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Reply [IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Getting into Trouble (Farih x Njalo)

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:01 am

Trotting lazily through the tall grass, the young antelope-inspired lioness sighed to herself in silent dismay. Though it wasn't like Njalo--a perpetually sunny dispositioned sort of girl--to feel so forlorn, it was difficult to keep her head up with so many irritable eyes burrowing holes in her retreating backside. To be fair and perfectly honest, they were probably right to blame her, even if these such things should have been expected of the dim little lady by now. The vegetation rustling as it brushed against her fur, parting reluctantly to her aimless wandering.

It had been decided by the majority of both light and dark umzingeli that since this incident was the result of Njalo's incompetence, that she would thusly be expected to shoulder the task of rectifying it. And that's what had brought her here, to the outlands of the pride. Sent in search of her agemate Simo and the light-furred girl's rival and constant companion Nikon. A pair that happened to be notorious for always getting themselves into a world full of trouble if left to their own devices. It had been requested of Nja to keep an eye on the mischievous pair for a spell when her lack of attention span had struck once more, allowing the trouble-makers to slink off completely undetected. Hopefully she'd be able to find them quickly, preferably unharmed, and be able to bring them back to their anxiously awaiting mothers, then they would certainly praise her for having done as she was told.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:20 am
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Oh yeah, they went that -a- way.

Hm. She should probably tell someone, but.. nahh. Really it wasn't her problem. Or at least she didn't consider it to be, and so it wasn't. Farih was yet again lazing about a good distance from the heart of the pride lands, where all the others enjoyed gathering for conversation on.. well, she didn't really know what they talked about. Nor did she particularly care. With a huff the lioness rolled over onto her other side to face away from it all. Really, why couldn't she ever find something fun to do around here?

"Lack of friends, maybe," she muttered, and then snorted. "Right."

Farih shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind. If she wanted to relax she needed her head to be completely empty, otherwise she'd start thinking about this, that, and other things and then before she knew it she'd get dragged off on another hunt with... others. Man, she really sucked with company. "Clear head, c'mon.." she said, shutting her eyes tight. "Clear.." a rustle to her left caused the lioness open her eyes, quite obviously annoyed with the sudden interruption. Who the heck wandered this far out except for her anyway?

"Who's there?" she called in the rustle's general direction. "Are you lost or something? The pride's behind you, you know. Just turn around if you're looking for it."

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:23 am
Ahh, maybe if her dismay had lingered a little longer, she might have had an easier time remembering these important tasks that---when forgotten--often cause her so much trouble. That just wasn't Njalo though. Sleek, dark ears piqued at attention to the call of a stranger she hadn't even noticed in the tall grass despite her pale coat. Mood immediately improving as her course veered from the out lands where she had been expected to return in search of the troublesome duo. Smiling cheerfully in greeting the unfamiliar face that lounged so close to the edge of the pride.

Hiya! Hiya! What are you doing all the way out here? Nja wants to knoooow! Did the others scold you too and send you out here as punishment? Her curiosity aided greatly by the owlish gaze and twisting cant of her head. She barely seemed to pay any mind to the snarky comment that was made about which direction the pride lay. Sometimes it wasn't that endlessly cheerful exuberance that rescued her from sorrow, but an attention span that refused to allow her to remember much of anything for long.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:33 am
Farih didn't really know how to respond to such a...cheerful lioness. Most would have been annoyed with her or given a half-witted reply, but this.. this was certainly unexpected. After gathering her thoughts on what to do about this possible nuisance - she didn't much like the chipper sort either - the pale lioness sighed and decided that she could at least entertain a few questions before going off to be on her own again. The idea of having company possibly being "fun" just moments ago was gone entirely.

"If they did," she started to reply. "It wouldn't be much of a punishment." She turned to face the other properly so as not to strain her neck, and got comfortable in her new spot before continuing their little chat.

"So I'm guessing the 'too' means that you were sent out here as punishment?" she asked, her interest slightly piqued. Smirking, she continued. "Why, what did you do?"

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:46 am
Well, now that was an unusual response. Neither directly answering nor directly dismissing Njalo'sasa's question, she appeared slightly confused. Like anything else, it didn't last long, washing away as she observed the pale figure taking a position so as to more easily hold a conversation. Nja realized after a long moment that this girl wasn't as unfamiliar as she first thought, belonging to one of the light Umzingeli within the pride. Being a Busisa herself and of both light and dark coloration, the antelope colored lioness still wasn't terribly certain of her place, despite having grown up knowing nothing more than the bonelands as her home.

Almost as if she'd been invited to sit and chat, Njalo found herself already prepared to settle comfortably near her companion---or at least she would have. If not for the fact that she was very abruptly reminded of the task that had been set before her upon questioning of her purpose being so far from the center of the pride. Reluctantly remaining on all fur paws though she giggled and shook her head. Nuh uh! Nja was already punished for forgetting what she was supposed to remember earlier! Now both Umzingeli has sent Nja on an important quest to find their light and dark daughters that Nja remembered she forgot to remember she was watching!

Pausing briefly, the curious female was seemingly unfazed by the spiraling momentum of her own words. Even if it might not have made sense to the ears of those listening, Njalo was confident of exactly what she said. Voice disrupting the quiet once more as a gaze as brilliant as the sun focused on the lioness she'd stumbled upon.

You still didn't tell Nja why you're so far out here, did you get lost? There was almost a poetic irony that the implicating question that had started their conversation had now been turned around on them.
PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:49 am
It seemed as though the other lioness got a little confused at some point during their conversation, which was a little amusing to Farih. The smirk still sat rather comfortably on her maw as she listened to Nja go on about her what exactly she'd been doing all the way out here, and how it wasn't a "punishment" because she'd already been punished for what she remembered she forgot to remember earlier. Near the end of that sentence Farih got a little lost, but she tried to keep it from showing. The paler lioness furrowed her brows and tried to make sense of it, her focus shifting from Njalo to the small rock just behind her, a little off to the side.

It wasn't until Njalo repeated her question that Farih came back to the conversation, shaking her head a little as she still didn't completely get what exactly it was that the other had said just a little while earlier. "Huh? Lost?" She snorted. "No, of course not. I know the outskirts of the pride better than I know my own sister." She waved her paw a little bit to dismiss the idea before changing the subject.

"Anyway, so you said you were looking for who's daughters?" She seemed to recall seeing two cubs scamper off to who-knows-where just a few minutes before she ran into this lioness. Whether she'd share this bit of information... well, she was still deciding.

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:25 pm
The longer Njalo was able to take in the features and markings of the fair lioness, the more familiar she became. Perhaps not by appearance as much as the reputation that proceeded her. Yea, she was sure of it. This umzingeli was the other daughter of the current light Umama, Fana. Eyes lighting up with recognition as she giggled and blurted intrusively, leaning in towards the other female with the excitement of her realization. Njalo knows you!! You're Umama Fana's antisocial daughter, she always talks about!

Oh... but... Nja wasn't eaves dropping, she only knows cause she was with Nahmba.
There was almost a nervous waver to her voice at the thought of being accused of acting in such a fashion as to be snooping about, listening in on the conversations of others. Flipping between eager and uncertain in the time it took to blink. And then again from uncertain to swooning as the thought of a familiar tiger streaked lioness came up, even if it was by the peculiar busisa's own mention. Nahmba is always so nice to Njalo it makes her happeeee!!

Drifting off into some distant daze of glee at the thought of her close friend, less-than-intelligent round eyes clouded dreamily. A satin purr filling her crescent marked chest. Nahmba really was a lovely creature, despite the ongoing disputes between the light and dark females of the pride, she had chosen to accept Njalo simply as she was. Neither acknowledging her as light or dark or anything so superficial as that. To her, the orphaned Nja was just another kindred soul.

If Farih permitted it, this momentary lapse of coherence would continue to linger until something or someone abruptly jarred the spellbound lioness from her stupor. Company and the current conversation, as much as the topic continually fluctuated, utterly forgotten.
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 5:59 am
Farih wasn't all that surprised that Nja managed to put two and two together, and even less surprised that it took her as long as it did. She really didn't look too much like her mother. Sure, they shared some markings, but she was much lighter in color by comparison. The way Nja had leaned in to announce what she just figured out kind of made her uncomfortable, and soon afterwards her interest in their conversation kind of lessened. Farih had never been a big fan of her family, though in all honesty she didn't know the exact reason why. Somehow it didn't seem as though her family disliked her at all, but something about them just... bothered her. She lingered on these thoughts for a while as Nja went on about eves dropping about so-and-so when she was with so-and-so. Her mind had gone completely elsewhere for a time, until Nja's overly excited 'happeeeeee!!' brought her back to the present.

The lioness blinked at the other curiously, her mind quickly catching up to where their conversation had left off. When she was completely caught up, she raised a brow at the sight of her current company. Farih tilted her head and stared straight at the dazed, and what she thought to be a rather dumb, expression on Nja's face. She left the lioness to her own thoughts, if she was having any at all, for a while. Farih closed her eyes and pretended that Nja wasn't there, and she was still bored and alone out along the borders of the pride.

It was only a minute or so actually, until she opened her eyes again. Farih half-expected the other to be back in the real world already, but when she saw that Nja was still in her little daze she poked the other on the nose to get her attention. "Hello in there..."

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:02 pm
Jostled by the poke to her dark nose, Nja blinked owlishly at Farih, having returned to the present time and place and current company. Thank goodness for small favors, right? Granted, looking at it from another view, the buttermilk blond lioness had just missed her chance to escape this rather fruitless conversation as there was certainly no small number of their pride who would have abandoned Njalo to congeal in the disorderly mush of her own thoughts.

Hello! Repeating the greeting cheerily though an obviously clueless stare had already begun to form upon Nja's face. Why was she sitting here with the Umama's daughter? Had they been having a conversation? The questions continued to pile up until the busisa realized that she hadn't the slightest idea what was going on. Giggling sheepishly as she stuck her tongue out and shrunk back between raised shoulders to wiggle in place. Admitting her folly with a mixture of embarrassment and ever abundant good humor. Nja... she forgot what we were talking about.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:19 am
Even after the darker lioness seemed to come back to reality, Farih quirked a brow at the clueless expression that had settled on her face. Really, what could she have been thinking about that pulled her completely out of the present time and in her own little world for as long as it had, and make her forget exactly what was going on. Frowning slightly, Farih let out a small sigh and scooted back a bit to make some distance between them now that Nja's mind had come back to her. ...Mostly.

The energetic greeting was something of a relief, though the sheepish look and the statement that followed elicited an annoyed sort of snort from the cream colored lioness. Really? Farih lifted a paw and pointed with a single toe in the general direction she'd seen the cubs from not too long ago run off to. This was probably her only chance to get rid of her current company, though truth be told she had the opportunity to slip away while Nja had been in la-la land just seconds earlier.

"The cubs you're looking for," she said flatly. "They went that-a-way." She was itching to be alone again, and while Nja was pleasant enough company (albeit absentminded and somewhat annoying in her own right), Farih realized once more why she enjoyed solitude as much as she did. "Best catch them before sundown," the lioness suggested, then stood and stretched out a bit. "Else you'll be in for quite the night."

its_ p a o

Witty Punching Bag

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:56 am
With her tail flipping happily back and forth Njalo watched Farih lift her paw and extend a gesture to the distance horizon naturally causing the golden eyed female to turn her attention in said direction puzzledly. Suddenly reminded of her quest to retrieve the pair that had wandered off--most likely into trouble--on her watch. Aaah! Simo! Nikon! Njalo forgot!

Despite the fact that this was a less than favorable situation, the lioness couldn't help but giggle at her own scatterbrained demeanor. Popping forward she bumped her muzzle against Farih in gratitude and earnest affection briefly. Suddenly twisting on her forehand to leap into a sprint in the direction of her quarry without wasting another moment, heaven forbid she forget what she had wandered to the edge of the pride in the first place for, a second time. Calling out behind her cheerfully, Thanks Farih! Don't worry! Njalo will be sure to find them soon and being them home safe and sound!
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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