

It treats those around it with a softspoken way of being, taking nothing to offense but at the same time taking very little action at all. Nezumi is a very reserved zanpakuto spirit has yet to even smile around Kazuki, so severe and stern it is. It treats the shinigami with a kind of detatchment, telling him only whatever it feels he needs to know and preferring to spend its time alone. Always, it seems to be mentally prepared for anything and impervious to anything that would otherwise frighten others. The giant rat gives a feeling of quiet, silent reservation at all times.


Shikai Release:
Search, Toshokan Nezumi...

Achieved, permanent
Look, a Book!
Kazuki's book is a fairly confusing thing. It doesn't have anything written on it, and seems quite old, but nothing at all seems to allow it to break part at all. It is not very heavy, despite its thickness, and opening it induces a scent of old library upon anyone who bothers to take a sniff. Its cover is worn and scratched, as if treated very badly despite the fact he cares for it like everyone else cares for their blade. He even gives the book different colors so that no one would suspect him of having a book for a shikai.

The immediate passive effect is that when he has it with him, the reiatsu he gives off goes to zero, even though without it it comes off him as easily as water through a waterfall. The book actually sucks up all of his spiritual energy that falls off him in excess, containing the spiritual power within itself.There is no limit to how much it can hold, and the amount of reiatsu contained only depends on how long it has been since Kazuki's previous fight.When he opens the book, he can use the supplied spiritual power in any way he wishes, limited only be his knowledge on how spiritual energy works and how much he has in the book.

This is when he becomes most deadly, despite the simple power it seems to hold, it means that if he can understand fully how a certain kido comes together, or how a reiatsu based attack is made, he can mimic it. The only way he knows to research for this shikai is to either study well-documented notes or make his own notes, though his most common tactic is to watch the thing he tries to mimic over and over again. He'll even record videos to try to study it day and night.

However, it is merely a mimic. For example, if he tried to mimic a kido, it would only look and act like the kido but it would the effect would be shortened or not as efficient. This difference does not change the effects of a hollow's bala or cero, he can fire those with little effort after having studied them for so long and the fact that the specific accumulation of spiritual power in that case is relatively simple. However, even if they are simple, he cannot completely copy them, and they are therefore not as strong as the original ones should be. Any mimic he attempts is only about 85% of the full strength of the original as well as approcomately only 60% of the effectiveness (if it is a restraining kido he is trying to mimic, then it will only be 60% of its possible strength or length of time it remains for).

For harder or more complicated reiatsu-based attacks he can only mimic them, and for some he can't mimic at all because of their complicated nature. For example, he cannot mimic the reiatsu-based attacks of quincy or zanpakuto, because it relies strongly on the quincy's bow and the zanpaukto itself, respectively. If he knew more about the quincy's bow and he had more time to research, he may be able to make a very simple quincy's bow, but until then he can only mimic kido and some hollow attacks.

If he finds that his knowledge is not suitable, he can simply use the force of reiatsu in the book to shove his opponent around like a force, much like how more powerful people can shove people down using the sheer force of spiritual strength, if his book has been storing energy for a time, he can do the same thing... except he can also the direct the force in an attempt to slam people into trees and walls as a way of trying to damage them, but because this uses up so much spiritual power for a relatively ineffective attack, he rarely if ever uses it.

Achieved, non permanent
The bankai no longer uses the book. In fact, it just leaves the book discarded, useless. The book is drained completely of all of its reiatsu (and, similarly, Kazuki is also drained) to form an inner nightmare of the captain's. It is a mirror image of him, with a plain look of shock and a doll-like way of movement. The image itself is not dangerous, but the things around it is. Contained by shards of white clay that held the shape of a large face with gnashing jaws and twitching bones protruding out is a mass of ever-shifting darkess filled with eyes that shot powerful blasts of reiatsu towards the opponent. The darkness itself is unaffected by light sources, for it is not composed of darkness but of black reiatsu.

This pure reiatsu takes solid form and can lash out at opponents, protectively hovering over its terrified owner as the enemy was blasted, beaten, stabbed, and horrifically killed beyond all recognition. This bankai represents of fears and inner doubt Kazuki contains within himself, or rather the bankai takes all of the available reiatsu he has to offer and beings out the most violent or negative aspect of him out to fight and battle for him (which is as of right now his doubts and fears).

In this bankai the mirror image's darkness can mimic anything based on reiatsu to full efficiency as well as mutate reiatsu attacks into things all their own. It can now not only imitate prue reiatsu-based attacks but attacks that are based also on zanptakuto and resureccion. As long as it is mainly composed of reiatsu, it can now copy and blast it back at 100% strength. Sometimes it even mixes and matches to make these powerful attacks all their own. The bankai lasts until it uses itself up which, depending on since when Kazuki last had a battle, could last hours, or simply when the enemy has died.

Special Accessories:
Because his shikai is permanent, he tricks those around him into believing that he has a normal blade by keeping a false, wooden sword sheathed at his hip at all times. Anyone who does not know that he has a false blade could easily believe that the book he carries around with him is merely some research material.

Kazuki has an obsession with knowledge. The more he knows the happier he is, the more time he takes into his experiments the better his mood. However, if he is not acquiring knowledge, he might decide to make gotei 13 his test subject, and so most people are well-advised to keep him busy.

See Shikai abilities

At first glance, Kazuki is a straight-faced, serious, but otherwise innocent boy. He has a thirst for knowledge that is obvious from the moment he meets a person. He desires to know everything about them, like how much their heart beats in one minute and their preferences to food. His need to know things surpasses every other aspect about him; knowledge is his obsession and he happily gives into his cravings time and time again.

His emotions can rarely be read. due to the fact he keeps his face strangely trivial and his facial expressions show a kind of childish simplicity to them, most people can assume him similarly simple and childish, when in fact the opposite is the truth. Sure, he has simplistic expressions on his face, but what's going on in his mind is usually something that is not so simple.

It seems the only goal in his life is to learn everything that can learned. Being somewhat of a prodigy, he has no trouble memorizing facts (even stupid ones) about anything and can bring any information he has stored in his mind in a surprisingly quick manner. He knows exactly how to work things to his advantage, especially so when it comes to finding out new sources of information when the old ones have been drained fully.

He is willing to do anything to find out more. His curiosity seeps to dark and macabre things, the light and jovial things, and even things that defy all perceptions of what made reality. He is not happy with merely reading things out a textbook and seeing drawings and diagrams. No, he must see things for himself to make sure all information he finds is true. He has been known to dissect things alive(especially things he has the most emotional connection to), his face showing nothing but childish concentration and the short gasp of when he finds something interesting. He seems to not bat an eye to even the most immortal of things. could effectively say he has no morals at all.

As for how he acts around people, he comes off as somewhat airheaded. Since he's always so focused on processing information and finding new questions to discover answers for them, he doesn't bother with much of a social life. He doesn't hide emotions on his face; they show plainly like a child. Although, usually he simply doesn't talk to anyone because he prefers to stay indoors where he can do research and experiments in peace without being questioned at to the morality of his impossible quest.

One of his biggest flaws is that he cannot let go of something. Whether it is as simple as someone bumping into him, or the knowledge that he still does not know why he likes and dislikes certain things, he cannot let go of something that bothers him. He will have to try and find an answer to everything, some sort of ending to whatever is bothering his mind or else he shall be driven mad... er... madder from his own thoughts. He cannot BEAR to leave a question unanswered.

Another flaw of his stems from his fear of the unknown. He doesn't know anything about himself. He wonders constantly why he thinks, feels, and acts a certain way all the time. He wonders why other people think, act, and feel a certain was as well. He wonders why he likes certain people and dislikes certain people constantly, even if he doesn't seem to look it. This cycles back to his big flaw of not being able to stand not knowing, and so he has a tendency to shove himself into a vicious cycle, leaving him to make rash decisions on occasion.

Other than that, he is known to be quite a nice and helpful person despite his constant wondering and his flaws.He does what he can to help, even if his ways of going about it can be considered rather creepy. He keeps many things to himself, such as his inner fears and his uncertainties, and he is somewhat afraid of making friends, but he also openly shows off his quirks and the good parts about him when he first meets with anyone.

Kazuki was born a decade and a half before The Great Famine under the name of Shawn. He was born under a family that loved him and was the first of many to come. He was a strong boy, also pigheaded and overly outgoing, but he made a lot of friends that way. His parents couldn't afford him an education; who needed it when he would be a farmer all his life? He didn't mind the lack of clothing or things like that. All he really cared about was his friends and family.

He was happy. Incredibly so. Nothing could bring him down. There was always the sky to look up to. Even if crops didn't grow, he could always keep a smile on his and everybody else's faces. He was the clown that kept everyone happy, a Guardian of Laughter of sorts. He was friends with everyone and did small jobs as well. He did what he could to help people, no matter how hard it was.

Everyone was poor in his village. Everyone suffered and starved together, or they all had enough food to get by. The entire community depended on everyone pushing their own weight so that everyone could continue living. They had celebrations in which the children laughed and played and the adults joked. They didn't really have a set government, but everyone worked together nonetheless. It was a perfect little group that would soon be ripped apart.

Y'see, this little village was in a place called Ireland, right before the great Famine. Everyone in his village depended greatly on the potato for survival. It was the only thing that they could make for themselves and to keep their children fed. However... one celebration, someone discovered that their patch of potatoes began to have splotches on them. He at first didn't notice it... until others began to notice it as well.

The next crop of potatoes failed miserably for the entire town. Everyone starved together and did what they could off the rations from the year previous. A few people had arguments as to how and why the crop failed. A few would start fights with one another about how to share the leftovers around. No one had enough to eat that year.. the very young and the very old soon fell sick and started to die.

Next year was the same. Their only source of food, the potato, failed again. This time, people openly stole form one another and fights broke out amongst the once-tightly knit community. This time, Kazuki tried to keep things together, being the mayor's son and all.. but to try it would be fatal for him. He was quickly attacked and beaten severely for simply having something to eat the night before. Because of the lack of money for medicine, the male quickly fell into infection and was on his deathbed just a few weeks after. He died closely after with the crying of his family in his ears and a sad expression of confusion and misunderstanding in his eyes.

The only thing he could ask before he died was why this happened to such a beautiful and peaceful village.

When he was brought to the world of spirits, the young male was forced to watch his village die slowly, bit by bit. Everyone starved or left as crops began to fail time after time after time. He kept himself chained to this world out of fear and at the same time out of a feeling of duty to his town. Besides, there were a few children who had died out of disease and starvation; he felt terrible about leaving them to die again by the hands of these strangely wandering beasts that he could not see before.

However, he also could see strangers in black clothing with small, thin swords. These strangers would hunt the monsters and kill the monsters, before taking the spirits they found to another place by stamping their heads with their blade and watching them glow before sinking to the ground. He was similarly afraid of these strangers, for he didn't know where his friends and family and the children disappeared to after they left. He hid from these people in black clothing for many years, ignoring the pain in his chest and the chain attached to his heart during the time.

Inevitably, he was found by the strangers in dark clothing and he was pinned, stamped, and left to disappear to the strange world he woke up in later... not a single memory had followed him to this poor town he found himself in. It was strange to wake up and not know who you were. He could only pause and look over his own arms and hands as if he had never seen them before. Was he always so pale? He couldn't remember, but somehow he felt that his appearance had shifted from what he was before. But... how?

He didn't know anything. He found he didn't even remember his own name and gave himself a new one, Kazuki, Kimura Kazuki. Still, he felt it wasn't his true name, and that hollowness would continue to follow him no matter what happened. It worked, still. This new village had not much happiness in it.. and he didn't know at all where he was or how he had gotten here. He hated that feeling of not knowing.. he felt that the lack of knowledge was ultimately stumping and suffocating him, slowly killing him in its own right.

Though, the only thing he could say with any certainty was that what was really killing him was this murderous hunger that clawed at his stomach. He felt he hadn't eaten in two years! Why? When he asked others for food, he was largely ignored. Some even had the gall to tell him that it wasn't possible to be hungry.. but why? He still didn't know. He didn't know anything and he felt stupid and inferior. He hated that feeling... he hated the knowledge that he didn't know. He hated all of it.

He became a beggar of the town, baby faced and speaking constantly of hunger even though no one believed that it was possible to be hungry in this land. It was only until a woman with strangely tradition black clothing gave him a loaf of bread did he get the answers he wanted. She explained to him that for one thing... this was the land of the dead, a place called Soul Society. In this place called Soul Society, there were certain people called shinigami, and others were all dead souls, thus the reason why the majority of people never got hungry. The few who did, however, meant that they were somehow special, that they had a kind of spiritual power that needed to be powered, food was a good option. The woman then continued to explain that she had arrived here because she felt some strong spiritual power, and said that she could sense how his spiritual aura or otherwise known as 'reiatsu' was flowing off and out of him like a river, albeit one that was strangely controlled and guided as if he forced his spiritual power outwards constantly.

He couldn't understand much of what she explained, but the knowledge that he was being understood made him quite content with himself. He'd like to keep this feeling with him, the feeling that he knew exactly what was going on, how, why, and everything else. He spoke this to the woman, and she smiled and wrote him a letter. She said it was a letter of recommendation and would have him enter the shinigami academy without having to take the initial test.As long as he was fed, he didn't care. His primary motive for even joining the shinigami academy was for the simple reason that he could eat and sleep with a roof over his head. Nothing else mattered.

The newbie was known as 'that dirt-poor s**t that knew kido'. He did know kido. In fact, he was the top of his class every time. Because he spent so much time being hungry and in turn keeping himself from getting weak with his spiritual power, the manipulation of it came easily to him. However, one thing he couldn't do was to manipulate his reiatsu so he didn't give off so much. He was overflowing with the power, to try and restrain it would be like trying to stop a waterfall. He glossed over his classes that required studying; in fact, he spent all his spare time at the academy at the library, studying. However, at the academy he also kept with himself a small family of rabbits, left behind by a graduate. He kept them closely to himself in a little pen in the field behind the school. Night after night he would take care of the furry creatures, having a soft spot for their cuteness and how they sat in his arms.

Years passed in the academy, his ravenous appetite for knowledge never failed him. He read novel and encyclopedias and yearbooks from previous classes and biographies and all the other crazy things associated with knowing everything there is to know and more. However, one book he read, a textbook associated with philosophy, made him question all he knew about himself. It questioned his liking and disliking of things and why. He could never answer that question, he found... that he had no answer.

He hated that. He hated that he has no answer to the meaning behind his likes and dislikes. What made him like certain things and what made him dislike certain things. So, that night, he went to his rabbit pen and pulled out his very favorite bunny. Her name was Dark Eye and she was all black. She got comfortable in his arms as she always did, allowing his arms to support her and one hand to stroke her soft fur.

Today, however, things would be different.

Kazuki carefully set Dark Eye on her wonderfully furry back and tied her legs up to steaks in the ground. Then, he pulled out a scalpel. Completely oblivious to the scuffles and cries of pain the bunny gave, the man skinned her belly, ignoring the twitching struggles of the rabbit as blood splurted to the ground. Why did he love her so? Was it here organs, shiny and spasming? Was it her heart, beating so rapidly as she squirmed? Was it her beautiful white ribs, gleaming in the moonlight? Even when she stopped twitching, he continued his exploration. His knife into her was one that also allowed him to shove all other thoughts away and allow him to fully focus.

The dissection lasted an hour. It was an hour full of clairvoyance. Although he had no answer to his questions, it gave him an inner peace he never felt before. He now knew the innards and outers of his beloved rabbit. Her last meal was carrots even though she preferred celery. Her ribs were beautiful when stained with blood. Her eyeballs were filled with fluid. Her tongue twitched if one poked it in a certain nerve line, the same tongue that licked his fingers clean of strawberry juice. Her uterine lining was thick; she might've been ready to have beautiful little rabbits of her own soon.

Carefully, the shinigami-to-be dug a small grave for her. He stitched her back up and placed her organs in their right places, the leftovers of her eyes in her eye sockets, and wrapped it up in her lush fur. He cradled the mass of flesh, a childish smile on his face even as he lay her to rest and covered her with dirt. He felt so much better after that... even though he had none of his questions answered, he felt like something had been set and done and he had answered some kind of inner truth.

Later that week, he and all the other graduates were sent to the recruitment fair, where all the captains and vice-captains took a day to shamelessly self-advertise. He arrived there with all the other newbies. None of the squads really interested him except for the twelfth one.

When the evening came, Kazuki found himself in the fields again, this time he was oblivious to the fact he was being watched. Just like last time, he pulled out one of his beloved rabbits from his pen and cuddled it in his arms. His name was Roger Rabbit, named after a children's tale. He similarly tied him down and dissected him as well, feeling no sadness at the loss of his rabbit.. only the same inner peace that he felt before. He felt content as he used the rabbit's fur as a pouch and stuffed all the innards in it before burying him contentedly.

The next day, Kazuki went on to the next lesson, which was when he would be getting his zanpakuto. When it was handed to him, it felt heavy and somewhat awkward in his hand. It felt like he wasn't supposed to be wielded like it was. He didn't like it at all and asked if he could have a wooden counterpart to fight with until he felt better communicated with his blade. He was given a wooden replica, far more well balanced and he fought with it for a while. A few people laughed at him for having a wooden blade, but he didn't mind their laughter. He could deal with teasing because he had something else to find out.

For a while, the to-be shinigami stayed in his room, ignoring his classes because all the classes from now on were simply working on their new blades. He kept his blade with him at all times, holding it close and keeping himself in his room, researching shikais constantly and how to channel his reiatsu. He kept it close, as close as he could no matter what else he did. He kept himself all alone, dedicating the rest of his time to researching on how to unlock shikai.

Eventually, he met his sword spirit within himself after fully researching himself. He was at first surprised, but the creature stared at him and simply stated its name before leaving. He was quick to activate his shikai and... was even more surprised to see that it was not something cool or strong... but a book.... a book?! Why a book? He shook his head and would later discover how this book would be more valuable to him than any other shikai available. In order to keep from anyone knowing he had found shikai, he kept the book with him and called it a research book, giving it its own book cover and keeping his wooden blade by his side and calling it his unreleased zapakuto.

Of course, as soon as he graduated, he arrived at twelfth squad to apply. However, he did need to do nothing but inform the captain personally when he was told for an interview. From there on, he was quick to be shuffled into the ranks of seated, keeping his shikai with him at all times. However, those who are in his squad considered him strange to be part of the seated members when he had nothing but a book he always keeps with him and a blade that he had never once taken out of its sheathe, much less activated it to shikai.

Not once, however, did he stop working. His work ethic lasted for as long that he learned while he used his experiments and he always learned while doing whatever he was supposed to be doing at any one point, and so he always seemed to be working hard.He wasn't interested in everyone else, for they were so easy to research that he already knew everything he cared to know about them and far more than that.

Of course, there came a day when Kazuki was taken to become vice captain. It was not a difficult way of life for him, for it just meant more experiments at the captain's personal labtratories. He loved those days and became close with his captain, the very same levels of affection he had for his rabbits... It was only a matter of time.

During a serious dissection of a parasitic hollow, Kazuki asked his captain to read something for him. The captain opened Kazuki's shikai and took a strong cero to the face- there was no way the captain could've survived. When the captain was found with his head blown off and his body ripped to ribbons, the vice captain mentioned that his captain was working on hollow dissections... and it became pinned on the dangerous experiments going on that had resulted in the captain's death. As a result, Kazuki became 12th squad captain but it would be a while still until he grabbed himself bankai.

When he began to both and pester his blade for how to unlock bankai, he was pelted with accusatory questions of which he had no answer to by his spirit. Over months, years, these frustrations and feelings of self-doubt and depression reached a boiling point in which he opened his book threw it across the room, tears streaming down his only eye as once again he was pelted with those questions. Finally he opened his mouth and screamed. I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW! I KNOW NOTHING! I DON'T KNOW!! And just like that, the acceptance that there were some things in life he didn't know, a black fog came from his book and became his... his worst nightmare.

He has always been afraid of his bankai ever since and kept to himself most of the time. No one in his squad, no other captain really, knew about his bankai or even his shikai. In fact, he was a complete enigma to sereitei, because as far as anyone knows he is a captain with no shikai, no bankai, never even fought and stays in his room all day. He doesn't even show up for most of the captain meetings, choosing to send a hell butterfly in his stead to listen to the discussion and give his opinions.

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