Name: Naru
Age: 18
Orientation: Straight
Species: Hidden Inu
Other additions to body(piercings, horns, wings, tenticals, etc.): Hidden ears and tail
Seme, Uke, Seke: Seke
Personality: Stubbern, short tempered, shy, rebelious, and smart alic.
Bio (atleast a short one): Naru is a bit on the wild side. She loves to cause trouble. She was from a very high class family, til her parents were killed. She still carried the riches and attended school, but acted as a tomboy. Naru use to fight school bullies. Naru hated to see anyone bullied, and when it was a grade schooler she was extremely pissed. Eventually she began carrying a bat, but one day one of they guys she was beating grabbed her bat and got a good punch on her. After she beat the guy to a bloody pulp for that she began carrying a sword. The principal of the school didn't even try to inforce school rules with her for fear she would hurt him. One day when Naru had her back turn she was strucked, and passed out only to wake up in a slave market.
Other (allergies, dislikes, likes, personal stuff): Despite her complete tomboyish attitude she loves trying on different outfits including dresses. She is completely new to slavery and has yet to be broken, and as some of the guards rumor she is still a virgin, but are not sure if she is or not.
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