"Oi, Suzy!"

- MacMillan (CoD:MW)

Ahh, MW2! Such an amazing game! I find it more creative with the titles, emblems, characters, map designs, Spec-Ops and killstreak rewards! I actually thought it would be the same as Modern Warfare to be honest >.> UAV, Airstrike, Helicopter... haha. I never knew stealth bombers existed until now! They're so big and bulky but they can't be detected! I think they look kind of funny too =P

Spoiler alert! Read at your own risk... unless you want to know what happens ;D

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Hmm, anyways~ We finally got to see Soap's face! Him and his crazy mohawk! LOL. I thought he'd have those original arm haircuts with brown hair and green eyes. I don't know how I came up with that but I did! XD Soap is one of my favourite characters along with Ghost, Roach and John Price. I still feel bad about the lost of Ghost and Roach... damn you, Shepherd!!! You and your betrayal thoughts! Arggg. I'm glad that Soap was a badass to take the knife and threw it in his eye! Revenge is sweet... well at least to Shepherd it is XD

Ohmigosh! In Endgame (the last mission before you kill Shepherd) when you're on a boat with Price was kind of intense since I went camping and saw a place like it in Ontario... Anyways~ when Price tells you to "Back up!!!" or something similar, I actually backed up and stayed on top of the waterfall somehow. Hey, I did what I was told! Later, it blurred and said "Shepherd Got Away!" -__- *smacks head* Oh, okay. I'll fall down then! XD

So this is my all time favourite game since I play it the most with my friends and online with random people! Special Ops is pretty fun as well. I got all stars in Special Ops and a platinum (yes, I have a PS3) for getting all trophies XP I HATE SNATCH AND GRAB! I hate the music they play when a juggernaut is near... it's kind of scary O.O

So! For a reply I want you to answer some questions! haha. I want to know what you guys think about the game and you can add on some random stuff if you like of course (PSN/ Gamertag, Online Rank, etc.). =D

P.S.I hate it when you respawn near an enemy (and they kill you) or near a grenade! DX

1. Who is/are your favourite character(s)?
2. Which is your favourite Special Ops mission to do?
3. What are your 3 killstreaks that you mainly put on? and what is your KDR?
4. Say one thing you want Ramirez do for you. XD

My answers!
1. Soap, Ghost, Roach and Price.
2. Wreckage and Homeland Security
3. Predator Missile, Harrier Airstrike, Pavelow/ Chopper Gunner or AC130.
K/DR is 1.05 XP
4. I'd tell him to hit Sgt. Foley for saying "Aim down your sight" too many times XD

My PSN is SlickFish23. Tell me that you're from Reality: It's All Around Us! and we can play =D