Zylo the Wolfbane
M3W v2
I give my minigun to Charon. (:

I rock with my Kneecapper. (a special double barreled shotgun.) I'd use it over my Terrible Shotgun close range anyday.

KNEECAPPER FTW! I love that gun, single-handedly took on Old Olney with that thing, and came out on top.

signed the minigun is a great weapon at close-mid range. If it's too weak get Eugene from Reily's Rangers, or a Gatling Laser, Vengeance is beastly
Zylo the Wolfbane
I went through old olney with a Shiskebab and a Plasma rifle which was fun! Also I agree Vengance is beastly, and whats Zylo the Wolfbane??? Oh and my minigun does 66 damage in perfect condition.