Name: Jamie Force
Roleplay: NCIS
Type: Reality
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Jamie is a girl of contradictions. Her appearance and outward manner, that of a bouncy, hyper, slightly deranged Goth, contrasts vividly with her razor-sharp intelligence and keen forensic skills. She's not afraid to think outside the box, drawing conclusions and finding paths to clues that most other forensic scientists would struggle with.
She is diligent, often sleeping in the lab when tests need run. She craves solitude when she works, reacting strongly and negatively whenever the Director has tried to provide her with an assistant, but she likes Estelle- Estelle is the exception. While her clothes are almost entirely black, grey, or red, Jamie is perhaps one of the most positive and upbeat people working at NCIS. Whether this is down to the industrial quantities of Caf-Pow that she inhales on a daily basis is a matter of debate.
Jamie is desperately loyal, both to her friends, and her beloved science. She trusts in facts when all else deserts her.
Despite her unwavering faith in science, Jamie is also intrigued by the supernatural; something that was definitely influenced by living in New Orleans for many years. She uses tarot to calm and clear her mind - a meditation technique rather than a way of predicting the future. She believes Dodds is perhaps psychic, due to his uncanny sense of timing. Years of reading real-life mysteries and folk stories as a child have left her with a rather magpie mind; she can pull out random facts, shiny trinkets that don't neccessarily have anything to do with the case at hand, but yet are still fascinating.
She can effortlessly move from a professional mind set to a personal one; and her mood changes with it. When she absolutely needs to be - or when Dodds glares at her - Jamie can be utterly professional and personable, but her natural state is vivacious, friendly, and bouncy. Unless someone has been particularly nasty - or there's something 'hinky' about them - Jamie will befriend anyone and everyone who walks through her door. She is utterly unafraid and entirely true to herself; unwilling to compromise her appearance (9 tattoos and counting...), her beliefs, or her attitude, for the sake of her career.


Jamie Frost had an unconventional childhood. A hearing child born to deaf parents, she grew fluent in sign language at the same time as learning how to talk. She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, a place that’s instilled a lot of her behaviour; she loves music, dancing, and isn’t afraid to act a little crazy. She had a fairly wild period as a kid, as many do – in between bartending at her uncle Teddy’s bar on Canal Street at weekends, Jamie taught herself how to make fake Ids, a useful income from the kids at school from the age of fifteen; the first ID she made was for herself, in order to sneak into an over-18s Rolling Stones concert in LA. That ended less than successfully when she was arrested for indecent exposure; the fact that a guy had ripped her top of didn't seem to impress the police, when faced with a tattooed, mouthy, caffienated Jamie.

She's always been fascinated by cause and effect; living next to a wrecking yard turned that fascination into something more. Intrigued by the different series of events that resulted in the twisted heaps of metal she saw every day, Jamie began to knuckle down at school, putting her intelligence to good use, much to the relief of her parents. While studying hard, Jamie also worked part-time at a local funeral home; a macabre place for a young girl to work, perhaps, but Jamie was in her element amongst the macabre and rather gothic environs of the funeral home.

Graduating early, having finally commited herself fully to her studies, Jamie enrolled at Louisiana State, and gained a triple major with full honors in sociology, criminology, and psychology. Not content there, she went on to earn a Masters from Georgia State University in criminology and forensic science.

Her upbringing very heavily influenced her methods; one of the more unconventional forensic specialists, Jamie was often shunned by the forensic community at large. She was stuck working on dead-end cold cases in New Orleans, shut away in a lab by herself. The solitude suited her; the job didn't. When Timothy Jasper Dodds found himself in town trying to track down a missing Marine NCO, it was Jamie'slocal knowledge and unconventional testing methods that eventually helped to pinpoint the Marine's location.

Impressed with Jamie's skills, and a little charmed by her bubbly, eccentric manner, Dodds extended an invitation to join his team back in D.C. Jamie was on a plane within the week, with only a couple of suitcases of clothes.
During the last five years she has garnered quite the reputation at NCIS. While her appearance would suggest a scary, unapproachable Goth, there isn't anyone at the Navy Yard that wouldn't speak highly of her. She has a substitute father in Dodds, a grandfather in Mickey, and close friends in Dodds' team.
She has come to know her NCIS teammates as more than coworkers; they are friends, confidants, and even family. It's taken her a while to get used to Estelle, feeling that the forensic scientist was the Durector's way of punishing her , but she's finally starting to feel like she has a team behind her once more, including Estelle.

She happily anthropormorphises her gadgets and gizmos, addressing them sternly when they don't deliver the results she wishes. Her lab is stamped indelibly with her unique and forceful personality; macabre neon prints of crimes adorn her walls, loud metal or techno music usually plays in the lab, and dolls and charms litter her work surfaces.

Occupation: Chief Forensic Scientist
Other: Jamie is Dodd's favorite, and thus she can get away with more.
Appearance: User Image