Blood Plus Minus
{{ A Simple Fanfic Providing Service To The Pairing Of Saya and Haji. After the events of Blood + the animation. Comments Please? }}

Chapter One: An Immortal Bloody Sleeping Beauty.

"Saya, I'll Always Be Waiting For You."

Those were the last words that replayed in my mind. In my thirty year slumber, it's all that echoed in my mind. I awoke with a start, startled at the darkness that surrounded me as I arose. Bringing myself up I realized this was my father's family tomb. I reach out to the walls of nothingness, in my search for a way out. Pitch black I move forward, stumbling on my own two feet, I manage to find a wall. Regaining my balance I continue to make my way out, or so I assume. I reach the end of this endless dark night and push with all my might on the stone wall. Slowly the moonlight poured in, then shone on my face, it's lovely shine of the full moon, the stars danced, as if waltzing with the moon in it's grace and elegance. I began to stop my admiration of the moon and looked down. A rose, a blue rose lay on the tomb. I bend down to pick the flower and stare at it. Holding it to my heart I smile then I begin walking to the stairway and descend down the stairway towards the tomb. The shrine had not changed one bit. Thirty long years, Kai would be somewhere in his forties or fifties. Haji...? I do not know, I hope I would find him soon enough. My heart longed for him, he will show up soon, I'm sure of it. I followed a firefly in the night, down at the bottom it landed on a pale face, his narrow eyes gaze upon me. The moon behind him shines brightly as he extends his hand towards me.
Is it real? Another Dream? My Heart? Why does it ache so much?
"Lady Saya."
"H-Haji.. I thought you-"
"No, I would never leave you so easily."
I then ignore his hand, I reach for his face, yearning to touch his skin against mine. I hold his face in between my small hands. The hands made for war, but to Haji, sweet hands of the woman he loves. I lean towards his face, placing my nose onto his, silently I sob. I cry for him, I cry for Riku, I cry for Kai, I cry for myself. I cry... for Diva.
He wraps his arms around me and whispers into my ear.
"I told you, I will always be here for you. No matter what."
I nod slowly, he holds me tighter and I lean into him. Never wanting this moment to end. His tall figure, amazing. I was now with him. He was a marvelous still painting of few words. And now I was apart of this magnificent painting of Haji, in his arms.