
Three years ago, the terror’s that lurk in the darkness, joined in the heart of it all, and together, the Hallows, Shimigami, no bodies, and heartless created a black hole, big enough to engulf all the realms, forcing them into a giant world.

There were many deaths’s that day. The world is still trying to recover, but it is nearly impossible, for at night, the Dark knights, come out to play. We call them, Bill collector's. They create chaos and attack any light soul they can get.

The group in charge of the dark souls is called Eco Eclipse society, E.E.S. for short. They are the Spine that leads to the master mind behind all this. Whoever that may be, has a very hideous heart.

Change has to be made, and fast or the world will eventually turn into literally a ghost town.

So, it’s your choice, be a rebel, or join the Eco eclipse Society.

Over All Idea/Plot~

-This Role play is a collaboration of these animes/games/movies: Kingdom hearts,, Bleach, Death note, Silent hill, Final Fantasy, Code Gease, Pokémon, and Yu-gi-oh.

-The Bad guys from, KH, Bleach, Death Note, SH, have created a black hole and mushed all the the selected subjects above, into one big world.


The environment has six distinct sections, all maintaining a some code and background to the land, also in between the six sections are lands, called neutral lands. They are the more populated area's, as the Six sections are more deserted, and have very little population.

Most of the lands, resemble some what of the ones from the animes/games/movies, along with some edge to them.

The Neutral Lands- They include, Cities, Towns, and Villages, which most of them will resemble, the settings from, Pokemon, Full metal alchemist, and, Naruto. There are, very limited of electronics, meaning, no flying cars, and no high tech stuff. This isn't Dragon Ball Z. O:

The six main lands wont have background until the 'Players, discover them. Until then, they characters will mainly be exploring, tails, forest, deserts, the neutral lands, the towns, cities, villages. Just so that bonds can grow before the story digs deeper and there is some connections to the past.