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The lithe young cheetah prowled through the caverns, her sleek dark hide rippling over her slender muscular frame as she made her way down to the dens. Aiko never seemed to work hard to catch the attention she did. It just…well. It was just how she was. How she walked, how she talked, the way her eyes would slide so smoothly over a masculine form. Silky voice, silky fur, smooth as silk. So it was only natural that she slipped so easily into the role she’s chosen.

Perhaps she’d finally saunter her way up to the rank of Geisha soon, that would be quite nice. Maybe it would even help to get her brother off her back. It had been ages and he still wasn’t over the whole consort thing. Couldn’t he tell how happy she was? Oh no, the first thing he did when he found out was storm down into her new den to yell at her for a while. Stupid brother…

But he’d just have to deal with it. Fact was Aiko loved her job. It was a perfectly respectable position after all, though her performances were not usually something as simple as a sweet little song and dance. But he'd no right to judge her either way! At least here she'd be in a safe place all the time. She'd had a few scrapes and near misses out on the rogue lands. Here, everyone was pride. And she'd only belong with the upper class sort too. But, then again, she was the very best. Where else would she belong?

Laughing softly under her breath, Aiko twined around the entrance to the den she’d been heading for. It wasn’t hers of course, heavens no. But the whole pride was home sweet home to her. Besides, she did so enjoy spending time with her pridemates.

“Hello again Mana,” she purred, “May I come in?”

User ImageMana's ears twitched forward when he heard the sound of soft footfalls outside his den. Judging by how lightly they fell, his guest was a cheetah and female. Nyoka sometimes dropped in on him without warning, and he never minded her visits, but he had also learned to identify what she sounded like some time ago. Which meant that this must be Aiko. Her voice confirmed it.

"Aiko," he said, rising to his feet and walking toward the entrance. "Please do come in. I'm glad you were able to take the time to see me."

Asking her if she would be willing to entertain him for an evening had been more difficult than he had expected it to be, and he'd been too uncomfortable with the protocol to actually give her any sort of warning as to what sort of entertainment he expected from her. He had been raised in a pride which kept slaves, to whom one issued orders and not requests. There were the members like himself, free and yet lesser, but they were never put into this position. He had never been in the position of requesting the services of an entertainer. To be fair, he'd never been of sufficient rank to express such a desire. It was all very new to him.

"You look lovely, as always," he complimented her. His paw was completely healed and he'd even gone out and done some hunting earlier that day, which had exhausted him more than he would care to admit, but caused not even the slightest twinge of discomfort in his paw. For an observant person, it might be evident that his personal confident level's rise was directly tied in to his physical fitness. Once he was back in shape and on top of his game again, as it were, he would probably be back to his old self, as he thought of it.

"I made a kill today to amuse myself. There is some that I have set aside if you're hungry." He guessed that probably wasn't part of the normal procedure, but he saw no harm in being polite and he didn't mind sharing his kill. He wasn't going to finish it that evening. A long period of inactivity had to be countered with a carefully-watched diet, or else he would become overweight.


“It’s my pleasure,” she grinned as she padded into his den. He’d seemed a bit awkward when he’d asked, which was kind of adorable if a bit silly. She didn’t bite after all. Not if she liked you. Well, she could bite if he wanted her to, but from what she’d gathered about Mana from, admittedly little experience, she doubted it would come to that.

He hadn’t specified what he wanted, but that was fine by her. She could guess. And even if she guessed wrong, she did love surprises. Surprises were surprising and fun after all. Nana probably disapproved of the surprises she often got to be surprised with, but it was hardly his business. If he kept sticking his nose in, she might give in to the temptation to bite it right off. Snap! Just like that. He should know better than to bother her by now… but thinking about big brother was only going to annoy her. She wasn’t here to be irritable, she was here to be…entertaining.

“Thank you,” Aiko giggled at his compliment, looking him over as she did so. He looked…good. Not that he hadn’t looked good before. But he looked better now. “How’s your paw?” she asked, before her mind caught up to inform her that if he was hunting he was probably doing better. “And thank you again,” she said, a bit more amusement in her tone as she repeated herself. “But I’m not all that hungry at the moment, I ate earlier.” Wouldn't want to arrive with a growling belly after all.

Still, it was good to hear he’d been hunting. She’d been bothered by the way he’d been hurt in his escape from that horrible pride. That he was doing better was only good news.

Mana's grin was just shy of wry. Her pleasure, was it? He wondered if she really like that about being at others' beck and call, or if that was just what she told herself. She had other options, though, and she'd not taken them. It stood to reason, in that case, that she really did enjoy her work for whatever reason. Maybe, as she'd teased him before, she was simply doing something she was good at. Mana knew that he wasn't quite good at what he did for Nyoka yet, but he would learn to be by the time the pride coalesced completely, and he would be a fixture as much as Baride or, well, Aiko.

"The paw's better. As you can see, I've been hunting, and just being able to do that much is a great improvement. I'd go out hunting every day if I could, just to prove that I can, except that it would waste resources and we do have people to do that for us."

He still forgot sometimes that he didn't have to hunt if he didn't want to, and that he could direct the slaves and lower grunts to do that sort of work for him. Part of the problem was that Mana had a very definite mental block about issuing commands to lions, and the other part was simply that he enjoyed being physically able to hunt. His last few days before he reached the 'Nera had been very bad and he'd not eaten well for the entire time he'd been on the run.

"Of course. I hope you'll forgive my enthusiasm. I wasn't sure." He bit off the rest of that sentence because if he'd said anything else he knew he would have come across as much younger and more awkward than he wished.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier what I would have you do to entertain me. I'm not sure if you're used to knowing in advance or not, but it was unfair of me to leave you in ignorance. I was actually hoping you could tell me a story, or maybe sing a song. It's been brought to my attention that I know little of the world outside my pride and understand even less, and although I mean to make this pride my home, I would like to know more about what else is out there."

There. That made him sound like he was inquisitive and interested in learning. He hoped.


Aiko nodded warmly when he said his paw was better. She'd guessed as much, hoped as much. If he'd been hunting, it must not hurt so badly as it seemed to when he'd limped past her that morning. "I am glad you are well," she purred, being quite honest. She might know better than to pour her secrets into Nyoka's ears, but Mana was a nice fellow and she liked him.

"Don't worry about it," Aiko chuckled lightly when he asked her to forgive his enthusiasm. "It was sweet," she added, none of the others hunted for her. Not since Aandag...and he'd been a wild dog too. Funny how he'd turned out to be a better friend than most of the felines she'd met on the roguelands...

Her head tipped faintly to one side as he explained, a thoughtful expression on her features. She'd rather thought he'd asked her here for something else, which she'd not have minded in the least. There were others with greater talent at the things he said he wanted, why would he have chosen her and not them if... ah.

He knew her. Perhaps that was all there was to it. Watching the way he seemed a bit uncertain, and remembering what he'd told her of his old pride... he wasn't used to being in power. To having control. But he wanted it, otherwise he would never have called for her to come to him.

She sat then, her tail curling lightly around her paws, the tip tapping delicately against the floor of his den as she thought. "My brothers and I grew up in the rogue lands. I've met a lot of people, and I suppose I know a few stories worth listening too. Do you like legends? Or would you prefer to hear something that is more grounded in fact?"

Sweet. He knew that being called sweet by a female was more or less the mark of death when it came to having a romantic relationship, but since he wasn't interested in having a romantic relationship with Aiko, he supposed that didn't really matter. He was attracted to her, just as any male would be, but he didn't want to deal with the entanglements of a relationship for the time being. Besides, his first loyalty would always be to Nyoka, and he didn't think that would go over too well with many females. He wouldn't take too well to learning that he would always be second for his partner of choice, at any rate.

Nevertheless, Mana offered a mock scowl at Aiko's assessment, declaring with feigned indignation, "I'm not sweet." Then he added in a voice more his own. "I'm really not. Sometimes I'm generous or thoughtful, but I'm not sweet. I lack a certain...anyway. This is me not worrying about it."

His expression relaxed, as did his posture, as he indicated that she might make herself comfortable while he did the same. Since her company for this visit would not be sexually stimulating - for her anyway - there was no reason that both of them couldn't be comfortably seated. Mana knew that he would be at least somewhat turned on by her no matter what they were doing, but he was not an adolescent whose mind was ruled by his desire for sex, and he could comport himself like the adult he was.

"I prefer true stories as much as possible. I have so many legends in my head, stories of spirits and the like, that I think I've reached my lifetime quota for those." Which wasn't to say that he disbelieved the stories of the spirits - quite the opposite, in fact - but he did recognize that the events of those stories were far removed from his life. Someone such as him was invisible to the spirits, lacking a spirit of his own, and so while he respected and honored them, in spite of his best efforts to forget his upbringing, Mana knew that tales of them would only ever be tales.

"What I'd really like to know..Oh, I can't ask you about that. You probably don't know either and I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble with your brother if you did." He hesitated, curiosity winning out. "But...do you at least know how Nanashi and Nyoka ended up as they are? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm curious."


"Ah, of course you aren't," Aiko soothed when he protested her choice of words. Dysi wouldn't have minded, he would have known it for the endearment she felt it was. But then, Dysi had always been different. He was special. "My mistake. You are generous and thoughtful, and I appreciate the un-sweet gesture." There. She might not be the most eloquent of speakers, but she had her own ways with words.

That same pleased look flickered across her features as he relaxed. He really wasn't used to this sort of thing, was he. Well, she would be happy to break him in, in more ways than one of course. But if he needed someone who he could relax around, she was good for that too. She knew what it was like to have people breathing down her neck all the time. Not much fun at all.

"I see," she nodded when he said he didn't like hearing more legends. That cut out about half of her options, and since she was sure some of the more...colorful...tales were inappropriate, her choices were getting a bit limited. But he seemed to have something more specific in mind after all. And while she hated to disappoint him, at least it was a good place to start.

"Nana likes being the eldest. He likes to think he's taking care of us, like he did when I was still a cub," Aiko started, "But I sort of find it a little...stifling...now, as you may recall from our last conversation. I'd ditch him all the time. So...that's why I wasn't there when he met Nyoka. I don't know everything that happened. I do know that he thought it would be a good home for us here, and he probably thought he was still looking after us. He likes being the responsible one. But details...those I don't have."

"Thank you. My reputation would suffer if it were to become widely known that I don't indulge in recreational violence and all that." He laughed, as much at himself as anything else.

It was different, this pride, and he was adjusting as quickly as he could, but some things just took time. The idea that he was any sort of authority figure, for instance, still struck him as more than passing odd. He was a cheetah, by the spirits. Cheetahs were not authority figures. They were far too slender of build to garner any real respect. A part of him still wondered how Nyoka planned to keep the lions and lionesses who served in this pride as servants. Their spirits must have been embarrassingly servile to begin with.

"It's not that I don't like legends," Mana said, detecting what he thought might be a note of censure in Aiko's voice. "But I really did grow up in an environment saturated in stories of spirits and the like, and what you people call gods we referred to as greater spirits. It's just a bit much to wrap my head around."

Because, to be honest, Mana was not as accepting and open-minded as he imagined himself to be. Not that he ever gave it any thought. He felt about things the way he felt about them, and if that was how he felt, he was probably not in the wrong. He'd been brought up to know right from wrong. His part in the rebellion notwithstanding. That had been a mistake. But it had led him here. The thought process was familiar, and he dismissed it.


He looked at her with interest, waiting for her to begin. He didn't much care what she told him, really, but he hoped that hearing new things, rather than experiencing them, would help him with another problem which he would admit to no one and which was part of the reason he was relieved to have his own den. His dreams were bad. They had been since he fled the Mizimu, though they'd become less frequent since setting with the 'Nera.

"I'm pretty sure I can guess at the details, based on what I know of Nyoka," Mana said drily. He was wholly loyal to the lady, but that didn't mean he couldn't recognize what she was. Aiko was a bit like her, actually, though he doubted he'd be playing Nanashi to Aiko's Nyoka. Or maybe he would, given what he'd heard about where the ladies' true affections lay.

"I don't think Nanashi means to be stifling, you know. I think it's just the way he goes about doing things. He seems to be very...thorough in his doings." Thorough seemed like a polite way to put it while still encompassing what he had observed about him.

"I'm sorry you find it difficult to deal with. I can't say I blame you. I grew up with a lot of personal freedom." She might not believe it, but that was the truth.


Aiko laughed, "I wouldn't want to harm your reputation, that's for certain." Not that her own reputation was one to be proud of but...but she was happy with it. She liked to know where she stood with people, and how they stood with her. She had her secrets, cherished and loved and ever so carefully hidden safely from the world. Her reputation was only a part of her, just a part. It was not so very important as to hold her in fear of harming it, as Nana seemed to feel.

"No, I was just trying to decide what to tell you about," Aiko explained when he seemed to be defending his preferences. "I don't have that many stories, see, a lot of them are just tales from when I was little. I do have a few if you'd like."

What was he talking about with the gods though? His pride thought they were spirits? Well...Aiko had never met a god. She didn't believe in them exactly, but she didn't disbelieve. Meeting a god might be interesting at least. She didn't think she'd mind, but at the moment...she was pretty neutral. But Mana seemed to have a lot of things to believe in. It must all get hard to keep straight after a while.

"Oh, I know he means well," Aiko shrugged, how had this conversation too turned to her difficulties with Nana? "And I managed to find myself some freedom on my own," she grinned wickedly, "It's addicting, and when he tries to take it away again, I get...contrary." Nana's face when she'd gone into seduction mode on him... she'd gotten rid of him pretty quick with that. It was hilarious to her, just how uncomfortable he could act with her and her lifestyle when he...well.

Aiko knew what she Saw sometimes was real. Nana really had no right to be picking on her like that.

"So... I'm sure you weren't looking to hear me complain again," Aiko said playfully, cocking her head at him. "I think I've got a story to tell you, if you'd like it. It's about someone I met once, so it's as real as anyone's opinion can be. Unless you've something else more specific you were looking for?"

It seemed a bit less like he wanted her for stories so much as information, but she was an entertainer. She was happy to keep him company, and the questions he'd asked thus far were harmless enough. Anything that might cause harm she could easily dance around, or just claim ignorance. Ignorance used to work so well on Nana...

"One's reputation is very important," Mana intoned with mock sobriety. "Particularly here. But I doubt there's much you could really do to mine unless you decided to start spreading unfounded rumors."

The idea didn't bother him as much as it should. The only opinion that really mattered to him was Nyoka's, and he didn't think that cheetah would be one to change her opinion based on hearsay. Although she kept him around to report hearsay, so clearly she felt it was important. That was something new to concern himself over. Maybe he ought to be more careful of his reputation. Not that he had one, as yet.

"I'm sorry. I really am interested in hearing stories, and not getting information out of you," Mana laughed, shaking his head. "It will, I hope, be a pleasant diversion."

He could think of pleasanter ones, and maybe sometime he would have her indulge him in them, if he could ever get himself used to the idea of sex in this context. Surely being thoroughly sated sexually could work as well for keeping bad dreams at bay as distracting his mind. Probably it would be more effective, but he would like to see if this would work first.

"As for listening to you complain, I really don't mind. I was recently told that I talk too much, and it is a flaw I'm trying to fix. The cheetah who told me was one who...matters a great deal to me." He was telling only part of the truth in this instance, and he guessed Aiko would think he was referring to Nyoka, but he actually wasn't.

"If you'd rather not talk about it, you certainly don't have to. I have to say, though, I would love to see someone get contrary with Nanashi. He doesn't seem like the sort who would take it very well." His blue eyes shifted sideways as he imagined how that scenario would go. Aiko being contrary would probably be fun to see.

"Whatever you would like to tell me is more than fine, Aiko. I'm sorry for being nosy. It's not intentional." For once.


Reputation. Lots of people who cared too much about it seemed to have too little fun. But that wasn't her concern. Everyone ought to be free to chose their own lot in life. She wanted to do what she was doing, and to feel how she felt. It didn't matter how others felt or what they cared to do. That was their business, their choice. Aiko wouldn't try to rule their lives. Maybe nudge a little, on occasion, but really, choice ought to belong to the chooser, not the chooser's big brother.

"I don't mind telling you things, if you want to know them," the cheetahess shrugged. "If you like facts, stories might not be as entertaining for you. I'm just doing my job is all," she winked playfully, going back to listening as Mana explained that he talked too much. "Really? I find you talk a fine amount. Conversing takes two after all...as do other things." So she might be being bad. Would it really come as a surprise?

Mana's comment about Nanashi though, Aiko giggled evilly at that. "Oh, no, he really doesn't. Not at all." Though she was probably the only one to regularly give him a hard time. Somehow everyone else seemed quite tolerant of him...bizarre.

"Curiousity is a sign of a healthy mind," she chirped when he appologized for being nosy. "And...hm. Well, the most interesting story I know of...is about a lion I met one night." She paused there, watching him cautiously. A lot of the pride really didn't like lions, which she found silly. They were bigger and stronger, yes, but that didn't make them bad...still, she'd not blame Mana if he didn't like it. He at least had good reason to dislike a lion...poor soul.

Well, if he didn't want to hear about that...she could tell him about the wild dog she'd found fishing in the mud. Aandag had been fun. Or...no, wait, Keena was a lioness. Angusho was not a story she liked to share. Those two cheetah boys had been funny though, maybe she'd tell about them instead? The lions were the most interesting though...

"Aiko, to be honest I'm not seeking entertainment so much as I am distraction, or at the very least mind-numbing boredom. I have a great deal on my mind that I would rather not have there, so you can tell me stories if you wish, or you can tell me about your day, or you can list your favorite shapes."

Mananakbo was being candid, but his words were probably too unusual for her to grasp that fact, or else she would think he was making fun of her. He really wasn't. He just wanted something to take his mind off of his mind. Another thought occurred to him.

"I don't mean to say that I find you or your company boring, you know. It would be difficult to, when you look the way you do and tempt people so easily. Don't think I don't notice." And he did enjoy it.

It was unlikely he would sleep with someone in Aiko's line of work unless she asked him, but he tried not to add any sort of permanence to that thought. Life had a way of making people eat their words, and he would rather not tempt the spirits, or whatever determined the fate of non-lions. That had been a matter on which his upbringing had been a trifle unclear.

"A lion?" Mana repeated with polite interest, returning to the subject at hand. He felt cold at the thought, his mind automatically assuming it was one of the Mizimu trackers, finally come for him. That could not be the case, he told himself, but just the same his fur fluffed slightly. "Why don't you tell me about it?"

His dreams were going to be positively wretched.


It was quite possible the look Aiko gave him as he explained that he didn't care what she told him was one of pity rather than offense. It certainly looked more sad than irate, or annoyed, or even bothered. It must be stressful, being in a position like his. Especially given what he had shared with her about his past, the poor thing.

"Alright," she soothed, moving subtly so her comfortable position was just a bit closer to him, offering him the physical comfort of another presence should he want it. All he needed to do was lean a little closer and she'd close that gap for him, be a shoulder to literally lean on if he should so desire it.

"Yes," Aiko said slowly, trying to tell if that was surprise or disgust in his tone. "I met a lion a few months before my brother brought us to this pride. He was all over white, with pale blue and gold markings. A kind sort of creature, he...was good company." Awkward. She probably ought to have tried picking a story that didn't involve...wait, did they all involve...?

"Anyway, he has a brother, it seems, in bloody crimson. The two of them are more different than day and night, or maybe good and evil is a better analogy? Anyway, I found it strange that siblings, they could have been twins the markings seemed so similar, could be so utterly different from one another.

"I didn't meet the red brother," Aiko added hastily, "He's very much not the nice sort, the white lion warned me. But I met a lioness not too long after, I was chasing a hare through a field and nearly ran into her when the hare darted beneath her feet!"

Aiko eyed Mana, worried that her company was having an adverse effect on him, trying to gauge what in her words was upsetting and what was comforting so she could better soothe his troubled thoughts. "It turns out they were friends, can you believe it? Befriending food? It was so odd, but, hungry as I was, I could hardly eat the little thing after that now could I? It was strange, she kept chattering at me as though she was some kind of long-eared cub while the lioness, she was pale with a few golden spots on her flank, brought us to this tiny little watering hole. I'd never have found it, but she said she didn't think she'd been there before either. I wonder how she knew where it was..."

Mana didn't catch Aiko's look, and that was probably for the best. He would have known no other way to interpret it except as pity, and he was a proud cheetah who could not abide the idea of being pitied. If he had thought Aiko pitied him, he would have become less than welcoming. In fact, he probably would have encouraged her to leave very quickly and in harsh terms. A guy in his position simply could not be an object of pity.

The reason he didn't observe her sympathetic expression was that he was acutely aware of her shift toward him. Living in this pride had to be one of the most sexually frustrating experiences of his young life. The healers in the Mizimu had always said that a sexual appetite was a sure sign of recovery, but Mana suspected it was less proof that he had healed and more the inevitable result of living surrounded by so many attractive females who were also willing, but for reasons of their own which had little to do with their emotional response to him. He had still not decided whether it would be an offensive act to sleep with someone who wasn't actually attracted to him.

As he listened to Aiko speak Mana reached another conclusion about many of the females of this pride he found himself a part of. They had little in the way of scruples. Nyoka was smitten with a leopard while officially mated to someone else, but the cubs she'd borne belonged to neither male. And Aiko freely admitted that she enjoyed her work, but it didn't sound as though she was working when she...was with that lion. It was like they acted immediately on any attraction they felt. Mana knew his censure would mean little to them, and so he did not say anything, but he did not want to be someone's casual lay. He was better than that.

"I've seen cats who kept prey animals as companions," he remarked quietly. "I wonder, if they come up on hungry times, whether they would eat them. I would. They probably wouldn't. As you say, they are like cubs to these cats, and I know of few people who eat cubs."

He knew of people who gave their cubs up for the honor of being killed, though. It was a good death. One Mana would never achieve, even if he died in battle saving Nyoka's life and simultaneously killing her enemies. Maybe he should have just ignored his scruples and had sex with Aiko instead. Her stories weren't really helping.


Aiko listened with intrest as Mana explained that he also knew of cats who kept prey animals. She supposed someone with a bird, as she'd once seen, made some sense. They were hardly worth eating with all those feathers, especially if they were small. And they could prove useful too, with all that height for seeing what was going on when they flew. But...a hare? Or...or a Klipsinger? What about a zebra or a gazelle?

"Well, if you befriend all your food you'll starve," Aiko shrugged, though she supposed if she got lonely enough she might consider talking to her lunch instead of just eating it. And once something had a name and held a conversation with you...it was just odd to try eating them after. "You'd have to survive on fish, since I don't think they talk much."

She watched him curiously, hoping for a reaction she might be able to use to figure out whether or not she was really helping. Perhaps talking about lions wasn't really the best idea, but really, she'd met so many lions and so few of any other species. It was like lions owned the world or thought they did or something. She'd only met one or two other cheetahs and handful of leopards, but everyone else had been...no, wait. There was that one time...

"Actually, I met a wild dog fishing once. And I don't mean I was fishing, I mean he was standing in the middle of the river trying to bite a fish," she giggled, remembering the splotchy, muddy, absolutely soaked canine that she'd found when trying to cross the shallow water to find her brothers once again. "He wasn't very good at it, but he did manage to catch one or two. But all the bones had gotten crushed, it was hard to pick them out." He hadn't seemed to mind eating them though, maybe it was a dog thing.

Mana had never been much inclined to befriend his food, or even talk to it other than while he was engaged in the process of killing it. And then it wasn't so much that he was talking to it as swearing at it if it was being difficult to kill or muttering under his breath what he would like it to do so that he could kill it more easily. As for fish...he was not particularly adept at catching them anyway, so even if they could talk, he would probably be too proud of himself for simply catching one to be bothered holding a conversation with the thing.

Aiko's relation of her encounter with a fishing wild dog tied in well with his own line of thought and he half-listened. He'd found that if he did that, his mind could be persuaded to conjure images to go with whatever he was hearing. He had seen a few wild dogs in his life, though not as many as one might think, and so in his mind he pictured one of the ones he had seen. Imagining Aiko was easy enough.

"The bones had gotten crushed?" Mana asked. "He must have been a very poor fisher indeed. Even I can manage to avoid crushing the fish."

He had almost relaxed to the point where he thought he might be able to sleep. He doubted his dreams would be easy, but if he could force himself to consider the ridiculous fishing dog rather than lions or the Mizimu he would at least be able to get to sleep. Sleep interrupted by bad dreams was better than no sleep at all. He couldn't help wondering how long it would take until his terror of being hunted down and dragged back would fade.

"Thank you, Aiko. I should not keep you any later. It has been...entertaining."


Aiko nodded at Mana's question about the fishbones being crushed. "Yes, they were. He attacked them like they were hares that swam in the water, and when he bit them the little bones got all broken inside." But it had still been nice of him to share. Nice of him to offer to get her dinner.

He'd been much nicer than the cheetah she'd seen earlier that night, what a horrible and rude boy that had been. Him she never cared to see, or even think about, again. Except she was thinking now. Drat it.

"He was making a mess of it too," she giggled, "There was so much mud on his fur I didn't realize some of the splotches were actually meant to be there. I thought he was white and just really, really muddy. But he was spotchy...and really really muddy."

She smiled hopefully at him, wondering if this story had helped since he hadn't tensed this time. Instead, he'd relaxed. Which was very much a good thing as far as she was concerned.

"Ah, I see. Well, if you ever want me again, you know how to find me," she told him softly, leaning forward to nudge his fiery shoulder with her head before turning and padding out of his den. She knew a dismissal when she heard one, if he'd wanted her to stay the night with him he would have said as much.

"Goodnight, Mana," Aiko purred before, with a flick of her tail, vanishing back into the darkness beyond his den.