Name: Sydelle Bell Larksong
Nickname: Syd, Delle
Age: 17
Race: siren
Gender: female
Orientation: straight
Bio: In Sydelle's family, only the females were sirens so they were the ones making all the decisions. Not many others agreed with this. Her father was one of the few that did. But when he died of a heart attack, his brother took control and ordered her mother to leave all the decisions to him. When she refused, he tok drastic measures. Needless to say there was a great deal of man power and weaponry involved and every female in the family ended up dead, a slave in her own home, or a slave somewhere else. Since then, Sydelle has drifted from home to home. She became what is known as a "honest" pleasure slave. Meaning her main job was to entertain guests with her musical abilities. Unfortunately, when owners fall on hard times, Sydelle's often the first one gone.
Anything else relevant: She's very quiet, but sees a lot of things. Fortunately, she never tells...well, almost never.
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