Asalam Alaykum! biggrin Heya everybody!!

I'll be going to Germany for 3 days, and this means that " Cold Fairy Cat " will be leading the guild for a while, and make sure everything goes alright.

But well, finally it's ramadhan !! =D Heheh!!! wink
A lot of people donated zakaat, and we earned enough gold to buy some great items for the guild event!!! whee

I am extremely happy to announce the ramadhan event 2010 xd

In this game the rules are very simple. Inside this ramadhan, I will lock this topic randomly, and the last 6 people who posted in the topic, will win these exclusive items!! biggrin

- Rewards -

1st: Fausto's Bottle 2nd gen - 80k
2cd: The Cosmos 50k
3rd: Freki the Red Wolf - 35k
4th: Foot Soldier's Blade - 30k
5th: Doves - 5k
6th: Sharktooth knive - 2k

Make sure to post very often! The more often you post, the more chance that you will win!
And don't worry, I'll announce all the winners when the contest is over.

And yeah, remmember to SAVE THIS LINK, so you don't forget it. biggrin

For additional information, go to the TOPIC and read the rules.

GOOD LUCK!!! whee

- from The Muslim Guild Of Gaia! biggrin