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Well, hello there, my adoring fans! It's time for a little update! I'm going to be keeping track of who needs to be posting now. I know! It's a BIG job! But that's why they called in the big guns! Me! Clutch the Hedgehog, of course!
So, here's how this is gonna work.
First off, will be the name of the character, followed by the character's owner, then the date that that character was added to the list, then the name(s), if any, of the character(s) who are waiting on them to reply. Sound good? Of course it does! I thought it up!
So, I've gone over the last posts, and looked a bit further back as well, and here's who needs to post...

The Darkroot Chronicles

Ronin/Shane/militant NPC's (Sheraedan/Jade Ralden/Clutch 45) [9/1/11] - are being waited on by - Nan Shala/MyOnlineUsername

Charlie Taft (Clutch 45) [5/20/11] - is being waited on by - Caden Lagarto

John Kenderson (Clutch45) [8/19/10] - is being waited on by -

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