
Name: Katsurou, Rikujin [Surname, Given Name] (Cat-soo-row, Ree-Koo-jin)

Aliases/Nicknames: Riku, Jin,

Race: Shinigami

Age: Actual: 323; Visual: Early 20's

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 220 Lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Reddish-Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Reiatsu Color: White, or Red depending on mood
Zanpakuto: Nastuhiboshi [Summer Star]

Images 1-3 Courtesy of Neo_Ninja (Please note that these Pictures were originally imagined with Brown Hair. Actual Hair color is Blond)
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
[Clothes Pic]

-{Battle Data}-

General Overview

Formidable in size, Rikujin towers over most Shinigami and Hollow alike. He is very well versed in Kidou, which makes him a danger in any situation. He is also familiar with close combat using his Kodachi, which he can maneuver easily and swiftly. He is has just above average speed for his rank and boasts a very large amount of Reiatsu in his system. Cold on the battlefield, Rikujin is warmer to the majority of the other Shinigami.

Zanpakuto Data


Natsuhiboshi takes the appearance of a Neutron Star. Its spirit world is the darkness of Space, illuminated by Natsuhiboshi and the other stars several light-years away. It has a deep, booming, godlike voice. It is incredibly wise and intelligent. It offers Rikujin a helping hand in any situation he needs.

[Spirit Pic]

Release Command: "Kidō" [Orbit]

(Total Length: 2.5 Feet: 6" Handles)
[Sealed Pic]
With a rosewood saya, Rikujin's Kodachi Zanpakuto is 3.5 feet long in total. Its blade is 2' long with a 6" handle. The tsuba is 2.5" wide, which is designed as a 5 pointed star.


When Rikujin calls his Shikai, his Kodachi compresses into a small bundle of red light, which splits apart into two stars. The two stars orbit Rikujin's separate hands.

Natsuhiboshi's abilities in Shikai are split into two areas: Nova and Solar Wind. Rikujin can use either of these abilities a total of 4 times per post.

Nova: Rikujin launces one of the two stars at his opponent. Like a grenade, the star explodes, then returns to Rikujin's hand.

Solar Wind: One of the stars floats in the palm of Rikujin's hand and releases a high-energy blast of energy. The wider the blast, the weaker the blast is overall.

Bankai: "Hoshi Hanabi" [Star Fireworks]

When initiating Bankai, Rikujin throws his arms out with his hands open. Whether Rikujin was using Natsuhiboshi's sealed or released state doesn't matter. Whichever form it was begins to orbit Rikujin in a ring of red light on a horizontal axis.

When the ring begins to slow down, what was either one or two object has become 6. The 6 stars, rather than orbiting his hands, now revolve around a point between Rikujin's shoulder blades at a 1 meter radius. With four new stars come with 4 new abilities, along with stronger versions of the older 2. However, due to Rikujin's only recent achievement of Bankai, only two of the new abilities have appeared. The last two will be revealed to Rikujin later.

Supernova: Rikujin launces one of the two stars at his opponent. Like a grenade, the star explodes, then returns to Rikujin's hand. This explosion is much bigger and stronger than the original

Solar Storm: A variation on the original Solar Wind, Solar Storm uses one of the stars in an odd oscillation, which causes the waves of energy to come off in a Storm-Like fashion, making them harder to defend against.

Neutron Wall: While this technique is primarily defensive, it can also be used as an attack. One of the stars releases a large mass of Neutrons as a barrier. The barrier is 2 Meters in diameter.

Gamma Wave: Quite powerful as a short-term weapon, this technique has even more drastic effects long-term. Gamma Wave is similar to the original Solar Wind technique in form. It is a wave that is released from a star in the palm of Rikujin's hand. This wave can cause severe burns with long enough exposure. This technique causes a cession of function of whatever it hits in 10 posts. If it hits an arm, the arm, and all things that stem off the arm (hands, fingers), lose function in 10 posts. If it makes contact with the torso/body, the user will lose all bodily function within 10 posts.


1: Sho (Thrust)
4: Byakurai (White Lightning}
11: Tsuzuri Raiden ()
31: Shakkaho (Shot of Red Fire)
32: Ōkasen (Yellow Fire Flash)
33: Sokatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)
54: Haien (Abolishing Flames)
58: Tenran (Orchid Sky)
63: Raikoho (Thunder Roar Cannon)
66: Soren Sokatsui (Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down)
88: Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)

1: Sai (Obstruction)
4: Hainawa (Crawling Rope)
8: Seki (Repulse)
9: Geki (Strike)
9: Hōrin (Disintegrating Circle)
21: Sekienton (Red Smoke Escape)
26: Kyokko (Curved Light)
30: Shitotsu Sansen (Break-Piercing Triple Beam)
37: Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)
36: Enkosen (Arc Shield)
58: Kakushitsuijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)
61: Rikujōkōrō (Six rods light-prison)
62: Hyapporankant (Hundred Steps Fence)
63: Sajo Sabaku (Locking Bondage Stripes)
74: Tozanshō (Inverse Mountain Crystal)
75: Gochūtekkan (Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars)
77: Tenteikūra (Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air)
79: Kuyō Shibari (Nine Sunlight Traps)
81: Danku (Splitting Void)


Hoho Master
Kidou Master


In his life before Soul Society, Rikujin lived as a Police Officer. As if Shakespeare wrote him with a tragic, heroic flaw, it was Rikujin's sense of justice that led to his downfall. Rikujin's death was the result of his attempt at rescuing a small child in a hostage situation. He was a part of his unit's SWAT team, which had supposedly disabled the Hostage-Takers. Upon entering the target building, Rikujin's team was gradually taken out until he was the last one left. He was situated between the young child and the Kidnappers. They gave him the choice of saving the child and leaving alive. His choice was the more heroic. He let the child go and was executed on the spot.

Once in Soul Society, Rikujin lived in one of the Upper-Class Families. During his stay as a regular Soul, Rikujin constantly helped out the children of the Lower-Class in the Rukongai. Upon his acceptance into the Shinigami Academy, Rikujin excelled in all of his classes, especially Kidou. Because of his specialty, he was assigned to Squad 5 before he graduated.

He instantly showed his ability, taking part in more missions than many of the already-seated officers in the squad. By the time he left the academy, Rikujin was assigned 3rd Seat and obtained Shikai shortly after. After some time, Rikujin acquired Bankai in secret. Rikujin was rushed into the Captain's position when both his Vice Captain and Captain retired at once. He was quickly ushered into the position by the Captain-Commander.

-{Current Positions}-

Squad 5 Captain

-{Previous Positions}-

Squad 5 - Vice Captain
Squad 5 - 3rd Seat