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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:19 pm
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Their den. It sounded weird even in his brain that he was sitting outside of 'their' den. He had joined Tili happily in her den, it was comfortable and nice and it felt like home. Familiar scents had greeted his nose on their first arrival. the scent of lion and bird mingled together reminded him of his old family den.

They had spoken of many things since he had made a place in the comfort of her home, their home, he had to remember that, they were family, or something like family, she was his family now. Sort of like a long lost little sister. He nods at that thought, a long lost little sister who made him smile. He couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much and Fai kept commenting on the state of his face. If laughter lines were a bad thing, he didn't know what was good.

Laying half in and half out of the den, his front end worshiping the sun while his back end savoured the shade he sighs happily, this was home, this was what he had travelled all that time to get. To remember, to enjoy, to feel like there was no where else in the world for him. A small, heavy-ish thump on his head made him open his eyes "Good hunting Fai?" He whispers, he had almost forgotten that she had gone, he never did, his heart weighed so heavily when she went for any amount of time, even to hunt, but his moment of bliss had made him relax to the point that he didn't need to worry, that maybe Fai wasn't coming back.

The soft blue bird clacks her beak, pulling at a piece of his mane and nodding "yes, a couple of mice and my crop is full." She moves her claws settling further in to his mane, using his head almost like a nest. "And wheres Tili this morning?" She chuckles, her voice always a whispery click.

"She'll be back soon, I'm sure she just went to get something to eat. You know I forgot that others eat so often. I should try and get in to the habit." He chuckles, it was hard to break the habit of not eating all the time, he had grown too accustomed to simply feeling hungry. He would worry about that some other time, for now, he was happy to simply enjoy the sun and just be home.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:11 pm
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"I wish you would just stop being such a... such a prude!" Bright and early, Tilifika and Pisha had already managed to get into an argument, which was hardly out of the norm for them, about - what else? - Tili's behavior. It was always about Tili, always something to fix, something to do better, something to stop doing, and it was always for the bright lioness' own good, though she never quite seemed to realize it. She only ever focused on the fact that Pisha was criticizing her - again - for something that didn't matter at all.

"Well," The black vulture snapped, ruffling the his feathers. "If you would stop being such a slob and actually retain some of your lessons, maybe I could be!" It was not the first time he had said such a thing, and it would be far from the last.

"How many times have I told you to sit up straight, not eat like you're famished, and take the time actually groom out some knots when you're taking a bath? But you don't listen, and every day, I tell you the same things over and over again, and you get angry, but that's about it! You never listen, Ka. How do you expect to get anywhere in thsi world if you can't even learn something as simple as being pretty?"

"I'll get there!" She snapped back with a growl. "Without your help either, mom. Who needs you? You're just a dumb bird!" And of course, she didn't mean it. They both knew it, but the fact that she had said it gave Pisha license to storm off in a rage.

And storm he did. With a huff, he snapped open his wings, steadying himself by closing his talons against his bond's shoulders, making the lioness wince and regret her words, and propelled himself into the sky.

"Great..." The lioness muttered darkly to herself. "Now who knows what he'll do when he comes back." Pisha always found a way to get back at her, and it was only a matter of time before he would be back to exact some kind of revenge. He knew how to hit her where it hurt, and never really bothered to hide it.

And now, she was in a foul mood. It would dissipate soon enough - she had had enough arguments with Pisha to learn that bouncing back wasn't as difficult as it seemed - but she needed to find some sort of distraction.

She wandered back toward the den she now shared with Lory and Fai, wondering if they disliked being caught between her and Pisha's arguments, which at times, it seemed, they did. But whatever. Screw the vulture. She had Lory and Fai now; she could make do with Pisha for a day. A sudden idea struck her as she neared, and she could make out Lory's figure lying half in and half out of the den. Maybe they all needed a distraction.


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:21 am
Opening one eye, the orange one, then the other, the blue one he smiles at Tili. He had faintly heard their argument from a distance as she approached but he ignored it. It was't his place to stop their arguments and he actually found them quite amusing, if only because he knew that Pisha would turn back up again and they would make up.

Still he was glad he and Fai weren't so at odds all the time he felt lost without his bird companion. "Good morning Tili." He smiles one of his genuine smiles, he was glad to see her return from her breakfast. It hadn't even occurred to him to stir and go and get something to eat, he just wasn't hungry, he really had to try and remember to eat more often. Shaking away that thought he stretches out his fore paws showing all of his sharp dark claws. "Did you enjoy your breakfast?" He raises a brow. He stays laying quietly wondering if he could help patch things up between Tili and her bonded. He was fairly useless at mending bridges though he didn't know the socially acceptable way to make someone feel better any more.

Fai clicks her beak and bobs at Tili "Good morning Miss Tili." She whispers her voice a whistle through her beak. She wondered why Tili and Pisha argued so much, they were different personalities she supposed, not that hers was the same as Lor'dahs but he needed her and it kept her close.

"Do you uhm, need a hug?" He grins sheepishly holding out a paw to her, a hug he knew was a socially acceptable way to comfort somebody, even if it made him feel insanely uncomfortable to touch another lion, even to make them feel better.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:59 am
Sometimes, she wished she could put into words just how glad it made her that she had creatures around her to comfort her, regardless of what had happened. There had always been their little troupe of survivors, and now that Lory and Fai had become her family, she felt infinitely blessed, and often wondered what she would do without them.

The arguments with Pisha were not rare occurrences in any way, and she had long since learned to deal with them. It was simply who they were; they arguments made them the team that they had become, and with each fight, they seemed to grow closer. But it never got any easier, and having family around her seemed to make things better, even before they were.

"Good morning, Lory, Fai," she said with a small smile. She knew that the two rarely argued, and she oftened felt guilty at having to put them in a position to be witness to her spats with Pisha, and if she had known any way to make things otherwise, she would have. "I did, Lory, very much. Thanks."

At his offer, she felt a sudden joy shoot through her, but she shook her head with a smile. "I'm okay, Lory. It happens, and I know you aren't much of a touchy-feely kinda guy." It touched her all the more to know that he was willing to give up personal comfort just to make her feel better. "I think I'll save the hug for when something really bad happens, how about that?"


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:30 am
The large slender lion chuckles and nods his head letting his paw fall back to the ground again, it felt strange to him that she would know him so well already. Okay she knew him from his past but he wasn't that lion any more. He remembered once upon a time he would have run to comfort someone, he would have played with Tili until she smiled again but now it felt strange to be so close to someone that wasn't Fai, to comfort to hug even his words came out confused half the time.

A slight laugh rolled off his tongue at her words, not touchy feely, yes he'd forgotten how to be the hands on guy but Tili understood, it made him feel quite satisfied. He really didn't feel any more at home than when he was around Tili. She reminded him of the past, it was god to remember, but she also brought him in to the here and now, the life they lead wasn't quite as tough as perhaps it should have been thanks to having the little bit of his past before him.

"I'll keep it in reserve for you." He smiles his genuine smile, the smile that was almost reserved for Tili, he smiled he knew, at others too but Tili seemed to spark that old smile, the smile of his youth.

Fai Clacks her beak and shakes her head, clenching her talons in the big lions mane. She was slightly worried about Lor'dah he was so attached to Tili, what would happen if, no, when she found a mate? He would have to detach himself from Tili or perhaps she would have to detach him from Tili? He was so happy though. It was a conundrum, did she allow him to be happy now and hurt later or should she try and cut the strings now? Shaking her head she cast away the thoughts, she couldn't pull Lor'dah away from Tili right now he was like a puppy attached by a leash.

"Hopefully nothing really bad will happen for a while then huh?" He grins a slightly silly grin realising how that sounded, it sounded like he didn't want to comfort Tili and he realised this a moment later ad looked embarrassed at his words "I mean, not that I don't WANT to hug you..just that..well..I mean.." He quit while he was ahead looking down at his paws. "I really make a mess of my sentences huh?"

Fai laughs a little whistely laugh "It's okay Lory." she whispers using Tilis nick name, she was getting used to it. "What he meant was he hoped nothing bad would happen to you." She tugs a strand of his mane her dark eyes smiling.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:37 pm
The bright lioness smiled, both at what Lory had meant, and at the way that Fai had translated his words for him. Sometimes, she wished she and Pisha were more like them; but she and Pisha made their own kind of unbeatable team, and she was well aware of that. Much as the two of them argued, they were capable of finishing each other's sentences if they ever so desired. It was rare that they did, but it was still there. And Tili couldn't be anything less than grateful for the mothering that dear Pisha had provided in her juvenile years, when she had been lost and alone and parentless for a little while. Until she had found her little troupe of survivors, but even then, Pisha had continued to provide some semblance of the parenting that young-Tili had desperately needed - and, in all likelihood, still needed today.

And they would be okay, Tili knew. They argued quite often, and though it might seem to others that their relationship was a rocky one, the truth was that every argument brought them a little closer to each other than before - even if they had trouble expressing that closeness in a more peaceful manner. And knowing that alone cheered the lioness up a little.

But perhaps she just needed to take her mind off things for a little bit.

She glanced over at Lory and Fai, a sudden, somewhat conspiratorial gleam in her honest, baby blue eyes. "Well, uh. What are you two up to now?" She asked carefully. Not everybody liked to go bounding off on grand adventures like she did.


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:19 am
Lor'dah gave a silly grin as Fai corrected his sentence, she always knew what to ay to fix what he said, she was sort of like his feathery dictionary, or perhaps a feathery thesaurus? Either way she knew how to translate him and he loved that.

He lifted his head from his thoughts of Fai and smiled lightly "We aren't doing anything." he smiles lightly and flickers his tufted tail. "We were just waiting for you to come back." He nods his sleek maned head, he didn't really notice the look in Tilis eyes, he just thought perhaps she needed assistance to chase away the argument with Pisha. Or even a hand in recovering Pisha from her angry place and asking for forgiveness. That was something he would happily do for Tili.

Fai clacks her beak, unlike Lor'dah, she had noticed the happily adventurous gleam in her eye and she was cautious about any adventure they may march forth upon, but it seemed that Lory had volunteered them to go forth and adventure with the young bright pink lioness. "Dare I ask, what we might be doing miss Tili?" he whistles, a brow raised above those dark eyes.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:24 pm
Tili grinned, straightening herself (for once, without having heard Pisha snapping "posture!" in her ear; the vulture would have been proud). Oh, Lory; too honest an answer often leads to - well, adventure. In Tili's company, anyway. Darnit, if she wasn't determined to bring some semblance of her childhood back to this place! Just because they were older now didn't mean they should have to give up those wildly exaggerated moments of fun!

And, of course, with Tili, they didn't.

"We are going on an adventure," Tili announced, although she was clearly stating the obvious - for Fai, anyway. "Although I'm not sure what kind." Sometimes, she had to explain that it didn't matter what kind of adventure they were going on; they had to but step foot outside the den, and they would be off. It was the journey, after all, that mattered most, not what they found at the end of it.

Although sometimes, she had to admit, both were equally wonderful. And on those days, that was for the best.


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:05 am
Lor'dah's ears flatten suddenly, what had he gotten himself in to? He chuckles, something he very rarely did though he did laugh more often when he was around Tili than any other time. He had become a very serious character on his journey, forgotten how to be a kid, but the bright pink female always seemed to manage to coax a laugh out of him.

"Am adventure, to where?" He raises both brows o him an adventure was the likes of what he used to be on, he was home now he didn't ant to leave again! But maybe Tili didn't mean a big adventure? His heart called a little it's rhythm returning to normal. "A real adventure?" he raised both brows, he could faintly remember a time when a real adventure meant running out and finding that rock that looked like an elephants butt, or discovering just what lizards did when you caught them by their tails, or what colour you really were when you were wet....

"You'd better lead the way Tili. Just no dangerous stuff okay? I'v had my fill of that!" Fai clicks her beak settling in to Lory's mane her claws holding tightly as she tugs roughly on a strand of the big lions mane. "Up, we're going on an adventure apparently there don't need to be questions right now." She snips, her whistley voice full of a command over the large male lion, if she was being dragged on some adventure, she might as well go willingly, after all, how much trouble could two grown lions get in to? Surely not that much.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:53 am
"I'm not quite sure where yet," Tili said frankly, her ears flattening briefly in concentration. In her mind, she saw a mental map of the rocky pride lands, laid out almost in a bird's eye view - or what she imagined would be the bird's eye view, anyway - and populated with the images of every rock and tree she could remember. Perhaps there were features in this "map" that were wildly off course, but she had a good eye for the landmarks, and these she could see as clearly as if she were standing right before them.

She glanced over at Lory, all too content to bask in his company and the childhood memories that the sight of him always brought back to her. He was a living representation of her youth, of a happy time before the disaster that she only vaguely remembered, but clung to desperately in hopes that she would one day get those carefree times back. Returning to the pride, she knew, was a major step in that direction and perhaps even the most important one she could ever make. There was nobody to thank for that but the lions that had taken her into their troupe and become as much like her family as Lory had become in the last days.

"Well, I mean... any adventure is a real adventure," she said with a grin. She was, indeed, hearkening back to the days when the most insignificant discoveries constituted adventure. To Tili, those early ventures would always seem more significant than any thousand-mile journey she could undertake. Though perhaps they were simply... different. The bright lioness wasn't quite sure.

She lifted her head with a confident nod at Fai, and stepped from the den and into the sunlight. "Well let's go, then!" She declared, eyes scanning the land stretched out before her, simply inviting her to come and wreak some havoc upon it.


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:15 am
Although a slight chill ran down his spine the lanky male lion clambered to his paws at both the pushy bird and cheerful tone in Tili's voice. She always was one for adventure, he remembered back to those times, he remembered being a child and doing nothing, everything, anything, having fun and finding out your tail really was attached to your butt........

He smiled suddenly, remembering that one time and without a moments thought he reached out with his teeth and caught Tili's tail tuft in his front teeth giving a gentle tug. "Your tail's still attached to your butt." He mumbles through clenched teeth a grin spreading his lips wide and making him look like a very large fluffy fool.

Flickering his own tail, he looked at the pretty little lioness who had braved their world after it had collapsed and his heart melted, she wanted to get back what they had, had before and darn it all, if he wasn't going to give it to her. He'd be silly and daft and rather more childish than was necessary and if she wanted an adventure, he would come along for the ride, if it made her happy.

Fai shakes her small head and clicks her beak, lions, sometimes they confused the heck outta her! Still, Tili seemed to be a good influence on her lion so she could forgive him for acting like a giant cub.Keeping her beak shut from comments her dark eyes glisten happily as she settles in to his mane, she had napped up there before as long as they didn't get too physical she could take a little sleep while the lions went on their grand adventure.  
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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