When he took up his few steps.. Nyoka was standing very readily.. starring out in to the mafia lands she acquired. She looked to the side and gave a nod of acknowledgement to his bow. Surely it would have been a harsher tone if she didn't have her head leveled. He was hers and she saw that even if she yelled at him. Preferring to keep in quiet tone.. but that happened a bit to late on her standards. Regardless. The deed he would be performing, an execution would be her delight but. She had many other things to do. Giving a stern look in to her den.

She had to get rid of the garbage she had acquired from pushing out .. disgusting hybirds. When Mana explained it very very clearly of what hybrids were.. when they drew in that hybrid slave. She considered her offspring dirt. Probably even worse than that. It happened to be the worst mistake and she ailed inwardly over it every time she looked at them. Though, when she looked at Vailea and Tsura.. she couldn't help but want to coil around them and stay by them but maybe it was their direct blood connection to the leopard that had stolen her heart and left.

She sneered for a split second before letting Mana off.. looking up as he made his way off to where-ever he had placed this female. She hated. The best way to put it was her hatred to females in a general... Only very few had their way to bypass her inward hating of females. Like. Mani. Or- Dysi's offspring. Looking- and taking in her breath of the fresh air before turning around and going deep within her den where she met up with the most particularly oddest company that others rarely saw her with.

Bugie. Someone she knew she could trust to do a dirty job without anyone knowing and if they did she could twist it as she could and others wouldn't even hear him out. No..

The slaughtering of her children.

To wipe out the dirty slate she had given birth of.. as if they were never hers. Nanashi would understand.. wouldn't he? She couldn't handle seeing their faces- the faces of her enemy. Linje.

With Mana- she wished him not to have the same fate happen to him and the bloodline she wanted to protect. The mistake happened to her and didn't want the ones whom she held close to follow in the wrong footsteps that she wasn't proud of. Her tail disappearing in to the darkness... she would clean her slate.. even if it had bloody remains.

She thought on these children Mana had- and would make it a point to see whom they were.. and what they could offer.. and she could probably be bitter to know they would surpass her children. But that was what she was trying to prevent. Just kill them.. and start over. Rebirth herself in basking in the ability never wanting to reveal their faces to her new children with Nanashi.

No one would understand the magnitude of what will happen in the events that will follow the birth of the royal children..

- end- ?