Orange = Masizi
Teal = Nyoka

Masizi couldn't stand it. His stomach growled and he felt so weak from all the work the others put him through. He tried to think back on his life and wondered what he had done to deserve such a punishment. Did he eat something he wasn't supposed to? Or did the gods just hate him? Thoughts like these flooded his mind every time his stomach growled. (which was a lot)

He finished his 'duties' he was assigned to, and walked back to his den. His paws were sore from all the work, and his fur was damp with sweat. It seemed like the days were getting longer and hotter. Or was it just his imagination?

He tried his best to complete the tasks assigned to him quickly, and dared not speak to anyone, always afraid for his life that he would say something wrong, or look at someone the wrong way. He kept his head low whenever he passed by anyone.

Soon he was at the hole in the wall that was assigned to him, and sighed in relief at the cool welcome he received from the dirt and rocks.

Nyoka was one of those.. whom rewarded but made you suffer all at once. It was a gift that he- not be fed to the hyenas right outside their pride.. nor be a chew toy for the cubs. To some extent. After with a guard closely watching the hyrbid along with Mana. The progression of the male was being more apparent and starving him literately.. was more appealing as to keep his head down and listen. But today.. she would give him a reward for all his hard work. "Welcome home." She softly said as she rose her head up when he walked close enough to his hole in the wall.. A piece of impala right before her. One needed to rule with an iron fist but also.. to make loyal subjects. She needed to also show compassion. Her tail flicking from one side to the next as she stared at him.. a stern look but yet motherly in the way she treated the others in the pride.

He jumped lightly at the sound of her voice. His stomach had been so loud, he didn't even notice her in front of him.

He looked up for a split second, just to confirm who it was, then quickly looked back towards the ground, his heart starting to race.
Last time he was even in the same room as her, she gave him that nice little scar above his lip. The last thing he wanted to do was to piss her off even more.

"T..thank you, Lady Nyoko.." He said in almost a whisper. His eyes fell on the impala and he felt his mouth start to salivate. His stomach roared in protest as he kept his shaking legs from pouncing on the piece of meat in front of him.

When he looked down. Startled, the effect she usually had on others. Her tail whipping. "Nyoka." She corrected, then stared at him for a few moments.. Yes. Hunger did ail him.. Had it been long enough already? Long enough to learn the lesson in retorting back to her? She wasn't sure. "Are you hungry?" She questioned as though oblivious as to if he was.. even though he clearly showed the signs. Putting a paw over the meat as she rose her head and examined him.Every gesture he did.. every movement as though judging him on the spot. Her voice controlled.. and remotely calm. "I'm surprised your still alive.. that almost proves that you may be worth something."

"Y..yes ma'am." He said with the same almost whisper as before, this time trying to control the need and hunger for the meat that almost took ahold of his senses.

He was thankful he was able to force back his instinct to fight her for it. He knew she'd be able to overpower him. Especially in his state.

"I.. someone special to me told me I was born strong." He looked at his paws, away from the hunk of impala, reminded of his mother, and the kindness she had shown him. So different form this cheetah's kindness she now showed him. It seemed masked, almost forced. Not like hers.

She petted the corspe.. and slowly walked over it. Not even phased by hunger. For she had, had her meal. A good on to add. "Well.. that .. special one might be on to something." Walking up close to him and slowly nudged his face up. "Your a good boy..You have learned to keep you head down when outside..and not be a ...'lion'. That I am proud of.. " She whispered. "And here, I give you your reward for working so hard~" She cuued and walked pasted him. her tail eagerly touched front his chest up to his chin.. urging him to look lastly at her. "Tonight is a big night.. I want you fed and tighty.. you may only go to the spring this one time.. Freshen yourself up. You stink." She joked dryly.. and giving a soft chuckle as she left his side.. Letting him go like a hungry pitbull to the dead carcass.

Though she urged him to look to her, he wouldn't. He wasn't stupid, he knew what he was, and he knew what she was. Staring the pride leader in the eyes would only result in a fight. Instead, he looked to the side, his hazel eyes looking into his hole.

He looked back to the meat when she passed him, his heart leaping in his chest, wanting the meat almost as bad as his stomach.

A bath. He needed one, he knew. He couldn't argue with her unless he be called a lier. His grey fur was almost black with dirt and mud. His orange freckles and stripes looked reddish brown, his white toes were anything but white.

He waited until she was out of sight before he fell on top of the carcass, letting his instincts take over, not bothering to take the kill into his 'den'.

She hoped he had listened to her words... for when the guard was to have him escorted along the night. She would want to hear him. So she didn't have to run him in to the ground like another lion that she had to punish. Sneering at the very thought.. then smirking. Everytime she could humiliate a lion .. she would, in a heartbreat. But this one.. was weird. It was a hybrid that was.. well rather disgusting but she'd give him a slight chance to redeem himself. When night fall came.. as expected. There was another cheetah standing by the doorway. Not the cheetah Mana, but another guard that followed the hybrid at all times.

About a few hours in to the night when all were going to their lectures and all were going in for the night. Curfew. Something Nyoka was very strict on and that only cheetahs could be found roaming about the lands of the night.. Patrolling.

Masizi was all cleaned up, licking in between his toes to get any excess dirt out of the cracks. He felt great. A full belly, and clean fur. his muscles were a little achy, but they didn't hurt half as bad as they had before. The soak in the springs really helped relax the tired, taught muscles.

He sat in his den, knowing full well the consequences of being out past curfew (he was caught the first night in his new 'home'), and waited for whatever Nyoko was talking about. Big night? What was so big about it that he was invited to?

The guard gruffed. "Come along~ mut." Before pushing him a little out of the den before walking with his head high... and walking across the pride.. on to the other side where then mid way.. they went to a path upwards to the crater's edge.. Their was a thicker ledge. But the crater walls had such small ledge ridges that it was hard to manuver if you weren't a cheetah with long legs and small pawed. Flicking its tail as the guard followed behind him.. The slave always in front.

Masizi slowly, and carefully traversed the path, making sure to keep his head down, not to be proper, but just to make sure he didn't make a misstep an fall down the craters edge. His paws were a little bigger than a normal cheetahs, which made the climb a little more difficult.

He wanted to ask where they were going, but he didn't feel like being bullied tonight. Not after the 'royal' treatment he had received earlier.

The guard stopped not too far after getting close to the top. Where Nyoka sat watching over the pride.. almost a whole seven feet wide crater whith. She was quiet... and staring.. looking strong yet graceful. The perfect mixture in leadership.. her tail flicking from one side to the next. "Leave us..." Her maw barely moved but the cheetah turned after bowing his head ever so lightly. Leaving the lady to the sub servant slave.. that was barely even that.

Masizi sat down behind Nyoka, and stole a quick glance at the cheetah as he left. What on earth was going on? He was both curious, and confused at the situation. Why would Nyoka send off her guard?

Sure he wouldn't do anything to her, but he had had a guard near him since he got here. Why would she dismiss him now?

It was generally a rule. She ALWAYS had any male indivisual by her side. At a paw's reach if she needed to boost her ego or just have a friendly chat with. Though, the bottom line to that was. Being protected.. and she always had at least someone waiting on her hand and foot.. but tonight it was different.. She got right to the point.."If you don't sing.. and I be satisified..." She started. "It will be tunnel digging til you die... or. Being pushed off this wall..." Quite literatelly sounding as she looked to him with a side glance. "This is your day to show me you were worth it~ being brought here.. and why I shouldn't kill you right now." Mostly for the hatred she saw in hybrids. They were always killed off in her old pack. Serious in all standings.

Masizi signed, a little nervous. He hadn't sung in almost three days. With all the work he had been doing, he was short of breath most of the day. He wondered if he'd be able to sing the same.

Without clearing his throat, he simply looked up to the starlit sky, the moon hanging in the air, seemed so close to the two of them. He closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Your in my arms..." He started softly, "...and all the world is calm. The music playing on, for only two."

He opened his eyes and looked at the moon, singing to her, hoping his voice carried over the plains and to the sky.

"So close together, and when I'm with you, so close, to feeling alive...

A life goes by, romantic dreams must die, so I bid mine goodbye, and never knew...

So close was waiting, waiting here with you, and now forever I know, all that I wanted, to hold you so close."

His mother had taught him the song, and singing it to the moon, reminded him of her.

His answer striked her.. as she nodded to allow him to sing. Bugie had told her taht he did, only to justify him bringing a hybrid in. Bugie wouldn't know the difference anyway. But as she watched the hybrid. He looked up and so did she as he sung.. Examining his voice.. then closing her eyes.. during the pause slitted her eyes.. having her ears back and relaxation was itching over her paws and chest. Sighing.. then slowly did get up on all fours.. flicking her tail just slightly as she let herself be drawn in to the song. Letting him 'prove' himself.

He stood, and walked beside her, sitting closer to the edge of the cliff, his white toes almost dangling over the side.

"So close to reaching that famous happy ending, almost believing that this was not pretend and now your beside me, and look how far we've come

so far we are, so close."He paused again, closing his eyes to think back on the road that lead him here. He had to admit, it wasn't the best way to start out a new life, but he had to continue look on the bright side.

"Oh how could I face the faceless days, if i should lose you now?

"We're so close to reaching that famous happy ending, almost believing this was not pretend, lets go on dreaming for we know we are, so close

"so close, and still

"So far." He let his voice trail off in the night air, holding the last note a little longer than the rest. When he finished, he glanced down and opened his eyes, looking over to her and giving her a sad smile before bowing his head,

"I hope my song pleased you ma'am." His voice was soft, and almost sorrowful.

Her eyes were that of a emptied sadness.. the words.. she could put to herself and another.. that wasn't nanashi. A male that had captured her heart but yet she had never spoke or uttered a word only from when she gave birth to 'his' children. The ones that were SAID to be his.. but regarded as lesser beings. A mistake amongst the pride. Sighing.. after he was done it felt almost.. as if he should be going on. Stars now in teh sky.. she looked up at a glance then looked away. She never believed in those things. Then her face went back to serious but still retained sadness. Nodding softly. "Somewhat." She answered.. very suttle and quieted. "Your voice belongs to me." She said very serious as she looked away from him to look over her pride.. then back to him but this time. Turning to him. "I don't want you singing for anyone else." Her voice deepened just slightly.

He studied her reaction, and noted the slight change in her harsh mood. He couldn't make anything of it though, it passed as soon as he had seen it.

He thought her 'request' was a bit odd. In some ways he hoped he would stay by her side for a long time. He loved singing, and couldn't imagine not being able to for an extended period of time.

"If it please you ma'am." He said and bowed his head, hoping he would still be able to sing when he was along in his 'den'

"...I think you might have just earned yourself a home here." A softness was about that before she looked over her pride.. and put her forelegs at the edge.. so close to falling but she was perfectly poised that she could keep herself from falling just by where her weight was. "I don't want to let others spoil your" She lowered her head to her shoulder blades went up to oberserve everyone.. some she could see within their dens.. sleeping. While she saw cheetahs walking about from a den to another. "Your no longer to be working in the dirt of digust for long periods of time.. and you will be more or less protroling the spring..underground. That's a good place for now.. til I think of something better." A slight chuckle. "Don't you think?" She chirped.. "And if you let another hear your songs...without my permission. You will be handled accordingly." Flicking her tail dangerously. mana knew what it meant.. her tail gave a lot of her emotions away..

Masizi listened to her words intently, this time watching her instead of looking down. The way she moved was different from most, and the way she spoke, he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He tilted his head, "Underground?" He asked before hearing the rest of her words. He nodded, making a mental note to make sure no one was around the spring when he wanted to practice.

"....Yes. Underground." She looked to him with a very serious and strong note. "Only -members- are allowed in it." Her voice calmingly coming back to a normal state. Where her emotions didn't flux inside of her. To sing as much as he could- she was rather proud. "If you were.. not displeasing to look at. You would have been a fine entertainer but I for one wouldn't share you." Nodding as she slowly turned. "I am in need of a slightly different company than my older consorts. Would you mind.~" As though she was giving him a choice, but really. There was no choice to be made. It was either you do as she says... or the worst could happen. Getting up and slowly walking away to walk the thin walls lengths of the pride.. Only cheetahs could probably do this.. but as it wavered and was made smaller.. she didn't realize how much different he really was.. but sure was not expecting to find out.

He nodded as he watched as she gracefully walked along the ledge. Masizi blinked, and slowly followed her, making sure his steps didn't faultier. One misstep and he would tumble down the side of the ledge, and mostly to his death. Or at least break something. (that was nt something he wanted to test)

She walked in line, everystep was perfect and the way she moved was that alluring but unwanting to be around a hybrid. It was neither promoting the decision she made nor did it nay the possiblity thereof. When their was a ridge to move down.. she decided against it.. instead walking still upon the walls.. until the next one some yards down.. "You know.. Mana must have really talked you in.. I thought I was going to have to kill you." She said.. using it as casual conversation. To start a lovely little walk of theirs.. balancing their lives on the line. It was anyone's game really.

"Kill me?" he asked, a slight note of panic in his voice. He stopped for a moment and looked up to her, careful not to loose his balance. He wasn't liking how this conversation was going.

"Well, I'm glad it didn't have to come to that." He said as he slowly started to follow her again. "I'm quite fond of living."

She slightly looked back.. almost swinging in the hips. "Yes. Kill.. Rogues are not suppose to come here too often. Too many of them are the falls of foolish pride leaders after all." Marrily saying this.. yet so full of strength and pride. Her head was kept at level with her body.. not too high enough to keep balanced. She wasn't that pridful."If you were to prove troublesome.. and retorted like you did again.. It would have to be the only choice. I can't let my pride be tainted by rogues that aren't worth a time nor effort.. regardless on how you feel." She looked at the down line near..nearing.. and yet she didn't want to have to go home but knew Nanashi was probably waiting for her. Sighing. "Life is filled with choices you can not change."

Masizi lowered his head and nodded. Oh great... just when he thought things were starting to look up, he had just dug himself deeper into his own grave. "Yes ma'am..." He said softly, regretting his last comment.

Flicking her tail. "Though.. it would have been a shame to waste a voice like yours~" Her voice trailing as she jumped down and skidded towards a lower part where another path led downwards.. She was balanced enough to keep herself from troppling down..Leaving him with that slight compliment. "Come along.. slave. Curfew is long pasted~" Saying so in a motherly voice..

He nodded, and jumped down to the same path before slowly and carefully sliding down the rest of the way, meeting her at the bottom and walking back towards his hole with his head down like before.

Masizi sighed a little, being reminded he was a slave, and still expendable wasn't something he could ever get used to.