Sliding and swinging
Up, up, up, and back down
Down to the ground
Flying through the air
The wind in your hair
Squinting at the sun
Seeing children run
Laughing and playing
Silly kids, they're never serious
You're too busy to play
You're too busy swinging and sliding
Which is very serious business
It's not a game, it's not child play
It's intense, but relaxing
Even adults need to slide and swing sometimes
Don't look at it like play time
It's thinking time
Close your eyes and wonder through your imagination
What, you think I'm crazy don't you
Yeah grown ups often loose their imaginations to work
They need to exercise, their brains
Write a little story
Draw a picture
Sing a song
Even take a nap and dream
Dream about things that are outrageous!
Things that are impossible even
Things that you couldn't think of when you're awake
Now when you do this
Swing and slide
Sway and glide
Float and shift
Relax and mix
Move and imagine
You thought you couldn't do
But you can!!!