Fighter:Charge: 5MP; this basic Fighter magic doubles the attacking power of the user.
Sharpen: 7MP; this amateur Fighter magic can enhance a weapon to cause its target to bleed.
Element Sting: 9MP; this novice Fighter magic adds elemental prowess to targeted weapon.
Cut: 10MP; this expert Fighter magic ensures continued, elemental damage from Elemental Sting.
Harsh Strike: 12MP; this master Fighter magic strikes a blow so fierce the target is paralyzed and frightened.
Warrior:Coil: 10MP; this basic Warrior magic doubles defense and resistance but halves strength and spirit.
Attune: 15MP; this amateur Warrior magic changes a targets attribute.
Blast: 20MP; this novice Warrior magic sends a wave of elemental prowess from the edge of the weapon.
Aura: 18MP; this expert Warrior magic puts up an aura that delivers fear into any stricken target.
Spill: 25MP; this master Warrior magic causes any elemental strike to spill over to anybody nearby a target.
Archer:Strike: 5MP; this basic Archer magic double the accuracy of the user.
Element Arrow: 7MP; this amateur Archer magic adds elemental prowess to the arrow head.
Explosive: 9MP; this novice Archer magic causes splash damage from arrow shots after Element Arrow has been used.
Break: 11MP; this expert Archer magic causes the arrow to break the equipment carried by the target.
Ailment: 14MP; this master Archer magic enhances arrows with the elemental prowess ailment disposition.
Sniper:Agility: 10MP; this basic Sniper magic doubles the speed of the user.
Blind: 15MP; this amateur Sniper magic always hits and blinds the target but at half damage.
Affliction: 20MP; this novice Sniper Magic always hits and weakens the target but at half damage.
Dilation: 25MP; this expert Sniper Magic always hits and either stops or slows the target but at a quarter damage.
Demise: 30MP; this master Sniper Magic always hits and begins a countdown to the target's death but for almost no damage.
Cleric:Aid: 5MP; this basic Cleric magic recovers 25% of the target's HP.
Free: 7MP; this amateur Cleric magic removes buffs from enemies or debuffs from allies.
Cure: 10MP; this novice Cleric magic removes status problems from the target.
Heal: 15MP; this expert Cleric magic revitalizes 60% of the target's HP.
Divine: 20MP; this master Cleric magic calls down 1/level bolts to strike the enemies for Spiritx1.3 damage and may frighten any hit, hits with elemental prowess.
Priest:Sap: 25MP; this basic Priest magic causes the target to lose 4% health each round and give half the damage to the user as healing.
Nurse: 30MP; this basic Priest magic recovers 50% of all allies health.
Rescind: 40MP; this amateur Priest magic might send the undead back to the grave.
Gateway: 45MP; this amateur Priest magic opens a gate to rain 1/6Levels bolts of elemental prowest on the enemies.
Illusion: 50MP; this amateur Priest magic makes 1/6Levels dopelgangers of each ally that have 1HP, 1STR, and 1SPT.
Vaccine: 45MP; this novice Priest magic removes all status ailments from all allies.
Negate: 45MP; this novice Priest magic removes all status bonuses from all enemies.
Recovery: 60MP; this expert Priest magic revitalizes all of a target's HP.
Scramble: 65MP; this expert Priest magic mixes up a target's HP and MP.
Zone: 60MP; this master Priest magic creates a holy field in which the undead cannot step.
Divulge: 65MP; this master Priest magic strips enemy's MP to revitalize allies' MP.
Mage:Flicker: 5MP; this basic Fire Mage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Flame: 7MP; this amateur Fire Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Flamethrower: 12MP; this novice Fire Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may burn the target.
Fireball: 20MP; this expert Fire Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may burn and frighten the target.
Flame Blast: 30MP; this master Fire Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may burn and frighten or char the target.
Frost: 5MP; this basic Ice magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Sliver: 7MP; this amateur Ice Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Icicle: 12MP; this novice Ice Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may freeze the target.
Icebeam: 20MP; this expert Ice Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may freeze and frighten the target.
Hail: 30MP; this master Ice Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may freeze and frighten or deliver hypothermia to the target.
Splash: 5MP; this basic Water Mage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Bubble: 7MP; this amateur Water Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Burst: 12MP; this novice Water Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may confuse the target.
Aqua Jet: 20MP; this expert Water Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may confuse and frighten the target.
Deluge: 30MP; this master Water Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may confuse and frighten or inundate the target.
Shock: 5MP; this basic Electric Mage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Jolt: 7MP; this amateur Electric Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Thunder: 12MP; this novice Electric Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may paralyze the target.
Thunderbolt: 20MP; this expert Electric Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may paralyze and frighten the target.
Lightning: 30MP; this master Electric Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may paralyze and frighten or electrocute the target.
Rubble: 5MP; this basic Earth Mage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Pebble: 7MP; this amateur Earth Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Stone: 12MP; this novice Earth Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may weaken the target.
Rock: 20MP; this expert Earth Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may weaken and frighten the target.
Boulder: 30MP; this master Earth Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may weaken and frighten or bury the target.
Breeze: 5MP; this basic Wind Mage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Gust: 7MP; this amateur Wind Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Windy: 12MP; this novice Wind Mage magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may slow the target.
Aerial: 20MP; this expert Wind Mage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage and may slow and frighten the target.
Jet: 30MP; this master Wind Mage magic deals Spiritx2.2 damage and may slow and frighten or blow away the target.
Sage:Fire Rage: 45MP; this basic Fire Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Fire Spot: 50MP; this amateur Fire Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it burns all enemies.
Inferno: 65MP; this novice Fire Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may burn the target and Spiritx1.8 to and may frighten any nearby
Flare: 85MP; this expert Fire Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may burn or char the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Comet: 100MP; this master Fire Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or char the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or char any nearby.
Ice Rage: 45MP; this basic Ice Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Ice Spot: 50MP; this amateur Ice Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it freezes all enemies.
Drift: 65MP; this novice Ice Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may freeze the target and Spiritx1.8 to and may frighten any nearby
Blizzard: 85MP; this expert Ice Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may freeze or hypothermia the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Glacier: 100MP; this master Ice Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or hypothermia the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or hypothermia any nearby.
Water Rage: 45MP; this basic Water Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Water Spot: 50MP; this amateur Water Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it confuses all enemies.
Reservoir: 65MP; this novice Water Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may confuse the target and Spiritx1.8 to and may frighten any nearby
Surf: 85MP; this expert Water Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may confuse or inundate the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Ocean: 100MP; this master Water Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or inundate the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or inundate any nearby.
Electric Rage: 45MP; this basic Electric Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Electric Spot: 50MP; this amateur Electric Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it paralyzes all enemies.
Bolt: 65MP; this novice Electric Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may paralyze the target and Spiritx1.8 to and my frighten any nearby
Flash: 85MP; this expert Electric Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may paralyze or electrocute the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Electrocution: 100MP; this master Electric Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or electrocute the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or electrocute any nearby.
Earth Rage: 45MP; this basic Earth Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Earth Spot: 50MP; this amateur Earth Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it weakens all enemies.
Tremor: 65MP; this novice Earth Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may weaken the target and Spiritx1.8 to and my frighten any nearby
Craig: 85MP; this expert Earth Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may weaken or bury the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Quake: 100MP; this master Earth Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or bury the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or bury any nearby.
Wind Rage: 45MP; this basic Wind Sage magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to the target and Spiritx1.3 to any nearby.
Wind Spot: 50MP; this amateur Wind Sage magic may only deal Spiritx0.4 damage but it slows all enemies.
Draft: 65MP; this novice Wind Sage magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to and may slow the target and Spiritx1.8 to and my frighten any nearby
Tempest: 85MP; this expert Wind Sage magic deals Spiritx2.5 damage and may slow or blow away the target and deals Spiritx2.0 to and may frighten any nearby.
Tornado: 100MP; this master Wind Sage magic may deal Spiritx2.5 damage to or blow away the target and may deal Spiritx2.0 damage to or blow away any nearby.
All:Center: 5MP; this basic Holy magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Call: 7MP; this amateur Holy magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Justice: 12MP; this novice Holy magic retaliates damage done.
Transcend: 15MP; this expert Holy magic deals Spiritx1.3 damage to a target while healing damage done to the target.
Divine Wrath: 25MP, continuous; this master Holy magic calls down 1/level bolt at a rate of once per caster's attack where each bolt drains 5% enemy HP or heals 7% ally HP.
Pain: 5MP; this basic Evil magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Hurt: 7MP; this amateur Evil magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Harm: 10MP; this novice Evil magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage and may poison the target.
Revenge: 15MP; this expert Evil magic retaliates damage done and poisons.
Evil Hand: 20MP; this master Evil magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage, poisons, and frightens the target.
Non: 5MP; this basic Void magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
None: 7MP; this amateur Void magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Nonentity: 10MP; this novice Void magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage and may blind the target.
Zero: 15MP; this expert Void magic blinds and may stop the target.
Singular: 20MP; this master Void magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage, blinds, and stops the target.
Chop: 5MP; this basic Physical magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage to target.
Chomp: 7MP; this amateur Physical magic deals Spiritx1.8 damage to the target.
Boot: 10MP; this novice Physical magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to the target.
Smash: 15MP; this expert Physical magic buries and may deal Spiritx1.1 damage to the target.
Cruel Laughter: 18MP; this master Physical magic buries and frightens the target.
Scale: 10MP; this basic Dragon magic doubles Resistance for short period of time.
Claw: 7MP; this amateur Dragon magic deals Spiritx2.0 damage to the target.
Rage: 12MP; this novice Dragon magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage and may make a critical strike, paralyze, or frighten the target.
Tail Whip: 15MP; this expert Dragon magic deals Spiritx1.5 damage, paralyzes, frightens and may weaken the target.Dragon Fire: 25MP; this master Dragon magic may deal Spiritx1.8 damage or incinerate the target.
Fighter:First Aid: 2SP; this basic Fighter ability allows the individual to heal himself 10% HP.
Tackle: 3SP; this amateur Fighter ability allows the individual to knock a target off balance along with small damage.
Bash: 4SP; this novice Fighter ability throws the whole weight of the individual into a target to paralyze along with minor damage.
Sweep: 4SP; this expert Fighter ability sweeps the target's feet and may blind.
Harsh Blow: 5SP; this master Fighter ability may deliver a bone-crushing blow.
WarriorField Treatment: 4SP; this basic Warrior ability allows the individual to heal himself and any surrounding by 20%
Rolling Strike: 5SP; this amateur Fighter ability allows the individual to roll around a target for greater damage.
Pummel: 5SP; this novice Fighter ability allows the individual to strike with the butt end of a weapon to frighten and paralyze.
Open Stance: 6SP; this expert Fighter ability has the individual appear open to attack only to counter for double damage and cause fright.
Stricken: 10SP; this master Fighter ability forces an target in close for a vital blow the halves defense and resistance.
Archer:Quick: 2SP; this basic Archer ability allows the individual to skillfully dodge the next attack.
Sharp: 3SP; this amateur Archer ability ensure the next shot can't miss.
Pulverize: 4SP; this novice Archer ability pulls the string taut to allow for a massively powerful if inaccurate strike.
Sprint: 4SP; this expert Archer ability quickly finds any high ground to maximize range and power.
Marksman: 5SP; this master Archer ability ensures no target is safe.
Sniper:Eagle Eyes: 4SP; this basic Sniper ability ensures the user always hits when at a high vantage point.
Restrained Blow: 5SP; this amateur Sniper ability ensures the next shot will deal minimum damage.
Vital Shot: 5SP; this novice Sniper ability ensures the user's unaltered strength is used against a target as if it had 0DEF.
Hidden: 6SP; this expert Sniper ability ensures the user is out of sight until it is too late.
Impossible Shot: 10SP; this master Sniper ability makes even the impossible shot possible.
Cleric:Pray: 2SP; this basic Cleric ability grants double attack and defense power to all allies as long as individual isn't hit or doesn't move.
Blessed: 3SP; this amateur Cleric ability centers a healing reservoir of healing.
Miracle: 4SP; this novice Cleric ability allows for an extremely small chance to revive.
Grave: 4SP; this expert Cleric ability may send a target to an early demise.
Revive: 5SP; this master Cleric ability revives and restores 50% HP and MP.
Priest:Sanctuary: 4SP; this basic Priest ability makes it impossible for enemies to attack until an ally strikes.
Inner Sanctum: 5SP; this amateur Priest ability restores all HP, MP, SP, and TP while within Sanctuary.
Return: 5SP; this novice Priest ability revives fallen allies while within Sanctuary.
Blessed: 6SP; this expert Priest ability blesses a target or removes a curse.
Cursed: 10SP; this master Priest ability curses a target or removes a blessing.
Mage:Concentrate: 2SP; this basic Mage ability doubles the power of the next spell cast.
Skill UP: 3SP; this amateur Mage ability increases all stats of a target by 25%.
Skill DOWN: 4SP; this novice Mage ability decreases all stats of a target by 25%
Silence: 4SP; this expert Mage ability silences a target so no more spells can be cast.
Ability Proof: 5SP; this master Mage ability ensures a target cannot receive any status ailment.
SageSight Unseeing: 4SP; this basic Sage ability reveals all elemental prowesses.
Mark: 5SP; this amateur Sage ability ensures spells won't hit allies accidentally.
Recuperate: 5SP; this novice Sage ability slowly regenerates MP.
Critical Cast: 6SP; this expert Sage ability allows for the next spell to be cast with a chance for critical.
Dual Cast: 10SP; this master Sage ability allows for the casting of two spells at once; does not combine with Critical Cast or Concentrate.
Cross:Keyline: 1TP; Cross' basic technique allows him to strike several consecutive blows at 3/4 his attacking power. Works great with Charge.
Concussion Blow: 2TP; Cross aims for a specific body part to deal extra damage and try to break the limb. A head shot causes senseless.
Zeke:Cook: 1TP; Zeke can create dishes from parts of food that have more HP/MP restoration than the ingredients themselves.
Season: 1TP; Zeke can season his dishes and it increases the HP/MP restoration of the meal.
Benjamin:Herbology: 1TP; Ben can identify the usefulness of nearly any plant, root, herb, bark, et cetera he comes across.
Ointment: 2TP; Ben can create a soothing ointment out of anything he's identified beforehand.
Violette:Lullaby: 1TP; a light melody that has a 50% chance to put enemies to sleep.