Pokemon Academy! (<-- That's a Link)

Welcome! If you have received this notice, then you are eligible to apply for Pokemon Academy! Pokemon Academy is the best PokeSchool around! With friendly staff and a clean, nice enviroment, here are some of the things Pokemon Academy has to offer you:

People Who Can Spell:

Yes, we have a basic knowledge of the English Language here at Pokemon Academy! You won't find any l33t sp34k!

Lots of Activity:

Staff are ready to assist you at almost any time of the day, so we can readily promise that you will (usually) never be bored at Pokemon Academy!

Hundreds of Pokemon:

At least one of every Pokemon calls Pokemon Academy and the surrounding area home! Pick from any Pokemon (Except for Legendaries) to be your starter, including the brand new Isshu Region Pokemon!

Lots of Challenges:

Here at the Pokemon Academy, we follow the same Pokemon League system as the rest of the Pokemon World! There are 8 Alumni, 4 Grand Alumni, and our Grand Champion, who await your challenge! There are also Contest Halls, for those of you who are Coordinators at heart!

Four Classes to Choose From:

Be a Pokemon Master, Master Coordinator, Master Breeder, or a Pokemon Professor, each with it's own benefits!

And Much, Much More:

Pokemon Academy is constantly expanding, and you can always be sure that somethings happening!

Pokemon Academy is currently accepting applicants with a good knowledge of the English Language and Pokemon.

Pokemon Academy is not responsible for any injuries, maiming, or death caused by Pokemon at Pokemon Academy. By applying you agree that any injuries recieved during your stay at Pokemon Academy, unless directly caused by a member of staff or their Pokemon, is not the fault of Pokemon Academy, and no legal actions can be taken against the school.