I'm hoping to finish my Dream Avatar quest by the end of 2010. I am low on gold, and not many people are grabbing my tank nowadays. So, I'm going to be making some profiles, you can charge whatever you'd like, nothing to outrageous, your offers must be realistic. [Ie, 1k offers will be ignored, and 150k+ will also be declined. Thats way to high for me to charge. But if you say the extra gold is a tip, or donations that is the only way I'll except it! I'll take items off of my wishlist though! <3

No offers plus 100k!! Thats really steep!
Profile auction.

[In no way am I trying to steal this idea off of Es's, if you think I am, please go ahead and delete this thread, I won't mind!]

I'm auctioning off my profiles, too!

What your bidding for:
Custom profiles, with 3+ sections. Since I put profileS, that means I'm making you profiles for life. :]

Example 1Example 2Example 3Example 4Example 5Example 6

Bid increments must be at least a 25k difference from the previous bid! <3

Bidding History:
No past bids! :/

Starting Bid: 25,000 Gold
Highest Bid: N/a
Autobuy: User Image <---- Clicky! <3

All gold earned from my auction/sales will go directly towards my quest/future charity! <3

You can only bid if you have the funds for it, to make sure you do, the highest bidder will have to send a trade with the correct amount of money. If you are outbid, I will cancel the trade, or if I accept your, I will accept the trade!

You can't back out of your bid, as it clearly states in the Art Auctions Forum. :]