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Aiko’s tail lashed behind her as the lithe cheetah prowled back down towards her den. She knew Nana was right, that avoiding going to her job to look after the babies would only draw more attention. And she couldn’t leave them with Ajia, not while she was looking to Nyoka’s cubs! So she was looking to them herself, and frantic with worry every second she was away. Her reputation had shifted somewhat, now she was thought of as dangerous by some rather than simply pleasurable company. Like playing with fire, it could be nice, warm and bright…but it burned too. And boy did Aiko burn lately.

It wasn’t anything personal, as she’d gone to explain to the poor fool who’d come looking for her while she was out. She hadn’t meant to claw him…well, she had. But it had been instinct, nothing more. She’d thought he was going to go into the den with her precious tiny little cubs! So, now that she’d apologized, and with Nana having found out soon the whole darned pride would know, she was back to where she’d started from.

She needed to find a way to watch them. Or someone might take them away from her. She wouldn’t have her cubs grow up with no father and a murderer for a mother… maybe she could find someone to watch them? She needed to find some way of making sure they were safe!