Last update 08-09-10 by Felyn; Created
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This forum is for individuals to post their journals. There is no specific template or outline that journals must follow and anything can be kept in them, including but not limited to: SoA images, SoA history, roleplays, artwork, family trees, etc. In general, people should create only one thread to keep all of their SoA and information in. However, we are aware that some people like to create journals for other purposes - as long they fall into the 'journal keeping' realm and are related specifically to SoA, we will allow it in this forum. Journals should NOT be about anything other than SoA-related things.

A few things you should not be doing in this forum (and things that might make us move and/or delete your thread) are: roleplaying, making plot recruitment threads, or posting quests. There are specific forums for all of these and they do not belong here.

Do not direct link any images from the colorist's threads to use in this forum.

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