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Aiko lazed in the sun, her violet eyes attentive in spite of her utterly relaxed posture. She'd draped herself over a low rock that was warmed by the sun and in just the right spot to make the sunshine on the lithe black cheetah's gleam enough to draw the eye of anyone who wandered outside. She liked having eyes on her. She was a beautiful creature, and knew it well. Being a consort was perfect for her, and while she didn't strut about singing her own praises, she did make sure that others noticed her. Of course, she didn't have to try, having been born with a form most considered to be quite attractive. But adding that tiny little bit of effort made it all the more obvious.

Still, she wasn't just laying here to enjoy the sun, although it was enjoyable. No, she was keeping an eye on the comings and goings of the pride...especially looking for the coming of one very specific absolutely gorgeous leopard... But if she was out here for a while, she wasn't complaining. It was a nice day after all.