A little known game by Capcom coming to PS3 and Wii next month.

To sum it up, take Samurai Warriors and then kick any notion of historical accuracy out the window in favor of Gurren Lagaan levels of crazy awesome starting with Masamune Date septuple wielding longswords while riding a mech-horse with harley davidson handlebars and exhaust pipes and ends with Tadakatsu Honda being a gundam(complete with sound effects and launch sequences) with a drill spear that shoots lightning.

Capcom also seems to have bought up the game and anime voice actor's union for this.

Ieyasu Tokugawa - Liam O'brien
Mitsunari Ishida - Troy Baker
Yukimura Sanada - Johnny Bosch
Masamune Date - Reuben Langdon
Magoichi Saika - Karen Strassman
Oichi - Laura Bailey
Otani Yoshitsugu - Michael Sorich
Kuroda Kanbe - Richard Epcar
Chosokabe Motochika - Patrick Seitz
Mori Motonari - Sam Reigel
Tenkai - Vic Mignogna

Each playable character is also incredibly varied, with some taking after fighting styles from other capcom games such as Devil May Cry and God Hand.