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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[ARP] Goats. (Pin x Zenda)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:36 pm
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User ImageZenda, now much incredibly older than the silly little cub she used to be, did not entirely forget or abandon her childhood dreams. She loved to be coddled and fawned over, and all around protected, since as a Duchess she thought it was also her natural right to that as well. Her siblings could disagree or agree with her, but that's how she felt.

She wanted a prince to come sweep her off her feet.

But now that she was older, Zenda realized that the likelihood of that was dwindling down into.. well, pretty much never going to happen. And it wasn't entirely her fault. Wasn't it her parents' fault, because they had not arranged a marriage for her? It wasn't just that she was a simple Duchess, after all. That higher-than-normal status had to count for something. But no, nothing had led up to her achieving her happy ending with a happy mate and a happy family.

Annoyed as these thoughts ran through her head, she kicked a few small pebbles away from her, in a physical vent. That's right, take that, pebbles.

Pindua wasn't so sure how he had ended up here. Really, the east house was a somewhat silly place to end up in. He had been hunting. For a couple days, actually. Hunting a sleeping, so he had never really realized that the highlands were just a little different from the side he'd grown up in, and the scent also subtly stranger. It didn't take long to realize where he was. It just marveled him that he'd managed to get so distracted. He'd gone at least a day outside of his house's boundaries and not noticed it. He was glad he hadn't ran into the emperor--er, former emperor. or Even the current empress. Or in the North house, the greatly respected (and envied) them, but he feared getting in too much trouble.

He heard what he thought might be another lion, and hurried along, to avoid it, looking back... and tripping and falling on the account of what had actually been a goat.

See, the bad part of tripping in the highlands was you were never sure where you would end up. But he was thankful that at the end of the tumble, he didn't fall from too high a ledge, and wasn't even hurt!

...Sadly, now he was looking at what he was pretty sure was a noble of the East House. He hurried onto his feet, looking as composed as he possibly could, but too dumbfound to say a thing.

Zenda heard something not too far off; it sounded like someone had a bad fall. Curious as to who it was and why they had tripped, she padded towards where the sound had come from. It was then she realized that it was a lion, looking straight at her, and she froze.

He looked..sheepish, so she assumed that he was the one who had fallen and made the loud noise.

"Are you alright?" she ventured kindly. If it had been him, then she showed concern. If it hadn't been him, she still showed concern. It was a fine response, if she did say so herself.

As she got close, Pin got a little more nervous. Because now he was really sure this was a noble he was talking to. And what a bad way to be caught, too! He was just about to start sputtering and apologizing for his trespassing when she... asked about his fall.

"Oh. Oh! I mean, I'm fine, thank you, milady! " Oh, great, and he didn't even remember her name. Rule number one, Pin, remember the royals' names!

Zenda eyed him and wondered if he was just acting polite because she had caught him in an embarrassing situation. Granted, if it had been her, she would have snapped his head off. But he seemed sincere..enough.

She nodded at him, then. "Good, I'm glad. It didn't sound like too much of a nasty fall, but you never know around here. These ledges are sly devils."

He nodded, eagerly agreeing with what she said. "Yes, they really can be!" He remembered once, a younger him had hurt his paw and had to limp around for a week! He'd been worried it would hinder his dreams of being a royal guard.

"Is there anything I can do for you? " Pin offered lightly, wondering if he could at least be useful. But he probably shouldn't hang around too long, maybe she wouldn't like discovering he wasn't in her house.

She couldn't help but crack a small, lopsided smile at his eagerness and antics. Was he for real?

"Thank you, but no. What's your name?" An instant after she said that, Zenda had an idea. It had been a while since she was fawned over, so perhaps this might not work as exactly as she planned, but it was worth a try.

"Actually, there is one small favor I have to ask, if you have the time to help me out. My mother is terribly sick with a cough," Lie number one, "and I know there's a plant by the name of Egolui." Number two. "It's supposed to help with her sickness, a healer told me. And being the dutiful daughter that I am, I decided to help. The trouble is...I can't find it anywhere!" And three. She was scarily good at this.

Once she mentioned having something he could do for her, Pin listened eagerly. If he weren't so worried about being caught, he might have noticed something was fishy. Why hadn't he heard of the lady of the east getting sick, for example? And Egolui, really? And, he also knew royals tended to be a little quirky.

... But, this wasn't the case. He hung on her every word. "Egolui? What is it...supposed to look like? " Not that it mattered, anyways. Even if he had known she were playing him, if a noble wanted to mess with you, you pretty much should just let them.

"Well, supposedly it's a pretty small herb. It's...like the shape of a fern leaf, or like this." She pulled up a piece of ordinary long grass from nearby. "It's long and skinny, but not nearly as tall as this. Probably about..this big, really." She placed the piece of grass on the ground and held a paw against it, marking it so that the piece of herb they were looking for would equal to about a fourth of the height of this piece of regular grass.

"It's green, obviously, and the healer said it supposedly grows near rocks very well. Which doesn't help me either, since there are so many here!" She almost wailed at her fake dilemma. The power she had over this lion was incredible: exhilarating but terrifying, since he had made it so easy for her to convince him that she was telling the truth.

Pin was beginning to relax a little, which made it possible for him to be slightly suspicious about being played. Simply because, from what she was describing, it seemed like... well, a shorter piece of grass. But he shook it off. If this were someone less important, he'd probably say something. But as it was...

"Okay... " He nodded, pondering. Well, he might as well look in... dark, humid areas. But he wasn't too fond of the task given to him; Pin had raised himself to be a guard! Not a look-for-this-plant guy. "I suppose I could look around, miss. But I'm not sure how much help I can be. I can't even tell an umbrella tree from an acacia! " He could, really. But this was his version of an excuse.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll help me find it in no time!" She smiled easily, seemingly putting her faith in him with that one trusting grin. Really, either she would find it first, or he would find something that should look like it, and she would call the search off and everything would be fine again. Hopefully.

"Well, I've already looked over here," she nodded towards the area she had just come from, "so starting over here would be the best thing, I think." She nodded to herself and smiled again.

Pin shrugged slightly, not too confident in his imaginary-plant finding skills. "Okay, I hope we find it soon. Can't keep the Lady waiting. " He nodded, keeping on his happy-eager to help attitude. Mostly. It would have been more excited if she needed to beat someone up.

"Over here? Okay! " He walked over to the indicated spot and plopped down, staring intently at the grass there. This could be considered looking for herbs, right?

She nodded, but he had already turned away to sift through the grass for the fake miracle plant. "So, what's your name and position in Tianxia?" She didn't want to say 'rank,' because it sounded a little too snobby of her, even if he was acting like she was the lady--which she was, of course. That definitely did not change anything.

She almost felt bad for tricking him into this meaningless task. But Zenda had been bored and aching for some attention, and even though this gave her minimal coddling, it was still something.

"Hm, nothing over here," she murmured to herself as she pretended to look through one section of grass near a few rocks, and then moved on to another.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:38 pm
User ImagePin kept staring at the plants, occasionally shifting and making an effort so his eyes didn't glaze over. He saw a few short strands of grass, and was tempted to offer them to her, but, at the same time, that'd mean he had lost. Because if she really was just playing him, she'd know it wasn't a real herb and think he had just believed her!

"Oh, I'm a guard. " He paused. "My name is Ping. " He didn't offer his rogue name, since it seemed unimportant within the pride. He happily forgot to mention that he was actually not from the east house. "Do you see any.. what's it called again? Egolui? "

"Ping. A pleasure to meet you," she replied with a grin, "and yes, it's Egolui. I'm Yao Niang." If he gave his pride name, then so would she. "Nope, no Egolui over here."

She shifted a few spots and continued looking over near some other rocks. "So what are you doing over here, besides discovering hidden ledges with all these cursed rocks we have?"

Oh, he'd gottens ome useful information! Yao Niang. He nodded, because it was probably a name he should know (but really didn't). But, should he want to not offend her, he'd pretend he knew. Royals liked recognition, right? And he sighed at the lack of 'egolui'. It would have been good to find it somewhere else. "I don't think there's any right here, maybe we should look somewhere else. Does it smell different? "

He blinked at her next question. Uugh, he couldn't lie to her. "Oh, just hunting. The goat kind of lead me off. " Not exactly a lie!

She cocked her head to one side. "I'm not sure if it smells different. But sure, let's move to a different spot and see if we can't find it soon. If not, then I'll have to come back tomorrow, but at least I could get this area out of the way so I don't come back and do it again. That would be a big waste of time," she rambled a bit.

"I see. Well, hopefully next time the goat won't do that to you," Zenda gave a small chuckle. She moved onward to a new spot, just as he had suggested, and began to look anew.

Pin nodded, and walked a ways away to a different spot, so they could resume what they had been doing earlier. Sitting and staring at grass. He was wondering if he'd notice it grow before his eyes. "Yeah, that makes sense. We're bound to find it soon. " He said, feigning some semblance of hope, but Pin was growing quickly bored with this charade. Come on, couldn't she have at least pretend to be a damsel in distress?

Little did he know, they might actually be in some kind of distress. There was something curious about preybeast. As predators, most of the time lions didn't really think of them as rational beings. It had never occurred to him that sometime, one particular beast would be in a very, very bad mood. And then someone would try to hunt it, and make things worse. So, as it was, sitting her and staring at rocks, he was rather oblivious to a goat peering down at them from a ways above. This was not a happy goat.

"Any luck?"

Like her companion, Zenda was utterly oblivious to the pressing danger lurking above them. An unhappy goat did not bode well for she and Ping, especially because the lion had picked that particular goat to hunt after.

And now the goat was plotting its revenge.

"Nope, not here." She sighed, wondering if she might as well give up the charade while she still had a chance at least of retaining some decency. She wanted to be recognized as a noble with power, but knew how some abused that power. It was a thin line to walk across, and she probably crossed it with this encounter. She didn't think anything when a few pebbles clattered down to the side; Zenda just glanced at it and blamed a small breeze that had passed by.

If only she had looked up, to the real problem at hand.

Pin frowned, and sighed. He was miserable here. This had to end. "Look, " He frowned, considering what could happen. He didn't think it would be anything -horrible-. "I shouldn't be here, I'm from the west house. " He admitted. "So, I should probably-- " He flicked an ear. Something wasn't right. He glanced around, but failed to find the source of the problem.

Somewhere nearby, the goat had was ready. It glanced out at the lions, they seemed to be in the right position. It flicked it's tail and nodded a couple of others. Time to do something about these lions.

Pin waited suspiciously, and then finally, the sound of pebbled crackling rolling down from uphill somewhere caught his attention.
When he looked up, though, he saw things that weren't quite pebbles.

... Was that a goat behind them? "Get down! " He yelped, and not waiting for her permission, dove, effectively shoving the female against the walls or the ledge, doing his best to block her as several largeish rocks rolled down and shot past them. They would have hit them a few moments ago. For a while, Pin didn't say anything, merely stared at the stony wall, still blocking Zenda.

".... Uh, are you okay? " What the heck had just happened?

When he first began to talk, and she heard the mention of the West house, she was indignant. What in the world was he doing over here, then?

"You mean to tell me that you were hunting on our East house lands? How da--" she was promptly interrupted by his sudden shove against her. She hadn't even paid much attention to his little movements and when he picked up that there was going to be a rockslide, she hadn't even noticed.

So she was in a bit of daze when she found herself suddenly pushed against the walls of the ledge, between the safety of the rock against her back and the lion she had just met about ten minutes ago, protecting her from a rather good-sized landslide.

Zenda blinked for a few seconds, her eyes glancing from the now-still rocks, which had dust settling from the fall all around them, and then to Ping. "Y-yes, I'm fine. A-are you okay?" He had saved her. He was supposed to, after all, but he had done it without a second thought.

Ping nodded absently, still a bit too surprised to move. Had a goat.. just plotted to kill him? After a few moments, he seemed to realize he still had her pinned, and after a mumbled apology, stepped back. He cautiously peered up over the ledge they'd taken cover under, and stepped back. He watched, dazed, as a goat jumped over him and landed on the rocks. It raised it's head, made something of a 'hmph!' sound... and hopped along it's merry way.

He sat back and stared at her blankly. "Did you just see... what I just saw? "

She had, indeed, seen what he had seen. Some crazy goat had just hopped down from the rockslide they had nearly escaped and had...'humph'd!' at them. Was it...had that goat caused the landslide?

Zenda, however, merely nodded and managed to glare after the goat as it hopped away.

"That goat...just tried to flatten us. I hate goats."

Pin nodded, looking in the direction the goat had vanished, before down at the floor. "I do, too. " He was still a little dazed, but quietly reminded himself of something. He had told her and she.. hadn't seemed happy. "Oh, look. " He pointed at the floor. "Egolui. Okay, you don't need me anymore! I've got to go now."

Yes, make a nice retreat. "It was an honor meeting you, milady! " He stammered, backing away quickly, both to be able to escape effectively, and because there were goats trying to kill him. "Good bye! And, uh. Take care! " Now, time for the heroic retreat!

She glanced down towards where he pointed and was surprised to see that there was a plant that looked exactly how she had described Egolui. It was just a young sproutling of a regular blade of grass, but it was the right height and width to pass for her made up plant.

Surprised, and still a good bit shocked from the whole seconds-long escapade that had just happened, Zenda watched him hastily retreat. "Goodbye, guard Ping," she called out to him, and then shook her head. Once he was gone, she glanced back at the grass and smiled. She turned around and headed back home, pushing her confused thoughts out of her head until later.


[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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