PRP between Kairi and myself.

After spending some time with her family, Niesha felt the itch to go off and explore once more. The last time this had happened she had ran into Airi in the God's Haven. It had provided an opportunity to make more friends.

Her blue eyes were bright as she scanned the area shyly. Perhaps this would turn out to be a good day, she hoped so at least!

Something smelt familiar.

Very, very familiar.

Laini frowned as she looked up from where she'd been pawing at the cloudy ground playfully, blind eyes scanning the area. Jicho gave a soft chirp, friendly inquisitive - he'd been in a better mood recently, since Laini had grown a little. Both in size and in sense. Not much bigger size-wise, but it was a noticeable difference for anyone that had seen her previously.

Suddenly, she realized what it was - that smell. It was a friend! "Niesha?" Laini called happily, taking a step forwards in the direction with a sweet smile, hoping the other Goddess might come to her. Laini wasn't great at following smell-directions.

Ears perked forward as she thought she heard a sound. Upon closer inspection her hopes were raised as Niesha smelled a familiar scent.

Laini! Her best friend!

With her friend's scent, she changed her course and went in that direction. It didn't take her too long to spot her friend off in the distance. A bright smile spread across her features as she called out, "Laini! Jicho!" This was very good, she hadn't seen her best friend in a while.

Oh, that was her voice being called! Trying to line her face up with the direction the call was coming from, a wide grin spread across Laini's face as she took one bound forwards before stopping, letting Niesha come to her. Knowing her luck she'd bound off in the completely wrong direction, and then she'd just look like an idiot. Instead she stayed put, and just smiled widely, clearly glad to see her friend. Jicho also didn't seem hostile, which was very strange indeed. Whilst not exactly welcoming, the bat settled himself on Laini's shoulder and remained there, cleaning his wings carefully.

"I haven't seen you in...forever!" Laini babbled a little excitedly - hey, she was happy to see her friend! "Where've you beeeeeen?"

She made her way to her friend, since she knew that Laini didn't have sight like she did. But that didn't matter to her at all.

Once she was close to her friend she smiled really wide. She reached forward to nudge Laini's cheek with hers in a greeting. "It's great to see you again!" She paused for a moment before replying, "I've been everywhere! feels like it. What about you?"

Laini felt a soft nudge on her cheek, and turned to the warm fur to give it a far more affectionate nuzzle, purring loudly. She'd missed Niesha! The Goddess of Modesty was Laini's bestest best friend in the history of ever, and she often thought about her. "Everywhere? Really?" Laini asked, giggling. Surely it wasn't actually possible to have been everywhere? "You must be really tired then!"

What about her? Laini wrinkled her nose, settling herself down into a sitting position now she knew Niesha was beside her. "I've been with Pala, pretty much. He's said now I'm bigger I can wander more, though!"

"It sure does feel like it. I've been with my family most of the time. And sometimes my mom lets me lay on her back while she flies since I don't have any wings and can't fly for long distances like my siblings or her." It was fun to feel the wind on her face, she loved it.

At her friend's comment, she took a moment to look at Laini. Oh wow! She did get bigger! "He's right, you are bigger from the last time we met. We're almost the same height'll probably be taller than me in no time." She smiled joyfully, afterall she was a rather small goddess anyway.

"Oh, thats so cool!" Laini started, hopping on the spot as she unfurled her own wings a little, "I can use my wings now they're bigger!" A thought crossed ehr mind, and suddenly her grin faded, Laini turning her attention to the ground instead. "...I wish I could fly on my mommy's back..."

She wished she could find her mother. She was getting older, she was beginning to understand how difficult it was going to be. All she had to go off of was white fur and a fluffy tail, and that wasn't much. And Africa was really...really big.

But you had to stay optomistic, right?

Looking up to her friend again with a smile, not wanting to put a damper on their meeting, she semi-forced herself to smile. "I grew! And I don't think so, I'm still smaller than you!"

She reached forward to touch Laini affectionately, "You'll have big wings and I can fly on your back!" Niesha smiled gently.

Her tail flicked as she shook her head, "Oh I'm thinking that you'll be much bigger than me when you're an adult! I'm small as it is, and it's ok. It'll be cool to have Laini my size or bigger!" Her friend Airi was bigger than her, afterall. And all of her siblings, so size didn't matter.

Laini purred at the touch, nuzzling into it fondly. "I don't think they'll be that big..." she spoke uncertainly, giving her wings a little shake. As far as she could tell, from the weight and what she'd felt when she was rolling over, her wings weren't that big. Really, they were more of an attraction that she could flap when she was flying otherwise. It had just taken her until now to learn how to fly the magic, God-type way.

"I can give you big fluffy cuddles!" Laini giggled, tail swishing about behind her, "Like Airi!"

She nodded, "Yes you can!" Laini's giggling was contagious as she let out some soft ones of her own. Her tail flicked happily behind her.

Her eyes widen as she perked up, "Oh! You know Airi too? I met him not too long ago. He's such a nice guy!"

She was happy to hear Niesha giggling - it was no fun unless her friend was having fun too! Laini hoped her grin was just as contagious. As conversation turned to the big, fluffy God with a mane as fluffy as her mother's tail, Laini purred, and her eyes would have been sparkling if they weren't faded.

"Yeah yeah, Airi is amazing! He's sweet and fluffy and kind and fluffy and cuddly and fluffy..." she went on and on, clearly quite in love with the God - more than a little crush. She went on to proudly declare, "He's going to be my mate!"

As she listened to her best friend talk about the male, Niesha couldn't help but to agree. Upon her first meeting with the male, he was really kind and caring. Someone who was her friend too!

And then her eyes widen slightly. Laini was so bold! Mate? So young and so quickly? She didn't know what to think, she was surprised to say the least. "He is very kind and gentle. He showed me around the God's domain since I had never been there before."

Her head tilted slightly as she asked curiously, "Your mate? He said that?"

Niesha had never been to the God's Haven before? Laini face showed her surprise, but she didn't pursue it, far more interested in the conversation involving Airion. ", not exactly," she admitted a little sheepishly, her blind gaze turning to her feet as she fiddled with something smooth underneath her paws - she assumed it was a pebble.

"He doesn't know it yet," she explained, trying to make herself sound less stupid than she currently was, "But he will be!"

She smiled at her friend, "Well just make sure that he knows before you tell too many don't want any miscommunication between you two." Laini looked so happy when she spoke of Airi! But then again, she felt that way too when she told her mom of her newfound friend.

Her tail flicked slightly as her face turned pink at the thought of her two friends becoming mates. It would be such a cute pair, afterall. Friends being mates wouldn't be bad? She'd never been around mates before. "I wonder what it's like to have a mom raised us by herself."


What Niesha was saying made sense. She should probably let Airi find out that she was his perfect mate before telling everyone. Her slightly disheartened expression turned to another typical Laini-grin as she looked back up in the general direction of Niesha's face, bouncing gently on the spot again - she just couldn't sit still!

"Oh? ...Where's your dad?" Laini asked, perhaps a little tactlessly. She hadn't ever really experienced mates before - only that Goddess who Pala had had a brief thing with. But that wasn't real love, was it? ...Laini was really excited to find out what it was like, "I'm sure you'll find someone, Niesha! Someone perfect and fluffy!"

Just as Laini was looking sad, her friend was bouncing around once more. At her question, Niesha shook her head, "I don't know. I've never met him before, I've just heard about what he looks like." Her mom had told her that much when she had asked.

And then her face soften as she purred quietly to Laini, "I'd like to think so. I think we both will find someone! And then we can spend lots of time together with our families. That'll be so much fun!"

"Oh," Laini mumbled, forehead frowning a little in confusion. Didn't Niesha want to know who her father was? Although...Laini wasn't wanting to know who her father was. Just her mother. Her father didn't seem nearly as important as her mother - she hadn't even really thought about him until just now.

"Ohohoh, we can all live together in a big happy place, and have like...playdates and stuff!" Laini gasped, truly excited by the idea. She was on her feet again, grin wide. "We can have like...double dates!"

"Oh," Laini mumbled, forehead frowning a little in confusion. Didn't Niesha want to know who her father was? Although...Laini wasn't wanting to know who her father was. Just her mother. Her father didn't seem nearly as important as her mother - she hadn't even really thought about him until just now.

"Ohohoh, we can all live together in a big happy place, and have like...playdates and stuff!" Laini gasped, truly excited by the idea. She was on her feet again, grin wide. "We can have like...double dates!"

Laini purred at the thought - it was such a happy future. She wanted all of her friends around her as she grew up, all to live together on one happy mountain full of rainbows and sweets. "I'd really, really like that, Niesha."

They'd been here a while, and that meant it was getting late - this made Laini sad. "What are you doing tonight?" she asked, cocking her head to the left. Could she stay with Niesha tonight - she was sure Pala would let her!

Tonight? Niesha paused to think. "Um, nothing really. Probably head back to my Mom and old brother. Why?" She eyed her best friend curiously. And then her eyes widen slightly in thought, "Did you want to spend the night with me?" Her face grew big with a smile.

Laini grinned - Niesha had picked up on her plan! Laini nodded happily, still hopping up and down on the spot. "If that's okay, yesyesyesyes please! I'm sure Pala won't mind, especially if I'm safe with you!"

She paused slightly for a moment, frowning, "Your mom won't mind, will she?" She'd never met Niesha's mother before, she didn't know what she was like.

She shook her head, "Of course not! She'd love to meet you! I tell her all about you when we get together." It wasn't hard for Niesha to imagine her mother loving Laini as a daughter. Her mother was just very motherly.

"We can ask Pala and then go find my mom."

"Okay!" Laini squeaked, perhaps a little more high-pitched than she'd intended but it was still audible. She took a few shaky steps forwards, but found her face meeting Niesha's fur, so took a step back with an embarrassed giggle. "Let's go!"

She reached out and returned Laini's nuzzle affectionately. Nothing in her life could replace her best friend and she was so happy to have someone outside of her family that she could hang out with.

Her face was bright with a smile from ear to ear as she followed after Laini to get permission from her Pala before going to her mother. Tonight was going to turn out to be a fun-filled night!
