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[ FIN] Getting acquainted ... [ Nyoka x Aiko ]

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Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:39 am

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Aiko yawned and stretched languidly, luxuriously. It was a beautiful morning, still oh so early, but no matter. The sky outside was surely the most lovely colors by now. Without a backward glance at the boy she'd spent the night with, the lithe young consort padded through the caverns that made up the Kuroi'nera territories, looking for a bit of sunshine and cloudwatching.

Fresh air, so pleasant and cool, and the sunlight so giddy and warm where it soaked into her silky black fur. She was a beauty and she knew it. But she didn't flaunt it so much as she casually ensured it would be noticed.

Humming softly under her breath for a moment, the cheetah made her way to the rock she'd come to claim as her own. It was smooth and perfect for sunning...with an excellent view as well. Both for her and of her. Perfect, she thought happily to herself as she draped her slender body across the smooth hard surface. Just perfect.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:46 am
Nyoka had been appeasing Nanashi's needs for a roof over his siblings head.. but now it was about time to make herself known to them. At the place where they were calling home. She gave them choices on where they'd like to stay best.. Even if it was the biggest or the smallest. Nyoka of course got the larger one because she had claimed this land long before she met them. Her tail wagged very slightly as her paws took her up early in the morning... Serene almost...

She looked across her lands.. they were so bare except for Enzi which was probably sleeping.. and the very few members she had.. VERY little members and nothing like a pride ...yet..

Those green eyes of hers saw everything... and upon the morning she had been scouting the area acting as a guard when really she was the leader. Then after the scouting of the morning... Seeing that this crater was just about good at hiding itself.. she wondered back in from the only ENTRY way there was to the pride.. Rock and sandy floors greeting her paws as she looked up. Her shoulder blades up as she walked in sync with every part of her body in line.. She was to look kind yet strong. She was MADE to look that way.. Her ears opening.. Enzi was running about.. looking unamused by the fact that she could hear him as she made her way across her lands.. It was big yet small. Everything fit. In the center there was a ring for forest and then a big rock formation that one can go up to.. hoping Enzi never went up there to later fall out of stupidity..

She made her way around it and on to the rocky side to see... a form. So dark.. that it looked like his .. 'brother' Bugie. Was that his name? She was pretty sure it was. Then as she got closer.. the form got skinnier.. and skinner. Til she could see it was a female form... a smirk crossed her as she easily went in to the kind form acting that she had acustomed herself with.

"Hello~~" Her voice was soft.. and meek.

"...Aiko, right?" Her head tilted up.. and her face became tender instantly.. Unlike the other cheetah female, she could not hide in the sun.. her colors were that of water.. and could easily be spotted.

Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:24 pm

Aiko looked over at the form that approached her. Slim and graceful, oh such a beauty this cheetah was! Her eyes traced appreciatively over the newcomer, taking in the supple movements and the gentle shades of blue and green that adorned her coat. Oh yes...such a beauty. Like a river nymph, certainly she was colored like one.

The darkness of night and the flow of water, oh, they might make a nice pair for a picture...hm?

"Yes, I am Aiko," she replied with a smile that might almost have been a little too inviting. "I'd say you have me at a disadvantage...but...are you my brother's mate?" Aiko asked, "I've heard so little about you from him, probably because he's a bit annoyed at me right now and we've not spoken. But someone as lovely as you..." Now she was certainly flirting, "Surely you must be the lady Nyoka."

Not to mention, this cheetah was the first blue female she'd seen in the pride since she'd last Seen her brother. There was an odd, very very odd, feeling about that last Sight. But...eh. Nana could do what he wanted...because Aiko would do as she wished regardless. So there. Stupid brother.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:00 am
Nyoka wasn't one to go with her tail between her legs with another female. Instead she showed subtle dominance but as alittle as possible. Rubbing her ego was certainly a way to get to her. Face soft and tender as she nodded. "Mate...?" She asked.. but then confirmed it. "Yes..his mate.. did he confirm it to you already?" Really, she was quite hesitant with saying yes if he had not already told his family. That would mean... that he didn't take them seriously and that surely couldn't happen.

"At least you know of my name. I hadn't met up with you sooner for I had many others pulling me in different directions with the upbringing of the pride." Slowly she walked around the female.. looking about as though paying attention to every detail that went on around her.. but subtle and calm.

"Please... I am flattered." Lowering her head in a thank you motion. Stretching her body to look even more slimmer yet curvier.

"So.. dear Aiko.. I was wondering if I can snatch some time from you.. I feel like you, and your brothers are like family to me now. I would love to hear of the sister I have come to adopt." A soft motherly smile.

Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:23 am
Ah...oops? Had she said something odd? It never occurred to her that Nyoka might not expect that Aiko would know. Nana had mentioned briefly, in passing, but she'd Seen the two of them together. It wasn't hard for her to make an assumption based upon that. Actually, she'd made several assumptions already, but there was no need whatsoever to disclose any of that information.

Besides, it was probably biased anyway. Stupid brother.

"Please, you're more than welcome to my time," Aiko purred, "I've only had brothers so do forgive me if I don't seem particularly sisterly. Boys are different after all." Very different. She was actually behaving at the moment, trying not to be so suggestive as she had grown accustomed to being. Boys were very different than girls...and she had found that she herself was different from most girls. More boyish in some ways, nothing physical but...attitude..
PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:00 am
The teally-blue cheetah softly nodded. Being accepted in to the family was different. Dysi didn't have much family he talked about.. and she lacked it as well. But with Nanashi.. it felt like everything was coming together. Family. Finally...

"Oh?" She slowly grew closer and decided to sit. She was regal in every way by manners and gestures. Not consciously doing it, but she was born in to thinking this way. "I have.. once had a sister." She stated.. but she never talked about such things. "But family I don't think I ever had.. so being Nanashi's...'mate'. I feel privileged and excited all the same." Explaining with a softness and tender.

Full of pride, grace and beauty. She held her head up most of the time.. her tail giving out some emotions. "It's a bit awkward.. to be in this position.. may I be so bold to ask, how you are.. I want to learn about you." Softly smiling at her.. she was trying. "I hope us to become close.. and having another woman amongst all these males...I don't mind sharing the responsibility of them." A slight off hand joke.

Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:19 pm

Aiko chuckled quietly to herself. Privleged? To be with her brother? Haha, indeed. Well, the cheetah paused, maybe she was being to harsh on her stupid brother. Maybe females as meek and sweet as Nyoka would enjoy his overbearing snobby stuck-up prissy....no. No there was no way anyone would willing subject themselves to that. And then there was that odd dream still poking about in the back of her mind...

Well, whatever. It was Nana's business. What did she care? Obviously he was too much up in her business! Maybe this would teach him to keep his rotten nose stuck in his own affairs.

"Well, I guess you've a sister again," Aiko said warmly, though she did wonder what Nyoka meant by the past tense. "And as for what you want to know about me...forgive me, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking," she laughed slightly, though she honestly wasn't sure. This wasn't yet another of Nana's ploys to humiliate her out of her lifestyle choice was it? No...no she doubted Nyoka would have gone along with it. She doubted anyone would have.

Stupid brother.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:08 am
Her tail coiled and uncoiled as she nodded in response. A sister again. It sounded almost tantalizing. "Mm... sounds wonderful to the ear." Her voice was soft. "I am asking- if you will. Bonding time. getting to know one another, perhaps. If you have time that is." A softness to her face.

"I don't want to only believe what I hear- but see it as well. I can see.. some of you in me. Maybe we are indeed sisters- from another of course." A soft smile. As she looked about- the safeness of their home now. It was almost.. as though she felt like they were being watched. Of course everywhere she went- was with Enzi or one of her henchmen. Men. For she thought a female could never possess enough strength- excluding herself of course. On several occasions she had shown her strength.. but yet her elegance in killing.

"My- well. Your brother had told me you had taken up a rank. I am happy you found my ranks of interest. Privileged of your name being in one of them." An impish smile occurred. She didn't mind the rank much at all. She made it- she created it for a purpose.. Of course she wouldn't be able to TRADE her mate's sister away. But she could have some fun with it. Also.. the rumors she could be close to. Mmm.. Men can be such big mouths and it was good to have at LEAST an ear close. Without really being there.

"I hear.. that he doesn't like it~ but I am believe that one should chose their rank as they see it fit. Except for rouges. They need to be tamed in to their ranks. Especially those males. Someone has to regulate them." In a joking manner she gave a slight laugh. She looked as though now, she was easy going and trying to joke. Being friendly when in reality she was slightly the different way. But one would never know- with a soft spoken one as Nyoka. She would never truely show her true colors.

"Maybe having you there- is an advantage that he has yet to begin to see." Nodding. Of course.. soothing her way in to one's heart was her true ability. In such a regal manner no matter what she did. The landscape inside the crater seemed.. to be a good one. The frees in the middle seemed perfect and it grew the green around.. so not EVERYWHERE were there hard work- but now the ground was slightly softer. Feeling her digits on the rock she had come to lay-up upon. "Thus why I want to get to know each of its members.. likes. Dislikes. I want us to become family knitted in this place." A ginger like smile as though she were imagening family time with all cheetahs..

Her being on top with nanashi. Ah...what a good dream. Day dream. Looking to her with those soft green eyes. "I told him I ached for family.. and a safe haven. Now here we are."

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:29 pm

"Of course I have time for you," Aiko purred, a sweet smile spreading across her features. Nyoka, taste in males aside, was her sister in law. She'd need someone to talk to when Nana got annoying, and she would doubtless find him annoying eventually. She'd just better not hurt Aiko's brother, nuisance though he was he was still her brother. Family mattered.

"No, my brother...disapproves of my rank," Aiko might have growled the last word. She'd rarely been one to hide her emotions or her opinions. Sincerity was part of what made her so appealing sometimes. It was more than her figure, more than the smooth words and honeyed tongue. It was the spark in her indigo eyes just as much as the glossy glow of her sleek black coat. "I'm glad you at least understand," she added earnestly, though the odd dreams still bothered in the back of her mind. Stupid dreams. Nanashi had them sometimes too, she knew, the waking and sleeping memories that weren't really real, but often seemed to happen or have happened. Regardless, what mattered was the here and now. She'd not suspect Nyoka on account of some vision that might not even have been true.

Not openly anyway.

"Family would be nice," Aiko agreed, then made a face, "I don't think I want any more big brothers though. Three is plenty!" And one Nanashi was more than enough, thank you very much.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:27 am
Chuckling almost as if she were happy to hear the words of giving her time. Singling her out. That made her happy, and though she was gender-racist against females. She found herself trying to befriend and wanting to make a good impression with Aiko. Maybe it was because she was her mate's sister. Well. SOON to be mate. Her ears twitching and hearing this girl out. Intrigued in some ways.. why she did take up the rank was a mystery to her. Just the suspicions of being with males would entice any female.

"Disapproves?" Tilting her head and giving her a sarcastic laugh to follow. "Oh Nanashi probably just doesn't understand." Huffing in a lightness of laughter. "We need entertainers.. they are very very important to the pride.. and your rank shouldn't be taken lightly. Know that." Nodding softly.

"Though, I wish I could find my long lost friend.. She knew how to be this rank.. but now it seems I will have to teach entertainers and ..geisha how to use their rank for what it is suppose to be... I might have left what its suppose to be out~ from Nanashi." A smile.. "Maybe I can teach you- and you can teach the others that will eventually take the rank?" Offering her that chance.. or she would have to take it upon herself to teach the masses. But .. she had big hopes for what Aiko could help contribute.

"I don't have siblings as you know. No big brothers though I can only sympathize with you... But I am no brother. Only a very very hopeful sister." Ears moving from down to up. "I have been wanting to take and show what I know.. But unlike Nanashi.. I am too understandable for my own good." Nodding softly as she looked at Aiko with very slick eyes.. jeweled ones that were kind and gentle. Something that she showed to others in a very different way. 'Im better' but towards Aiko it was cut down by half.

The smirk in her face.. to take this girl under her wing would be tempting and a time savor. Also, knitting herself in to Nanashi's family and probably just tangling herself more.. This was what she wanted. A family, but in that want.. Came obsession at times. Though Nyoka could distinctly separate it.. It was still tempting her.

Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:50 pm

Aiko purred softly as Nyoka spoke. She'd been vaugely concerned that her brother's new mate might share his prejudices, to find that she did not was nice. It felt odd, but it was still nice. At least that meant someone in charge wasn't against her choices.

"I know, but I'm glad you would agree," she smiled, "I'd be happy to learn from you if you'd like to teach me, though my brother has probably told you that I..." she coughed delicately, but the smile took on a wicked crooked gleam, a knowing look that didn't quite seem to match the sweetness of a moment ago, "I'm more than educated in some ways." Nanashi would likely have complained about a specific type of her little visits. He'd have missed out on the more dangerous of her adventures, though admittedly she had glossed them over on more than one occasion.

"I'd be happy to learn from you though," Aiko added brightly, her tone taking on a cheerier note.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:30 am
"I would never second doubt a decision. You either have it, or you don't." Blankly looking at the girl. Then gave a fake laugh, trying to stay friendly and upbeat and that took a lot more but she had relaxed significantly. Her ears opened more and was intrigued by the want to learn. Her brother had expressed at some point the disdain for his sister's flirting ways. Nodding.. and looking at her with respect.. in some sort.

"If you want to stay as an entertainer." She offered. "I look to make a rank- that will need more skills.. and the best of the entertainers to really show what this pride can make. Grow, and refine them.. those skills of yours.. Is only a clip of what the underlining strength hidden with the unknown." She moved slightly closer before crawling upon another rock that was more closer to Aiko.. So now they were almost the same height, except- Aiko's was the biggest in the bunch.

"Nothing is what it seems dear Aiko.. and if you want to learn the real ways that -we- must keep secret amongst us, entertainers only. You'll have to trust me. Not even Nana~ knows about dear." Putting her paw out. "Not only does an entertainer have to entertain. But know her surroundings.." Ears back. "Know whom she... is entertaining~ of course." She laughed.. "Study, live and breath in stealth.. and hear and see things that others don't want one to hear. Knowing everything...everything." She slowly rose her head to look out in to her pride. No one was around much.. it was small still.

It needed to be nurtured. Cared for.. and refined. "Would you like to take a walk with me- Its good to learn with your ears.. eyes and paws. As you must have known already."

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:02 pm

There was something nagging in the back of her head now, and it was bothering her. Maybe it was Nyoka's laugh that made it start? Silly dreams and headaches about her big brother and his new mate. Why was everything so odd sometimes? It had gotten worse since they'd settled too, though maybe it was because she was finding it to be...less useful. These things she sometimes saw. But she wouldn't share them. They were too strange to share with someone.

"I like what I do," Aiko insisted somewhat stubbornly, eying her brother's pretty mate. What was this about a new rank though? An entertainer with more skills? An entertainer who got to do...mmm... fun things? Shapely black ears pricked forward, Aiko's tail tip curling ever so slightly. "I am interested," she agreed after a moment, the suspicion vanished into a smile. "There is always more to learn after all. It would be an honor to learn from the Lady behind the true power."
PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:43 pm
Nyoka's head turned.. with a slight way of a swing and her body threw its curves so evenly that it was hard and unnatural not to be poised and beautiful in set. When Aiko was now walking along side of her she lifted her head and her ears were laid like covers over her head. "I was in your place once." She shook her head slightly as if she had hair.

"But an entertainer isn't just looks.. nor poise. Not coming along just to be company to a royal cheetah. Entertainers.. train to be more. Well. The higher ranks. Like Currency entertainers.. will gain the knowledge of.. well. Something more darker.. you'll understand soon enough." She nodded.. "So you noticed?" She laughed jokingly about Aiko's observant ways. "I still need Nanashi.. he completes me..you can say.. "

With that... she bounded forward. "Try and keep up~ or you might miss a lesson!" Before bounding off in to the pride's caverns.. and dwittling inside the turns to better be in secret when showing off such valuable information. She could use Aiko.. yes. She could use her to teach others. Soon- she will have an army of Geisha whom will be the sole workings of the pride. Entertainers were needed just as badly as fighters. She knew that- but others.. in fact. Did not. They used the women to their leisures. While really.. they were sleeping with the enemy.

She stopped midway. A smirk easily painted on her face as though the girl was stepping in to darkness..

'Little did she know.. more is what she will learn.'

[/ End? ]

Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:18 am

Aiko smiled at the beauty's insistence that she would learn something darker. The arts of battle were not lost on her, for all her looks were her first choice of a means to persuade. She ran from fights not because she could not win, but because winning meant nothing if her own looks were to be marred in the process.

"I just know my brother well is all," she chuckled. Besides which, everyone knew that the real power was in the hands of a female at all times. While most would prefer to speak to the male in charge, Aiko liked to seek out the female who really knew what was going on. Nyoka seemed to be that female. If it weren't for the small thing with Dysi, she probably would have loved her like the sister she wished to be. But, she supposed, sisters could be rivals as well.

As Nyoka warned her to keep up and bounded away Aiko was on her heels like a spotted shadow, racing to keep up and laughing quietly to herself at the joys of running and secrets to be had. There was something to be said for merely enjoying being free. And something to be said for finding a friend, or sister, as well. Her life as a rogue had kept her in very good shape, and so while her breath came more quickly she was not panting or wheezing when Nyoka stopped. The smirk she didn't quite notice, though something in her prickled with the delightful unease at a new thing looming before her.

"Well, sister? I am ready to learn." And what, oh, would Nyoka teach her now...

((Sounds like an end to me too :3 ))
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