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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[FIN] One Could Use a Little Hope (Nawiri x Ezequiel)

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:31 pm
The lioness walked softly through the heart of her pride. The sun was slowly settling, though many were already curled up fast asleep. A few of the the most ill were curled up in a small group, shivering and hacking. The area she walked was where many came to suffer out their final days; the goddess had blessed them so a death hadn't happened for a few weeks, but by the looks of a young adolescent who was choking on his own phlegem, Nawiri wasn't sure their luck would hold.

Death walked the lands of the Kitwana'antara frequently. . . . and unfortuantely there was nothing she could do about it. Quietly padding up to the young male, she lowered her head and groomed his tangled mane and ears. He tried to contain his coughing, his spluttering, but only managed to choke more. . . . By the time his hacking ceased, blood and saliva splattered the ground and her paws.

Nawiri hardly noticed. The adolescent curled up tightly, chest heaving softly as he kept his gaze averted. There was no life, only suffering, behind his golden regard. . . . and it broke Nawiri's heart. "Rest easy, young one," she murmured, taking a few moments to offer what little comfort she could to the poor male. He was thin. . . hadn't eaten in weeks and was nothing more than skin and bone. It was most unfortunate to look upon her membes and watch them suffer; she tried so hard to ease their pain, to get them through and give them hope. Unfortunately, while she was certain a small part of them appreciated it, she wondered if they resented their lot in life. . . .

Some of them had been born in to the pride, a chalk of fate. Others still had been brought in, forced in to the pride through underhanded means or lostlings found and taken in. Truly though, was it right for them to force the plague on outsiders? It was tradition. . . and it was the only way for the pride to survive.

Though sick, some questioned if the pride had the right to survive and live on. . . . perhaps extermination was what they needed. But how long had the Kitwana'antara persevered? There were stories, legends. . . If they were to just disappear, to just give up than there would fbe no meaning to any of their lives. No. . . . survival was the only way, even if their lives were shorter. There was happiness and joy found even amongst the suffering and heart ache. . . . .

Glancing down, Nawiri cuddled herself close to the shivering form before her. He wasn't that much younger than she. . . .Quietly grooming the form, Nawiri knew it wouldn't be long until their pride was one lion less. . . .
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:32 pm
Ezequiel picked his way carefully through the heart of the pride. His red eyes tried to keep a hard light, brows knit as he saw the faces of disease and death stare at him. Most of the lions and lionesses within hardly gave him notice - they were too busy sleeping, choking, bleeding, dying. . . . Though a new member within the pride, Ezequiel couldn't help but feel a small amound of fear. It wasn't the lions themselves that scared him, nor the disease that plagued them. It was witnessing so much death. . . .

Unfortunately, spending so much time on the borders it was easy to forget just how sick his pride mates could be. Ezequiel didn't want to pity them. . . .but it was hard not to. So sick, so frail, so weak. . . . It wasn't fair that they be cast under such a horrible lot. Why did he live a life so genteel and carefree while they worried about their fates day by day, never knowing what the morning might bring. . . .

So much loss was hard to handle, hard to face, but Ezequiel wanted to pay his respects. He wanted to give support where it was due. Picking his way quietly through, doing his best not to disturb the various members, the cheetah spotted the form of the queen.

Nawiri. . . . It wasn't a surprise to see her so close to those dying - from what he understood it was her purpose. And yet. . . . someday she would be one of those struggling for one more minute, one more hour, one more day. He didn't particularly like the thought. . . . but it was something they all had to accept. Pausing in his gait, the young cheetah looked away and lowered his head. . . . .

He hoped he didn't look too uncomfortable or out of place.



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:33 pm
The ghost lioness felt eyes upon her. She waited a few more moments, watching as the young adolescent before her drifted in to a fatigued sleep. It wasn't restful but it might allow him to escape the pain for a temporary reprieve; at least until he woke up choking and spluttering. All the lioness could do was hope it wasn't so soon. . . .

"Let him be at peace soon, my lady," she prayed quietly to the Goddess of Pestilence, hoping that she might soon claim him so he might walk by her side. Might his pain and suffering ease. . .

Slowly rising, feeling incredibly aged, the two toned lioness turned to regard the new visitor. She was slightly surprised at this approach - though she recognized the bright green and spotted cheetah, she didn't often catch him away from the borders. He roamed from time to time, trying to find new members and new blood, but Nawiri was pleased to see his devout loyalty. It was good for all of them. . . .

"Ezequiel," she spoke softly, bridging the distance between them and politely butting her head against his own in affectionate greeting. "I'm surprised to see you so far within the borders." Just because she was surprised didn't mean she was critical of his habits, far from it! Her words were laced with kindness and soft affection - she loved all within her pride, no matter how new they might be. "You're not getting bored with scouting I hope?" She inquired, canting her head lightly to the side. She didn't expect the answer to be yes, all things considered, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to question. He was still new. . . . she didn't want him to feel stifled by his chosen role.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:34 pm
The cheetah offered a small smile, pleased with his reception from royalty. He'd never thought that a royal member of the pride could be so loving and kind - he'd heard rumors of some pride leaders being sticklers, cold, firm and distant or others still that ruled with fear and manipulation. Nawiri, thankfully, seemed nothing like the sort. . . . And for that he was glad.

Shaking his head lightly, the red eyed male gave a little smile. "Of course not, Queen Nawiri! I would have never thought I'd get such an opportunity to serve a pride through travel," he explained, his red eyes lighting at the thought. Such a thing was true. . . . he'd always heard that prides were restricting with their members. And while the Kitwana seemed exceptionally so, at least to the lions of the pride, for the most part he was given complete and total freedom. He was trusted to scout out new members as well as potential threats. . . . It was a fun job and allowed him to roam as he saw fit.

"I was truly blessed to come across your plight and am only too happy to help." He purred, his delight in his choice obvious. Sometimes he missed his family, certainly, but for the most part he knew that he could visit at any time. For now, his duty was to the Kitwana'antara. . . . He would do whatever he could do aid them.

"I came to pay my respects. . . I . . . I know I can be scarce and I didn't want others to think I . . . well. . . stayed away to avoid them. I . . perhaps it wasn't right of me but I do want to get to know others. I just. . . .am often away." He was rambling, prattling, and quickly shut up. His head lowered even further, gaze averted and ears falling slightly as he hoped she didn't find him foolish. Hopefully she understood what he was trying to say. . . .



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:37 pm
The young queen's smile broadened softly as she watched the other. The poor thing looked slightly nervous, and the way he kept lowering his head to the ground proved his insecurities. Honestly. . . was she that intimidating to be around? She saw herself no better off or higher up than any of her subjects. . . She was just as much their friend and equal as she was their Queen. . . .

But the young cheetah was new to their pride and new to their ways. Though he was older than she be a few years, he wasn't an old spirit and seemed very young at heart. It was just what the Kitwana needed . . . a little vitality and youth in some of its members. Too many never got to see such an age or were grown up far past their years by the time they got to it. "I am quite certain they appreciate it. . . . Truly. Though we know of your support, the fact you took time out of your day to visit the ill . . . well. . . . Though they may not say much, please know that your compassion shows. Even some members can't face them at this stage. . . . To have someone that cares when you're so close to the end is an invaluable comfort."

The lioness fell quiet and allowed her gaze to drift over the few lions and lionesses that were around. They all looked miserable and who could blame them? The suffering they fought with day in and day out was something even she could hardly imagine. . . . How she wept for them when away, how she cried for their plight and the loss. But looking upon the deathly ill was nothing more than staring in to the future. . . . Someday she would be where their paws rested. Someday she would suffer too and yearn for nothing more than someone to be there to comfort her when her body shook and her heart ached. Would the future heiress (whomever that would be) be there to groom her when she was too weak to move? Would her King still be alive, would he move to comfort her when things got rough. . . ?

Ah, but such heavy thoughts weren't hers to dwell upon. Not with company and certainly not around those suffering! "Scouts are often away - we cherish their company when they are able and visiting home." Smiling lightly, she reached over and pawed gently at the cheetah. "Speaking of scouting. . . . I do have a request if you might be so inclined. . . "

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:38 pm
Ezeuiel blinked, canting his head to the side as he studied his queen. It surprised him that she had something to discuss with him about scouting. . . At first he wondered if perhaps he had done wrong. Was she there to reprimand him. . . ? She didn't look angry, nor concerned, and he'd been ever so diligent in his dutes. He hoped she had no concern over where he roamed or that he was trading information to other prides. . .

He was loyal, honest he was! New, perhaps, but still loyal and ever devoted.

But she had used the term 'request' . . . That didn't sound like a threat, not at all! "What sort of request?" He questioned, ears pricking and focusing solely on her. A request could be any number of things. . . . Already his imagination was skyrocketing, running through circles and trying to place exactly what she might have in mind. Perhaps he wanted her to spy. . .? Or find and gather news from various prides surrounding the Kitwana'antara? Or maybe she wanted him to wander far and return with stories of his adventures! Honestly, she could want anything. . . so he anxiously waited, incredibly curious.



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:41 pm
"It's a bit of an untoward request," she began, allowing her tail to curl gingerly about her paws. Now. . . . how did she bring this up? It was a delicate matter and she didn't want him to get the wrong idea of her OR have him think poorly of her suggestion. But desperate times call for desperate measures . . . . but at least she'd go about things the legal way.

There would be no civil wars. . . . Potential heartache, perhaps, but no more wars or violence. Besides, it was entirely his choice - she merely wanted to encourage the behavior. Now was not a time to be lax and it would be in the best interest of the pride. . . .even if it was difficult to suggest such a thing.

"You understand that our member count is substantially low." The female cleared her throat, unable to help it as her nose began to burn and her cheeks flush. "But . . . . we need all the members we can get. I was wondering if perhaps you might flee the territory. . . further than just a days walk away. If you might take leave and . . . . seek out some help. Cubs are desperately needed, so any lostlings would be a great asset to our number and gene pool." Giving a small shake of her head, she added softly, "As a male. . . perhaps you might take comfort with a female. If. . . If such a thing produces children, perhaps. . . . " She stopped, finding herself incredibly awkward.

She was encouraging promiscuous behavior. Unfortunately, it was necessary in these times. "I mean no offense. . . In fact, it is entirely up to you and your whims. I . . . I merely want to say. . . . Well. . . " She shrugged and stole a glance up.

How queenly of her to act suddenly coy and shy. Ugh. It wasn't easy to speak of such issues, especially to a member so new and young!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:42 pm
The young cheetah blinked, watching as the queen's demeanor began to change. She seemed hesitant, almost shy about whatever it was she was going to ask him. It was actually rather amusing, really. . . .and made him all the more curious!

His red eyes sparkeled with good-humor and amusement as Nawiri slowly began to unravel the mystery. He was always on the look out for new members, as well as new blood, in particular lost cubs. Mind, finding a lost cub was much more difficult and tricky than one might imagine. . . Especially with the over protective nature of the neighboring prides!

Even then, the few occasions foundlings were acquired, it wasn't long before word came of searching parents. They had reunited a small number of young ones to their parents, and while the families were grateful, the possibility of new life was too swiftly snatched away. Fortunately, there were other ways to go about gaining new blood. . .

And it seemed Miss Nawiri was allowing him to entertain such an idea. Chuckling lightly, the green male gave her a wink as he tried to find the best way to reply. It was a delicate subject, but he wasn't offended. . . . It amused him, and part of the cheetah thought of it as a bit of a challenge. He wasn't new to the idea of sex, in fact he'd mated a time or two previous . . . . Whether or not there were Ezequiel Juniors running about he hadn't a clue! Still. . .her request was something to think about at any rate.

It wasn't as if he had to run off right this very second. . . . "I understand what you're trying to say. What can I say other than my paws have been itching to roam a bit further from home. Always to return, of course. . . . but perhaps some time away might do me some good?" And that of the pride if he played his cards right.

Ooooh. . . to be given a request to play the Casanova of the Savanna! He . . . he wasn't entirely sure he could manage. What mother would want to part with her cubs so they might be brought back to his land? And yet. . . . even a few cubs would be better than none. Anything to help the Kitwana. . . . As a cheetah, he wouldn't have to worry about his future offspring getting ill, unless of course they were of lion-descent. But even then, he highly doubted he'd be skilled enough to seduce a lioness of all things. . . .

But. . . . who knew.

There was much to think about now, oh yes!



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:43 pm
Nawiri heaved a sigh of relief as the cheetah seemed to understand exactly what she was getting at. It wasn't that she wanted him to whore himself out or any of that, no. . . . but to plant the idea that new life was needed - desperately needed - . . . . well. . . a little roving surely couldn't hurt.

Besides, many of the members within the Kitwana'antara couldn't roam off the borders much less in to other prides. There was no way it was going to happen. . . . Not for awhile at any rate. She toyed with the idea of lifting the ban and yet she feared to do so officially. She didn't want to lose her pride as they ran free - and what if some refused to return? Oh dear. . . . it scared her something fierce. At least now they could be contained, the disease controlled. . . .

If she lifted the quarantine, than what chaos might ensue?

No. . . . for now, the ban stayed. She'd speak with her advisers about things more clearly later. Right now though all she could do was smile up at the cheetah. "Feel no pressure, please, I beg of you. It's just you're one of the rare few who has the ability to roam. . . . You're an invaluable asset but I fear for our thinning numbers." Truly she meant only the best for both Ezequiel and her home.

At least he didn't reject the idea completely. . . or make her feel ridiculous for asking! Furthermore, it seemed as if the idea was something he might actually pursue. The way he smiled and the way his eyes lit up. . . well. . . . . why shouldn't he find some companionship? He was a handsome cheetah and he certainly was healthy. . . . .

Hybrid and cheetah alike would always be welcome. And who knew? Perhaps in his travels he might indeed find some lostlings or adolescents or even adults that might feel compassion to their plight. . . . All Nawiri could do was hope. "So long as you understand that it's entirely your choise, and we would very much like you to return. . . " This wasn't a request for him to desert the pride, after all, "Then by all means. Though you'll be missed, know that you'll always have a place here within the pride."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:46 pm
The young cheetah chuckled, rising to his paws and giving himself a great stretch. There was a new hope on the horizon, and Ezequiel was proud to know that it was his name. . . . . Sure, there were others that might roam as well but the little superhero would finally get a chance to become super. Or so he could only hope.

It would mean changes, of course, and even a change of lifestyle. . . . But he was most certainly up for the challenge! Not only would he get to roam far from the Kitwana'antara. . . . but he might even stumble across his rogue famliy. Furthermore, think of all the adventure he could get in while away seeking out pride members and a few companions. . . . If the pride needed new life, than so be it, he would take up their burdens and not return until he had new life to bring!

Well. . . . he'd at least try and do his best to return without letting them down. "My queen, you can count on me to always return. And may the next time I see you, may it be with a litter twelve strong!" He boasted, eyes gleaming bright with good humor and delight. Despite the pain and suffering around them, he wouldn't let them down. . . . There would be more life, new life. . . and the Kitwana would reign again once more.

No more worries about new life, no more concerns about the future and what it might bring. Ezequiel was bound and determine to do right by his pride. . . and if it was cubs they needed Ezequiel would do his very best to seek them out and find them.


Shy Mage

[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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