everyone loves a good story or a great movie, from sci-fi fans like die hard star war lovers, to the deep down emotional lover into chick flicks and great animes, to the action seeking people looking for great movies like need for speed or crank, or the people who wish they were 18 in 1941 so they could battle nazi's and storm the beaches and take a punch at Hitler like great movies like saving private Ryan or battling in Vietnam and getting blown away by snipers or the experience of military training like great movie Full metal jacket, so if you love a good romance, or if you love to watch people fight for victory then you should have a great imagination for a great movie...to start your role playing scene or movie it is simple 1st: start off your first part with a setting or place to begin with then say what is going on and what is the goal 2nd: have fun with it see it as easy as 1...2...and then just forget 3 smile you will all have fun i will post the first role playing part and i will play along to...so have fun!!!!