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She had decided to take a solitary stroll, not out of need for a break, just wishing to get a bit of fresh air away from the chatter. She dare admit that she rather liked her group, but she did need time alone once in a while. She didn't intend to be gone long so she didn't worry for that matter.

It had been a rather exciting last few weeks, with Kiamba turning up, that stray male cub just before that, and then her own arrival before that. It kept things interesting though.

She stopped near a lone tree, deciding to catch a rest under it's meager shade. The groups were all still within viewing distance, and she could catch snippets of the conversation, but this would certainly do just fine.


For Sorin, things had been much more sedate. There hadn't really been anything exciting that had happened. There had been few rogue incidents unless you counted his meeting Kiamba. Her joining the pride had gone smoothly, once his mother had approved her, not that he'd been particularly worried. Besides that…

The large male was dozing quite contentedly under a lone acacia, protected in it's lee from the wind that blew from Shumbi's direction. He didn't catch her scent on that breeze and he wasn't exactly wary to approaching sounds this far in their lands. The sleeping lion's ears might have twitched but nothing alerted his senses enough to wake him up.


The closer that she drew to the tree the more apparent it became that she wasn't the only one that had that idea, and the female's pawsteps slowed with hesitation. Sorin, she recognized, was a male that Kamikiel and Kouga seemed to enjoy hanging out with, though truth be told Kamikiel didn't generally care who he was around unless it was Kamal or Kouga, seeing as both of them were boisterous braggarts. Sorin was also related to Asali, however, and she definitely liked Asali. She might end up liking him to if she ever got around to really getting to know him, which so far she really hadn't beyond the few first encounters.

Besides, he was sleeping right now anyway. So...

She moved along the other side of the narrow tree and settled down slowly, watching him as if wary that he'd wake any second, and would it be so terrible if he did?