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Full Name: Kayamai 'Kaya' Hitomi
Nicknames: 'Kaya'
Notable Title: Kayamai of the Air
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birth date: Dec. 12
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: Air
Rank: Adept

Elemental Affinity: Air
Specialized Bending:
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Weapon Class: Polearm/Glider
Weapon Name:
Weapon Description: A 5' long wooden staff. Standard weapon for an Airbender. There is a latch on it that turns it into a glider, which through airbending allows the user to glide.
Weapon Location: Strapped across back or in hand.
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Name: Fino
Species: Sky Bison


Air Shield
Air Blast
Air Scooter

Air Punch/Kick
Air Swipe
Air Barrier

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Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: slim; agile
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: blue
Complexion: light
Outfits surprised range shawl over a long-sleeved yellow shirt, an orange sash, double-layered pants with brown underneath and a loose yellow layer on top, and high boots that reach just below the knees.

Personality: Kaya is funloving, somewhat naive, and adventurous. She possesses a deep respect for life and freedom, refuses to eat meat, and is often reluctant to fight. She craves the stimulation of new people and places. She is often thought to be a simpleton, because of her free-spirited nature, but in truth she is very smart.
Relations: Sister Iio she was like a mother to Kaya, but Kaya hasn't seen her in years.
Take on battle: It is uneccesary, tries to avoid it.
Theme song: Under the Stars from the Lion King

Food: Noodles
Drink: Milk
Color: blue
Animal: Sky Bison
Food: broccoli
Drink: green tea
Color: red
Animal: snake

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Raised in the Eastern Air Temple Kaya learned from the nuns of the Temple. She was a hard worker and learned quickly. She would often help Sister Iio care for the Sky Bison that lived at the temple, and so their relationship grew. Kaya was not very popular with the other children, and rarely was asked to play, so she spent most of her time in the Bison stables. After reaching the 25th level of airbending out of the 36 Kaya was forced to train even harder than before, and rarely got to visit the Bison anymore. Not even her own bison Fino. A few months into her training Kaya learned tht Sister Iio had been sent to the Western Temple, to offer assistance there, and Kaya hasn't seen her since.