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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[PRP] Grey like me (Timur x Nawiri)

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Sergeant Sargent

PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:47 pm
((Moved from the rogue lands))

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Though they had stumbled across some rough times, for the most part the pride was doing well. The secondary plague that had struck down all members had eased up and passed while the war and raids on their territory had also ended. Life was slowly bringing the pack back together and, despite having their numbers cut severely, perhaps everything really would be okay. Heck, it was a welcome surprise, but there were a few new faces to be seen! Good favor and luck had smiled upon them with the addition of a few new members and Nawiri'chiwa could only hope such a trend continued. They needed all the help they could get, after all.

Up in the hills, the young queen had come to pay her respects to the most mysterious members of the pride. It was unfortunate, of course, that the Secret Keepers were shrouded in such mystery and seclusion; while they were open and accepted members of the pride, they did have to keep an oath of silence on their actual duties. Nawiri'chiwa was one of the very few who knew what lifestyle the keepers lived; she didn't look down upon them, though it wasn't a task she herself would ever desire.

Still, it couldn't be easy having many other members of the pride look upon you with fear or uncertainty. There was always a solemness in the air when secret keepers walked amongst the unknowing, a mystery, an enigma to all. Some pride members avoided them, while others whispered or made rumors; to live a life in secrecy couldn't be easy. . . .

But it was what it was and Nawiri'chiwa didn't fear her faithful and loyal subjects regardless what rank or title they held. Her compassionate soul didn't dare allow such an offense and so it was this day she walked the grave yards with a delicate paw and open ear. They would find her when they were ready to be discovered. . . All in due time, of course.

Sergeant Sargent
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“I do not like it here so much anymore. So many faces, so many eyes. The queen did not say they would look so strangely at me. It was always like this before. Now there are more of them everywhere. Do they know?” Timur looked at the stars and shivered.

No, they could not know. The spirits were the one subject he kept his mouth closed about. If the pride knew surely they would have chased him away by now, like everyone always did. They called him crazy, they called him liar, they accused him of inciting fear and panic. Only Timur knew the truth of the two legged spirits. None listened. He believed that whenever he told someone about the two legged spirit an invisible spirit would possess them and make them insane. The spirits were trying to hunt him down.

In his nightmares the spirits always came to this pride, the only home he knew, took over the queen and made her mad. He would wake up howling in pain and refused to tell anyone what he had dreamt. The nightmares added to his isolation.

But still, the evil spirits did not come. Timur believed this was because the pride was already possessed of evil plague spirits. He pitied them, for no creature deserves possession.

“Someone is coming,” he whispered to himself. He turned in the direction of the nose. His eyes widened. “The queen? How strange.” He furrowed his brow. As the queen approached him he stood to greet her. “Good evening, Queen Nawiri.”

Making her way over a small hill, the grey and black masked femme caught sight of Timur. His grey ghost-like coat made him difficult to miss, one of the rare few hyena's amongst the pride. She didn't know the gray one well, as he had joined only recently to the pride, but Nawiri'chiwa found this to be an opportunity.

He didn't flee or slink away, in fact, he was most respectful towards her approach! A smile lifted her features as she bridged the distance between herself and the hyena. She held no prejudices against species, as such a closed-minded thing would have marked the downfall of the pride years ago. Every non-lion was a welcome face, though Nawiri'chiwa understood it couldn't necessarily be easy. . . tending to the sick, watching so many die on a seemingly daily basis. . . Truly it was most unfortunate.

"Good evening, Timur," she responded cordially, pausing to offer the hyena a humble bow. It was still strange to hear her title used so formally as Queen. . . . That had been her mother's role, and she feared that such a title came with bittersweet resentment from many within the pride. There was a lot of pressure placed on her shoulders, but surely Timur couldn't know the full offense of her lineage. And thankfully, the pride was so close, if any judgments were cast her way they were never given in front of her, or at least were guised in kindness.

"I hope I haven't disturbed you," she apologized, canting her head as her tail swished lazily behind her.

((So how long has Timur been in the pride? Was he accepted by Nawiri's mother or did he join after Nawiri had been given the title? :3 Just for time line sake. . . . n.n ))

Sergeant Sargent
((Accepted in by Nawiri, probably arrived in the lands a few weeks ago.))

Timur believed Nawiri's pride had learned to live with evil spirits, at least to an extent. He knew well that some lions could withstand the power of their possessors, especially the young, and that all infected eventually succumed to the plague. Timur was not so strong in spirit. If the plague could infect hyenas he never would have come to this place. Perhaps by being here he too could learn the ways of the evil spirits that haunted the pride and eventually overcome his own demons. That was his hope, at least.

He was a scraggily fellow, when Nawiri first met him it was obvious he hadn't been part of a pack in a long time. He still didn't take very good care of himself.

"No, no. You are welcome here my Queen. How are you feeling this evening?" he asked kindly in his deep, raspy voice.

The lioness couldn't help but smile at the scraggly hyena. She had been pleased that Timur hadn't been frightened away after learning of the pride and its infection. She was most grateful that he hadn't been scared away even after learning of the secondary plague that had just run its course, proving that Amaret had no mercy even among her devoted. Though it was rare, he had wanted to stay and as such she had accepted him and given him a place. . .

Mind, the position offered wasn't a glamorous position; it was very important though and though some within were uncertain of the Secret Keepers, they were no less loved or cared for. Every member was important, regardless how shrouded in shadow they might be.

my Queen. . . . the words still caused her ears to p***k, for her stomach to churn in nausea unrelated to the plague that warped her body. Though she had known and been trained by her mother to lead from a young age, it still didn't make the reality any easier to bear. Her poor pride was in shambles and there was very little she could do. . .

Her chosen Escort had been slain by disease and her mother sacrificed. Friends and siblings had been culled by war or sickness and life hadn't been kind to many in the Kitwana. . . . Days were starting to look less glum, but who knew? Life wasn't ever easy, even on the best of days, and today was no exception. Still, with new faces like Timur accepting all within the pride, that meant for a better tomorrow . . .

There were others whom would find them, others whom would accept them too. Slowly, the grey female lowered herself to the ground before the the hyena, doing her best to keep the smile on her features despite the aches in her joints. She was in pain, but it was something she was used to. Some days it was less fun to walk, to move, but no matter how well she was feeling, no matter if the fever had broken or if her body seemed to feel 'well', there was always some pain in her body. . . . some pain that reminded her of the disease within.

"I'm feeling better than most nights," she assured with a gentle chuckle, eyes bright as she looked up at the hyean. "Thank you," she purred softly, pleased at his concern but not wanting him to worry. "I do believe the more important question is how are you? I do hope your time here in the pride has been well. . . ." her voice took on a wistful edge, hope brightening her duo-toned gaze.

It was part of her duty to make sure all within the pride were as well as they could be; new members were most certainly no exception to the rule! Adjusting to witnessing a daily dose of death and disease and suffering wasn't easy . . . . . and some never truly adjusted.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:00 pm
The rank of secret keeper had appealed to Timur from the start. He understood that the disposal of bodies must be a tricky issue, even in a pride where death was as common as the flies that preceded it, so for once he tried to keep his thoughts on the matter to himself. Living alone for so long, being cased away by every creature he tried to befriend; these trails had warped his mind in the same way that the plague had warped Queen Nawiri's body. He did not form attachments easily and had little sympathy for others. If her pride needed scavengers to clean up its remains, Timur would not refuse a free meal.

"Ah, that is good," he replied, lying down beside his queen. Even though he could be crass to others he would always treat Queen Nawiri with respect and as much love as he could find in his tired heart. She deserved the best for giving him such a home. Timur had alienated so many friends. He did not want to take chances here.

He bowed his head. "You need not trouble yourself with me, my queen. I am your humble servant."

Sergeant Sargent


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:53 pm
The young lioness was happy to spend time with the more aloof members of their pride. The Secret Keepers themselves were shrouded in mystery to the majority of the pride, and unfortunately that meant many kept their distance. Despite the very aloof nature of their 'questionable' tasks, the young queen wanted to make sure they knew they were loved and accepted. Even if some of the others might shy away.

Still, her gentle blue and red eyes studied Timur as he spoke. He was so formal with her, and continued to refer to her as 'my queen'. She almost preferred to be on a first name basis with her pride, so they might not look at her as just the queen. She was no different from any of them. . . She suffered when they suffered, shared in their joy when they were blessed.

Chuckling, the masked female grinned. "Oh, but that's where you're wrong! You're not just a humble servant . . . you're not a servant at all, at least I'd hope you might come to realize such a thing. You're one of the Kitwana, one of our family now." Laughing lightly again, always glad to speak of such fondness of her pride, she added, "And that is why I concern myself with your well being and happiness, Timur. Not out of duty or because it's expected of me. . .but because I want to know you're all right, you're happy here or at least have no complaints." Her words were genuine, her eyes bright with affection she felt for all within her pride.

Even though Timur was rather new, it didn't stop her from worrying or caring.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:40 pm
Timur's shoulders tensed, his fur, pitifully matted to his skin, attempted to stand on end. One of our family now... His mouth twitched in disgust for a split second, almost unnoticeable. Family - a horrid concept. In Timur's experience family only existed to coddle you until you think your life is perfect and beautiful, only so the people you once trusted so much can rip all your happiness away in a sandstorm of teeth and claws. He wanted nothing to do with anyone's family.

But he dared not say so out loud in front of his queen. Timur bit his tongue. She offered him protection, she offered him food. There was too much at stake here. Nervous, afraid he had offended her, Timur coughed loudly to cover up his distaste.

"Yes, yes! No complaints!" He cleared his throat. "Excuse me! Eyeyeh, I swallowed some dust by accident. You are truly too kind, my queen. I can say without a doubt that this is the best pride I have ever been in. I have never been in a pride before, eyeyeh. That was a joke. But truly, I am happy here."

Still nervous, he lifted his back leg and vigorously scratched himself behind the ear. It never occurred to him that this might be inappropriate behavior around royalty.

Sergeant Sargent


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:09 pm
Like night and day, Nawiri had no concept of the hell Timur's family had put him through. Family was something of vital importance within the Kitwana'antara, and something she couldn't imagine being without. Even if the strong bonds made weren't blood-related, they many considered one another family regardless.

They had to be. They were the only ones strong enough to keep going, to push aside the pain of disease and the overwhelming state of grief. They only had each other and that was something none could easily forget.

While she didn't notice his look of disgust, she also didn't expect him to truly understand or welcome such knowledge. Some were more aloof than others, and while Timur would always be accepted by the pride as a whole, it was up to him to truly embrace their ways or not. Either way, he was still one of them, regardless.

Thankfully for Timur, Nawiri'chiwa was not a typical queen. Rather, many queens within the pride were unlike the posh females of neighboring lands or strangers with rank. Royalty meant very little in the grand scheme of things. . . her title merely meant more responsibility to those within her 'family' and less concern about herself.

Chuckling lightly as the hyena seemed to try to relax around her, the black masked female gave her coat a little shake. Her dual toned eyes glimmered with pleasure at his reply. "Be it the first of many prides to come, or be it a place you choose to reside at length, I'm glad you've found some happiness. As for dust, unfortunately it comes with the landscape and the season," she chuckled, looking down at her own dust-covered paws. "The lake could bring some relief though, and I know you'd be more than welcome."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:45 pm
Even though his new pride made him a little uncomfortable at times with its many new faces, Timur couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Here he had protection. Here he had food. Here he could live out his days in peace.

However, being part of a pride in a social sense meant little to him. In fact he almost detested it. He tired quickly of socializing in even the friendliest settings such as this, so when his queen mentioned the lake he smiled and respectfully bowed his head. "In that case, I think I will treat myself to a drink and a soak. Thank you, my queen."

With that, he stood and turned to leave.

Sergeant Sargent


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:47 pm
Nawiri watched as Timur took his leave and began to head closer to the heart of the pride. "Enjoy yourself, Timur, and may good fortune favor you." She smiled softly as he made his retreat, heaving a sigh as he left. She understood he was more reclusive than some of the members within the pride, but she was pleased he didn't turn off her to companionship right away.

Not everyone she reached out to would be willing to take her paw. . . not everyone would want to open up and express themselves. Some took more work than others, unfortunate as it might be others still would never open up.

Timur might be one of those. . . .and while she'd never coerce him or make him feel stifled or pressured, she did hope he meant what he'd said. That he was happy within the pride. While he might hold back, they would be there waiting for him whenever he was in need.
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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