That isn't really the title, I haven't come up with one yet. The quote kinda inspired the story.

This story is an HP fanfic, but it's a short story; this is all that there is to it. The story could have worked without the characters of Harry Potter, so if you haven't seen or read HP you'll still like it; but the overall idea of the plot is so much more fun if stuck with characters most people already have a relation to, such as, Harry Potter.

Oh, and though you'll probably figure this out, it's Fifth year, before school starts, and Sakura is my own random made up character; she and Sirius are in love.

Ratings and criticism is good! Tell me how much it sucked! I will be happy!


"Sirius, no. Not this soon!" Sakura half-yelled, determinedly. She stomped to the kitchen and preceeded opening and slamming the cupboards in search for cookes. Fred and George sat at the table, apparently not doing anything. This, in Fred-George language, obviously ment they were up to something.

"What's the matter, Sakura?" Fred asked to distract her as he stuffed something magic/ illegal in his pocket.

"Sirius wants to move up the wedding date to tommorow," she sighed. Sirius followed the girl into the kitchen.

"But Sakura, I-" he started.

"I'm not ready for it!" she shouted, giving up on the cookie search to face him. George licked some crumbs off his fingers.

"We're not getting any younger! I just want the formalities out of the way; with the recent change in events, no one knows anything for certain. Please," he ended gently. Sirius wase defending his opinion, strongfully, persuasively.

"No." Skaura stormed out of the kitchen, into the lving room. Sirius dutifully chased.

The usual manner of chaos in the Black home continued, people fliting from one room to the next, loud explosions from the kitchen, the front door opening and closing repeatedly.

"Sakura, wait," Sirius began, catching her in the center of the living room, to the left of the couch.

He was about to go on when Snape entered the room; he paused, scoffing at their "lover's quarrel," began to walk, stopped, and gave aSirius the evil. Sirius swore he heard the man hiss before slithering back under some rock.

"Listen Sirius," Sakura started, "I just don't want the wedding that soon. There's so much more I want to do, to see, before I'm married."

"Like what? What have you not done yet?" While he doomed to a sort of "house arrest" for the time being, Sakura had already roamed the world, seeing and practically doing everything.

{ooc, side note, whatever. I don't have the sixth book. I forgot the name of the girl who eventually falls in love with Lupin. I used the name Pansy instead, but it's supposed to be the same girl.}

Pansy, Lupin's lover, walked intothe room at that moment. Before the poor woman knew what was going on, she was getting tounged by Sakura.

Sirius stared. What else could he do?

Sakura let go the woman and stared fiercely at Sirius.

"There. That's something I've never done and couldn't have done with wedlock." Back to the kitchen; she left two very confused people standing there.

The boys were not fast enough this time, and Sakura secured a cookie.

"So you'll only be happy if I kiss a man?" Sirius asked, entering the room.

A wicked smirk flashed across her face. "Sure."

Lupin had walked into the kitchen around the word "man." Sirius got a gleam in his eye.

"Remus, my good friend!"

Now poor Lupin simply wanted a drink; he was chugging out of the milk carton when Sirius addressed him.


Sirius went all stiff and business-like. He put his hand on Lupin's shoulder.

"The only way my fiancee' will ever be happy is if we kiss."

The men now had the twin's full attention.

Remus put the carton down, closed the fridge, and loked his best friend straight in the eye.

"The only way?" he inquired, much the way a patient would ask a doctor about a soon-to-be-amputated leg.

"The only way." He confirmed.

Teh men leaned forward awkwardly, not quite knowing how to manuever between each other, much alike a neerdy teen's first kiss. They both scrunched their lips; not to the point where they stuck out, but enough that the two men gave the appearance of 3-year-olds not wanting to eat their mashed peas. The twins stood ready with a camera.

They eventually leaned close enough and touched, unmoving for the length of the flash, and repulsed backwards afterwards, much alike two same-poled magnets.

"There," Sirius said, after a fit of choking, and spitting that both kissers partcipated in. He looked over to Sakura, who was staring at Fred 'n' George glorifying over the golden picture they had obtained.

"Didja see?" he asked.

Sakura flicked her eyes over at him. "Yes."

"And?" Both men awaited an answer.

Sakura flicked her eyes back to the twins. "I want tounge."


Lupin quickly exited the room.

"There's no one in this house you'd kiss, save Lupin, and he obviously would rather die." She turned to leave. Sirius caught her just before the doorway.

"I will pick who I want whenever I want."

"Then why not the next man who walks through the door?"



Minutes ticked by. The twins resumed their exploits on random object found. The lovers stared icily at each other.

Snape strod into the kitchen, searching for the object that was now in Fred's pocket. Sakura put her arm out, stopping Snape from passing her. He was stuck directly between the two.

"Do it," she said icily.

Sirius stared at her, hating this moment in time. Snape looked between the two of them, angered and confused.

Sakura put her arm down.

"I knew it."

Snape paused before walking. Sirius took the oppertunity. In one swift motion Sirius stepped close, dipped Snape, and before the Slythrin knew what was going on, leaned his face in and slipped Severus the tounge.

Snape had no idea what was going on. Sirius got some exploration done before Severus threw him off. He almost got a Crucio off before Sakura kissed him. Unlike Sirius, this kisser calmed him.

Sakura turned to her husband to be.

"Are you satisfied now?" Sirius asked.
